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  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on IFC for Revit

    Thanks, I sent Angel an message via "Send Message" on his Profile. Hope this was correct. KR Philipp

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on IFC for Revit

    To reproduce this I created a new small project and this error didn't occur. (v.18.4.) On my "bigger" project 3500+ elements it happens. Can I send you an E-Mail with Link for ownCloud? KR Philipp

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on IFC for Revit

    Hello! I am trying to map the attributes to certain PropertySet. e.g.: PropertySet: PropertySet1 I IfcBuildingElement,IfcDistributionElement Name IfcText PropertySet1_Name Exists Boolean PropertySet1_Exists PropertySet: PropertySet2 I IfcBuildingElement,IfcDistributionElement Name IfcText PropertySet2_Name Exists Boolean PropertySet1_Exists Element1: PropertySet1_Name=Wall PropertySet1_Exists=True PropertySet2_Name=Empty or doesn't even exist PropertySet2_Exists=Empty or doesn't even exist (or is...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on IFC for Revit

    Hello! There is this option to "Export Schedulas as property sets" and "Export only schedules containing...". What I did now is create a schedule for each particular element type inside my model (PSet_Wall, Pset_Floor, Pset sidewalk, Pset_etc). These Pset share a lot of the same parameters (like Concrete, Reinforced, etc). After exporting to IFC the case is that all elements get all Pset because they all have almost the same parameters. Is there a way to limit the model elements to only get 1 certain...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on IFC for Revit

    I guess the prooblem here is that you have to write it in a certain way. ClassifcationCode: [Class1]Sublclass1 ClassifcationCode(1): [Class2]Subclass2 If you only use text without [] it overwrites the previous Classification because it uses it as the Main Class. Bad explanation - better see Wawan's Link!

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on IFC for Revit

    I work in a field where ifc and the useable entities (e.g. no road or tunnel entity) are not as provided/developed as we need them. This is why I use this classification system to classify them without needing this e.g. ifcRoad developed. Also our contractor wants us to be far more detailed and has his own system, which he needs for mantainance this is why we want to use Revit/Civil 3D to already pre filter this. e.g.: we have a room1 in a big-room2, in a bigger- room3, in a even bigger

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on IFC for Revit

    Hello again! I don't want to sound too greedy but I actually have the need for more than 10(+1) classificiations. Is there maybe another/additional way to solve this? Kind regards, Philipp

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on IFC for Revit

    Thanks a lot - this was exactly what I needed. This is really great! Kind regards, Philipp

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2018-06-05 08:04:48


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  • C#
  • Lisp

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