Activity for philip

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Help

    So I looked further in the XML file and think I found the mapping error. Looks like something got crossed in the download or XML extract! How do i correct this?

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Help

    I have a weird mapping situation going on. My usual WMC guide would have 27.4 KRENDT4 and 46.4 BOUNCE. It still shows that but recording and LIVE TV shows the opposite. I set WMC to record BOUNCE movie based on WMC guide and it records programs on KRENDT4. Where is the mapping done and how do I change it? Is it in the Extract parameters? I'm using FP 31. TIA

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Help

    So I was going to do another round of trouble shooting , one by one eliminating probable errors, that include all suspect files inc. ehome and deinstall/reinstall WMC. However, just reverting to an earlier backup brought everything back, inc series recording which hasn't for a while! It seems improbable but the 504 error must have corrupted something! Anyway, happy to have my system back for the holiday season !

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Help

    Still trying to see what's wrong with this. when i do a run epg centre, i get the success message with exit code 0 and load mxf at 100% but the log said "failed to open c:\users\philipt\appdata\local\geekzone\epgcollector\epgcollecotr.ini ?

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Help

    So I uninstalled all EPG collector from C drive, deleted ALL versions of parameters, reinstalled FP31. Still no data in WMC. I am slightly confused, due to my limited knowledge of computer, about EPG collector running at Admin level vs EPG Centre at user level. The provided instructions directed us to install EPG Centre at C\user\level and EPG Collection is automatically there too. So not sure how it can be that EPG Collection can be run at admin level? Anyway, latest log is attached.. Can you see...

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Help

    What is your advice to correct this? Delete everything and start again at user level? I always go in at user level and run everything over the last 2 years.

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Help

    I updated to FP31, created new parameter, ran a new extraction, got a successful WMC export but my guide still no data. Is there something else that needs set up in WMC? I don't recall any !

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Help

    I ran everything at user with admin level, This error started after the 504 issue cleared up. After I ran the zap2it extraction, I saw that the import process didn't start and it has continued even after I added the WMC input back in the existing EPG run or created a new one yesterday.

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Help

    That's why I am thinking that the flag area is corrupted or for some reasons it is not recording the selection. Would reinstall the FP or latest FP give a fresh parameter ?

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Help

    I saw that a while back and added it to the parameters but it seems to be corrupted. I created a second parameter making sure the two flags are set. 1. WMC Input - enabled 2. Automatically map EPG data to channels - selected But it still not loaded. Seems like this flag or area is corrupted. What do I reload to correct? the latest fixpack? Attached is the last run I made after I created the new parameter.

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks very much for that. I have admin right and here's the log file. Hopefully it's the correct one.

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Help

    I wish I could. I searched everywhere in the Geekzone directory but could not find the .log file. I even tried to search epgcollector.log or just .log but it's just beyond my capability as a user. Could you show me a screenshot of where you'd find it on your pc? Thanks a million !

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Help

    Sorry I can see the log file but can't seem to download it. Here's a pic. when I open it, the Save or Save As option is grey out.

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Steve, Thanks for replying. I know you asked me before and I did but I don't remember how to generate a log report. Would you mind give me some instructions on how to do this? Thanks

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Help

    A user in the GreenButtonTV saw the same issue but his batch run completed. Whatever netwok issue there was has resolved and mine now runs successfully BUT the EPG Collector tool doesn't seem to activate the WMC Import Utility LoadMXF from C:\Windows\eHome I checked the parameters and they all seem to be the same. Does anyone have any idea why this happened and how I can correct it? I tried to run the LoadMXF utility manually but it doesn't do anything. Thks

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Help

    So i ran the batch update from another computer on another network/wifi and still get the time-out code! is this now a batch error or a zap2it network issue?

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Help

    Research on line tell me Gateway time-out is related to server connectivity. So i tried the following elimination: 1. Rolled back my system to an earlier time 2. Login to Zap2It from another device, I got the TV line up. 3. Created a new Zap2It profile 4. Run another extraction. Still time out code! So I'm out of idea as to why my extraction from my HTTP is timed out !

