User Activity

  • Posted a comment on ticket #8 on Zip-Ada

    To be precise add package Pretty_Printer is for Default_Switches ("Ada") use ( "--indentation=2" ); end Pretty_Printer; to the project files (such as zipada.gpr)

  • Created ticket #9 on Zip-Ada

    Use append over &

  • Created ticket #8 on Zip-Ada

    Pretty Print package not existing

  • Modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion on PNG_IO

    Dear All, PNG_IO is an Ada 2012 library. Ada 2012 supports quantified expressions ( ). Yet for example function Known_Chunk(C : Unsigned_32) return Boolean in is not implemented using quantified expressions. Why not? According to me, such functions would become substantially smaller and more readable using quantified expressions: function Known_Chunk(C...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion on PNG_IO

    Dear All, PNG_IO is an Ada 2012 library. Ada 2012 supports quantified expressions ( Yet for example function Known_Chunk(C : Unsigned_32) return Boolean in is not implemented using quantified expressions. Why not? According to me, such functions would become substantially smaller and more readable using quantified expressions: function Known_Chunk(C...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on PNG_IO

    Dear All, PNG_IO is an Ada 2012 library. Ada 2012 supports quantified expressions ( Yet for example function Known_Chunk(C : Unsigned_32) return Boolean in is not implemented using quantified expressions? According to me, such functions would become substantially smaller and more readable using quantified expressions: function Known_Chunk(C : Unsigned_32)...

  • Created ticket #14 on GNAVI: GNU Ada Visual Interface

    Warnings due to violation of supposed usage of sync-builtin

  • Created ticket #7 on Text.Regex.Lazy

    Solution to regular expression is no longer valid

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Personal Data

2012-02-27 10:35:50


This is a list of open source software projects that Pierre van de Laar is associated with:

  • EsiAisParser Robust Automatic Identification System Parser in Java Last Updated:

Personal Tools