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  • Posted a comment on discussion Elk Users on Elk

    Dear Lars, Thank you very much for your help and sorry for the delay in responding. I will consider both options and see what happens. Elio Federal University of Rondonia Porto Velho Brazil

  • Posted a comment on discussion Elk Users on Elk

    Hello everyone. I am working with a structure with Th and I have realized that there are no "f" orbitals in the corresponding species file. Has anyone changed this file to incorporate the f-orbitals. If yes, is it possible to share? Thanks. Elio

  • Posted a comment on discussion Elk Users on Elk

    Dear all, I have successfully compiled ELK on a Linux cluster by loading the following module: **module load intel/2019.4 and using the following file: MMAKE = make AR=ar SRC_MKL = mkl_stub.f90 SRC_FFT = zfftifc_fftw.f90 cfftifc_fftw.f90 LIB_LIBXC = libxcf90.a libxc.a SRC_LIBXC = libxcf90.f90 libxcifc.f90 SRC_W90S = LIB_W90 = libwannier.a F90 = mpiifort F90_OPTS = -O3 -qopenmp -mkl=parallel -pg -xHost -init=snan,arrays -traceback F90_LIB = -liomp5 -lpthread -lm -ldl SRC_MKL = However, when...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Elk Users on Elk

    Dear all, Sorry for the naive question I am about to ask. i just want to check. Is the radial distance outputted in the RHO1D.OUT and ELF1D.OUT files in Angstroms or Bohrs? Thank you in advamce Elio

  • Posted a comment on discussion Elk Users on Elk

    Dear J. K. Thank you for the clarification. I will test this for some new systems I have and see how it goes. Regards

  • Posted a comment on discussion Elk Users on Elk

    Dear all, I have reproduced the Nesting function of bulk fcc Nb. I have three questions regarding the result produced in the 'NESTING3D.OUT' file. 1) As I gathered, the first three columns are the x, y, and z coordinates of the q-vectors. Are these in crystal coordinates or in terms of 2pi/a, a being the lattice parameter. 2) What are the units of the 4th column. If I am not mstaken, it has to do with the electronic susceptibility. 3) How to interpret the values of N(q). From my humble information,...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Elk Users on Elk

    Dear all, Just to let you know, I managed to compile Elk successfully.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Elk Users on Elk

    Dear all, I am trying to compile the latest versio of the ELK code with following file: MMAKE = make F90 = mpiifort F90_OPTS = -g -O3 -assume byterecl -traceback -qopenmp F77 = mpiifort F77_OPTS =-g -O3 -assume byterecl -traceback -qopenmp LIB_LIBXC = libxcf90.a libxc.a SRC_LIBXC = libxcf90.f90 libxcifc.f90 AR = ar SRC_MKL = mkl_stub.f90 LIB_LPK = lapack.a blas.a LIB_FFT= fftlib.a LIB_W90 = libwannier.a !SRC_FFT= but at the end of the compilation, I am getting the error: /home/users/eamouj78/Softwares/elk-9.2.12/src/gradzf.f90:35:...

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2014-12-09 03:13:22


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