Activity for Philippe Condé

  • Philippe Condé Philippe Condé posted a comment on ticket #2950

    Thanks, I changed the level for some individuals and I see that the error is not more present for those individuals. As far as I see the correct entry should be to add a record ASSO in the window "Personal facts and details " and not more at the birth or wedding level. Many thanks for your help.

  • Philippe Condé Philippe Condé created ticket #2950

    Option "Verify gedcom" gives strange errors about relationship (ASSO)

  • Philippe Condé Philippe Condé posted a comment on ticket #2949

    Hello Gerry, Your fix is working. No more error . Many thanks Philippe

  • Philippe Condé Philippe Condé posted a comment on ticket #2949

    Hello: I think that is is not only accented characters My shared note N16 contains "Ce sont des jumeaux" adding a ending point gives the error on save Shared note 13 contains one long line "Ce Mathieu devrait correspondre a celui qui décède en 11 nov 1808 (exactement 81 ans). Cependant un second Mathieu naît le 21 février 1735, ce qui pourrait signifier que celui-ci serait décédé. Il semble étrange cependant qu'il y ait un erreur sur le jour et mois de son anniversaire/naissance" and adding a ending...

  • Philippe Condé Philippe Condé created ticket #2949

    Error when updating shared notes

  • Philippe Condé Philippe Condé posted a comment on ticket #2923

    Hello, I fou d a workaround for the 2 functions giving problem . I attach here the function. Workaround have marking code "PCE" Regards Philippe Condé

  • Philippe Condé Philippe Condé created ticket #2923

    Crash in SVN 7181 by starting phpgedview: function redefinition

  • Philippe Condé Philippe Condé created ticket #2922

    Error in SVN 7181 for research assistant

  • Philippe Condé Philippe Condé posted a comment on ticket #2921

    Hello, In /srv/www/htdocs/gedview/includes/functions/functions_mediadb.php on line 1993 I replaced the Quality parameter (original =90) by 9 and the error doesn't more occur. In the PHP7 manuel it is said that the quality can only have the value 1 to 9 for function imagepng(imagefila, quality) So I think that this was the problem. Probably that the new version of php 7 is more strict about this value Regards Philippe Condé

  • Philippe Condé Philippe Condé created ticket #2921

    Error creation thumbnail for png image (zlib problem?)

  • Philippe Condé Philippe Condé posted a comment on ticket #2919

    Hello Gerry, Your last fix solved the problem. Many thanks Philippe

  • Philippe Condé Philippe Condé posted a comment on ticket #2919

    hello, I installed the class_gedcomrecord.php but the error remains "ERROR 8: A non...

  • Philippe Condé Philippe Condé posted a comment on ticket #2919

    Hello; An error occurs when calling the individual data with a shared note : ERROR...

  • Philippe Condé Philippe Condé posted a comment on ticket #2919

    Hello, This seems working for the creation of a new multimedia object and when updating...

  • Philippe Condé Philippe Condé created ticket #2920

    Return new media code problem

  • Philippe Condé Philippe Condé posted a comment on ticket #2919

    Hello, Thanks I'll have a look to this version. I found some other error with php7.1....

  • Philippe Condé Philippe Condé posted a comment on ticket #2919

    Hello, Thanks for your answer. I traced most of the problems to calls to function...

  • Philippe Condé Philippe Condé created ticket #2919

    Errors with PHP7 in SVN 7153