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Help

    No one has an idea? I noticed in the last successful batch, there was a change to channel number, 46.3 which is normally Bounce changed to 26.3. This caused WMC to record comedy series instead movies which I manually selected off the guide. Guide was showing movie titles etc but recording was of different programs. Could this have caused the error? Any help or idea to fix this would be appreciated as I have no guide this week for WMC to work. TIA

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Help

    I have been running 4.3FP 23 since April 2020 without an error but starting yesterday, I have the error note above and the script is running in a loop without terminating. I created a new batch file, thinking the old one has corrupted but it still does the same thing. Can you help troubleshoot this? Should I run the latest FP file? Thanks in advance

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Help

    UPDATE - Issue closed. Another user on the WMC forum was having the same problem and we narrowed it down to Zap2IT changing some requirements? However before we could figure out what to do, it seems to be solved and everything works again like it should. Probably an outage?

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Help

    So I tried a number of things: Connect the HTPC directly to the modem, bypassing the router Reconnect the old router Restore my system to an earlier date Still the same error. I just don't understand where this CSRF validation resides? Is it in my HTPC? or the batch file? or something got corrupted in the .bat file? I did create a new batch file with a new ZAP2IT profile but didn't solve the problem. I am using FP23, should I update and start everything fresh with the latest FP? TIA

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Help

    Reading up on this CSRF failure on-line is beyond my understanding. I tried to trouble shoot by creating a new ZAP2IT profile and rerun a new batch file, but still getting same failure, so it is my end. Then I realized I just had a new router installed, could this be the reason?

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Help

    My batch file which has been working since Feb 2020 just returned "invalid CSRF token" and stopped. Can anyone help me understand this or how to solve it? TIA

  • philip philip modified a comment on discussion Help

    i have never been able to schedule the xml batch to run. I can run it manually fine but the scheduler failed with 0x1. Can someone help me understand where it failed? TIA

  • philip philip modified a comment on discussion Help

    i have never been able to schedule the xml batch to run. I can run it manually fine but the scheduler failed with 0x1. Can someone help me understand where it failed? TIA

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Help

    i have never been able to schedule the xml batch to run. I can run it manually fine but the scheduler failed with 0x1. Can someone help me understand where it failed? TIA

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Help

    A question on the Zap2XML. Is there a reason for the 14 days instead of 28 days to get 4 weeks of program instead of 2? TIA

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Help

    I keep Recorded TV in 1TB HD and deleted recordings when done. It has been at 50% usage for a long time and suddenly overnight increased to almost double. I looked up all hidden files and could not see what could have caused this. I'm currently on FP23 since June. Could there be a corrupt hidden file somewhere else? Has anyone experienced this? TIA

  • philip philip modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    These are from a fresh install of EPG Collector and fp20. I got 6 days to Feb 26th.

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    These are from a fresh install of EPG Collector and fp20. I got 6 days to Feb 26th.

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I worked on this over the last few days but it's not solved. Played around with all the possible Processing mode in FP18 and the best I got was another 2 days of guide to Feb 19th. I installed FP20, did the same with all processing mode and the weird thing is that the guide is updated with only new channels that I don't have before. With those new channels, I got the -EPG Collector suffix, but the existing channels with no data show the broadcast names even though the collected data shows 2 full...

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    here is the zip file, hope you can open it. thanks

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    sent through outlookmail, hope it works

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I sent it to your email adddress but Gmail also sent as google drive link. I hope you caan view it Thanks

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I sent it to your email adddress but Gmail also sent as google drive link. I hope you caan view it Thanks

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    the file is 41kb, the forum does not seem to accept it. I will have to zip it or can i send to you via email?

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    []here it is thanks

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    i created new batch file, new epg collector paramaters, ran epg collector again but same error. could it be a date range conflict with the epg guide which has one week data in it?

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    There should only be 1 0f each. Should I replace the zap2it?

  • philip philip modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hi Steve, After the scheduled task didn't do anything, I ran the EPG collector manually and got error code 5. Can you take a look and let me know where it went wrong?

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hi Steve, After the scheduled task didn't do anything, I ran the EPG collector manually and got error code 5. Can you take a look and let me know where it went wrong?

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    That works now! Thank you so much for your patience and generosity for sharing your knowledge.

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hope this is correct. Have to figure out how to unhide these.

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I don't see appdata/local from users/philipt?

  • philip philip modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    So I did another restore, uninstall all EPG software, install the latest download files of EPG Software, FP18, run another collection. The system seems to be working with the guide showing the channels with EPG Collector suffixes but the date range is still Dec 2019 to Jan 10, 2020? Here is a few pics. What can I do to have the current dates for programs?

  • philip philip modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    So I did another restore, uninstall all EPG software, install the latest download files of EPG Software, FP18, run another collection. The system seems to be working with the guide showing the channels with EPG Collector suffixes but the date range is still Dec 2019 to Jan 10, 2020? Here is a few pics. What can I do to have the current dates for programs?

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    So I did another restore, uninstall all EPG software, install the latest download files of EPG Software, FP18, run another collection. The system seems to be working with the guide showing the channels with EPG Collector suffixes but the date range is still Dec 2019 to Jan 10, 2020? Here is a few pics. What can I do to have the current dates for programs?

  • philip philip modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Uninstall EPG Collector and re-run .msi file didn't seem to work as there seems to be a corrupted EPG Collector somewhere. So I restored system to a point where I had some success with fp15, and I saw this message (pic 1921), EPG Version 4.3.194! I did not reinstall EPG Collector Software but using the restored version of EPG Collector, I reloaded FP15, completed an EPG run but collections show only date range Dec 29 2019 to Jan 10 2020? I then loaded FP18 and then saw this? (pic1928) South Korea...

  • philip philip modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Uninstall EPG Collector and re-run .msi file didn't seem to work as there seems to be a corrupted EPG Collector somewhere. So I restored system to a point where I had some success with fp15, and I saw this message (pic 1921), EPG Version 4.3.194! I did not reinstall EPG Collector Software but using the restored version of EPG Collector, I reloaded FP15, completed an EPG run but collections show only date range Dec 29 2019 to Jan 10 2020? I then loaded FP18 and then saw this? (pic1928) South Korea...

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Uninstall EPG Collector and re-run .msi file didn't seem to work as there seems to be a corrupted EPG Collector somewhere. So I restored system to a point where I had some success with fp15, and I saw this message (pic 1921), EPG Version 4.3.194! I did not reinstall EPG Collector Software but using the restored version of EPG Collector, I reloaded FP15, completed an EPG run but collections show only date range Dec 29 2019 to Jan 10 2020? I then loaded FP18 and then saw this? (pic1928) South Korea...

  • philip philip modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Seems like I keep getting .ini file error with fp15 & fp18? History shows that only fp13 ran successfully but did not get any data over to WMC. Can you tell from here what happened?

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Seems like I keep getting .ini file error with fp15 & fp18? History shows that only fp13 ran successfully but did not get any data over to WMC.

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I just found the msi file and installed it. Still a question. After I installed the msi file, I double clicked on EPG Centre, the app opens and show me that it is fsp 0.0 or something like that. Then the instruction tells me to unzip the fixpack, then when that finished, I am faced wiht the same EPG Centre window, which one do I use to create the parameters and run the collector etc?

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Where is the EPG Collector v040300.msi ? When I download and unzip the EPG Collector V040300 Install, I see the same 2 applications called EPG Centre and EPG Collector? I don't see an .msi file?

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Help please! Fixpack 18 shows error "the preset tasks could not be loaded" Fixpack 15 shows an .ini file error, same message I had before. The Fixpack release note said to do this "Ensure that the base software has been installed using the EPG Collector v040300 Install file". I don't see this in your EPG Collector installation guide. What am I missing?

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I cannot see fixpack 15 in the files section anymore? Which one of the current fixpack has the additional imports for US OTA ?

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Help

    So I uninstalled all EPG program, deleted all files and re-download fixpack 15, but still run into the .ini file error when I run the EPG collector. When I try to create a new collection parameter, I get message "the preset task could not be loaded" (pic 1861). When I try to change collection parameter, I get directed to an old EPG collection parameter (pic 1862). Could this be the reason for the .ini error? I could not get to the file location "app data/local/geek zone" in philipt. Can anyone help?...

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Help

    Ran into this problem!

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Help

    Do I install this over the existing or best to uninstall older version first? Then do i have to create new epgcollector.exe? Thanks

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Help

    How can I tell which one is the fixpack 15? They all show EPG Collector V040300 Install.MSI

  • philip philip modified a comment on discussion Help

    I checked my router, there was no static IP address. I uninstalled WMC, deleted the ehome file, reinstalled WMC. No change, WMC still crashed with new recording, old recording plays fine. Attached are my ouput and imports tabs, based on the guidelines from Steve. Below is my xml file, how do I change it to be like Thomas'? cd c:\zap2xml zap2xml -d 14 -F -j -D -I -u

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Help

    I checked my router, there was no static IP address. I uninstalled WMC, deleted the ehome file, reinstalled WMC. No change, WMC still crashed with new recording, old recording plays fine. Attached are my ouput and imports tabs, based on the guidelines from Steve. Below is my xml file, how do I change it to be like Thomas'? cd c:\zap2xml zap2xml -d 14 -F -j -D -I -u

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Help

    No new devices at all. The only change is the epg collector install since ROVI guide stopped. Only new recordings with EPG collector caused the crash. Existing recordings made before EPG collector guide play fine.

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thing is I built the system in 2013, used it with Ceton Infinitiv 4 tuners on Cable network, switched to Hauppage 4 tuners on OTA with Rovi Guide on WMC. Only new recordings on EPG collector guide has this conflict? Previous recordings still play without causing WMC to crash. So there is something in the new recordings that may have an IP embedded somewhere? How do I go about troubleshooting this?

  • philip philip modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Steve, Curiously, new recorded program post EPG collector caused WMC to crash when I press OK or Back on the remote. I took these screenshots. Pre-EPG collector recordings do not cause the crash. Have you seen this at all?

  • philip philip modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Steve, Curiously, new recorded program post EPG collector caused WMC to crash when I press OK or Back on the remote. I took these screenshots. Pre-EPG collector recordings do not cause the crash. Have you seen this at all?

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Steve, Curiously, new recorded program post EPG collector caused WMC to crash when I press OK or Back on the remote. I took these screenshots. Pre-EPG collector recordings do not cause the crash. Have you seen this at all?

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Help

    On Mon, Dec 30, 2019 at 5:41 PM Steve Bickell wrote: This thread better reflects the current state of play for NA users who want to import Zap2it data. Use the last version I posted on that thread. Note that the Import tab has extra options for Zap2it/Schedules Direct imports. Also you should change the setting for Series and Repeats on the Output tab/WMC section to Not Used or the repeat recordings...

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Steve, Everything worked now! Thank you so much for helping! Philip

  • philip philip modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I followed the instructions here and got the extract to work but the guide in WMC is not updated. Can you please take a look and let me know where I may have missed something. The WMC guide is showing the ROVI guide not the EPG collector guide data. Thanks very much for any help.

  • philip philip modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I followed the instructions here and got the extract to work but the guide in WMC is not updated. Can you please take a look and let me know where I may have missed something. The guide is showing the ROVI guide not the EPG collector guide data. Thanks very much for any help.

  • philip philip modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I followed the instructions here and got the extract to work but the guide in WMC is not updated. Can you please take a look and let me know where I may have missed something. The guide is showing the ROVI guide not the EPG collector guide data. Thanks very much for any help.

  • philip philip posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I followed the instructions here and got the extract to work but the guide in WMC is not updated. Can you please take a look and let me know where I may have missed something. The guide is showing the ROVI guide not the EPG collector guide data. Thanks very much for any help.