Activity for Pierre Goiffon

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    Hello, Multiple external keys are pointing on user instead of contact, like CMDBChange for example... To my knowledge this is not something publicly documented, and we might have done in but for clients under subscription...

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    This is a very bad practice : forking the source code will prevent you from updating it ! You should use the Combodo extensibility model instead, by creating a custom module. See

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Hello, The extension stores time spent in dedicated objects, so what you are asking for requires some development. If you want a quote you can contact

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    Hello, See in the documentation : It is necessary to install the small extension Data model for OCS Inventory which adds some fields and an “OCS Inventory” link on synchronized PCs, Servers, Virtual Machines, Mobile Phones and software. This link opens a new tab with the OCS page of the device. You should install this extension on you target iTop instance.

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    Hello, Good to hear :) As a reference on iTop XML format versions :

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello Tim, Indeed the script just reads and doesn't delete anything. When the decision will be made to which data to remove and backup made, you'll be able to query the objects either in iTop or directly in your DB : attachments as stored as plain iTop objects (Attachment)

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Installing and using iTop

    Hello, Take a look at the log/setup.log file ?

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, If you wish to develop locally and run remotely, PHPStorm has a great deployment feature. If you just want to develop and run locally, then you should install the iTop requirements on your machine. If you're using Windows, there are easy to deploy solutions like WAMP.

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, If you wish to develop locally and run remotly, PHPStorm has a great deployment feature. If you just want to develop and run locally, then you should install the iTop requirements on your machine. If you're using Windows, there are easy to deploy solutions like WAMP.

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Hello, I'm not sure I fully understand the logic here ? When the user creates a UserRequest, the new location field should be assigned to the user's default value, and that UserRequest location field should be editable ?

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    Hello, I guess you are talking about an attribute you added in a customization ? Did you add the field in the portal form ? If yes, can you share an XML file to reproduce ?

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Hello, What do you mean by 'ignored' ? Is the column present and filled in the synchro data table ?

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Installing and using iTop

    Bonjour, I will continue in english, as the forum are for sharing with the most users. Something that could be possible is to export a list of CMDBChange / CMDBChangeOp objects : it's them who contains the modifications history. CMDBChange will countain the date And attached CMDBChangeOp will contain object modified (you should filter on class = 'UserRequest'), type of change. You'll find multiple examples here :[]=cmdbchange#searchin...

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, Indeed interesting subject. Is your concern solely about disk space or also did you measure performance impacts ? Note I've just added a script to export attachments in the toolkit, thanks to the Econocom client sponsoring the dev :

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Installing and using iTop

    Hello, Thanks for the informations, but I am unable to reproduce. What are your DB user rights ? The requirements are listed here :

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    I guess you don't have so much disk space available :/ Can you create a new php script on your server in the iTop root dir, with the following content, and process it with your browser ? <?php /** * Loading datamodel to be able to use auth, as we don't want to expose the disk structure publicly */ require_once(''); try { require_once(APPROOT.'/application/'); } catch (Exception $e) { echo <<<EOF No valid installation found, cannot continue !<br> If you need to check...

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    I've just submited a PR, it should be reviewed in the coming weeks : N°7302 Fix unit name in \SetupUtils::HumanReadableSize #626

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon modified a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Hello, The message is generated in datamodels/2.x/itop-backup/status.php with the bkp-free-disk-space dict key. The unit isn't part of the dict key, but is generated by SetupUtils::HumanReadableSize. HB is the latest unit available, after PB. PB is the right synonym for petabyte ( But next unit should be exabyte with the EB synonym ( I've added a bug in our internal system, reference N°7302 Thanks for the report !

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Hello, The message is generated in datamodels/2.x/itop-backup/status.php with the bkp-free-disk-space dict key. The unit isn't part of the dict key, but is generated by SetupUtils::HumanReadableSize. HB is the latest unit available, after PB. PB is the right synonym for petabyte ( But next unit should be exabyte with the EB synonym ( I've added a bug in our internal system, reference N°7302 Thanks...

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Hello, One potential solution could be to have the system analyze the content of incoming emails, particularly focusing on the subject or title, to determine whether a ticket needs to be created or updated, rather than solely relying on the email header information. Parsing on subject is already done, see MailInboxStandard::GetRelatedTicket In the mailbox configuration, you have a title pattern option, see

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Corresponding ticket : [#2232] The log directory is just under your iTop instance root folder. About iTop logs see

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    Hello, In the portal you also have the scopes notion that limits the data you have access to. See

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Installing and using iTop

    Hello, This error is quite strange. Did you try to run the setup again ?

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon modified ticket #2223

    User Request - Content of the Solution filed when Automatically closed request

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on ticket #2223

    Hello, Just reproduce the issue, thanks for the report ! I've added a bug in our internal system, reference is N°7295, it should be planned in the coming weeks.

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon modified ticket #2232

    Updating database schema 40% hang

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on ticket #2232

    Hello, Please use tickets for qualified bugs or enhancement requests only. For anything else like this assistance request, use the forums ("discussion" tab) Also before posting to the forum, take a look at the log/setup.log file ?

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Hello, I was talking about the Data model for OCS Inventory extension, and you replied stating the Data Collector for OCS Inventory is installed Collectors are stand alone applications, they aren't iTop extensions. In consequence they should be located outside of the iTop directory.

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    The Set action in transition is just an indirection to DBObject::Set I've updated some phpdoc, it will be there next time O:) (but there is still work to do in order to be exhaustive)

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Glad to hear your problem is solved ! What class needs to be used when getting or setting an object isn't very clear for now, we didn't document it very well for now. Best it to look for other code samples O:)

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    Hello, You have to set dependencies for your module. In the module.*.php file, add the corresponding portal core module. The 'ongoing-tickets-for-portal-user' brick is defined in datamodels/2.x/itop-tickets/datamodel.itop-tickets.xml, which correspond to the itop-tickets module (datamodels/2.x/itop-tickets/module.itop-tickets.php) So this would give something like : 'dependencies' => array( 'itop-tickets/3.0.0', ),

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Hello, You might want to try : - setting an absolute path instead of a relative path - set an ormDocument instead of just a path

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    Hello, The configuration is not an easy process, here is the corresponding documentation : iTop implementation guide [iTop Documentation]

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, Another possibility would be to create your own background task (a class implementing iProcess). That would require more code but would allow more flexibility.

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, Indeed thanks Jeffrey ! You can check your users rights on iTop object classes in the User "grant matrix" tab

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    @cisou and @azana38 what do you think ?

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks for creating the topic Jeffrey ! As a reference the PR where the discussion began :

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Can you check what's in the log/setup.log file under your iTop root ? As a workaround you can uncheck the backup option during the setup (but it would be nice to be able to backup your instance...)

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, You certainly have a session cookie set by the unauthenticated user query. The cookie should be named with the 'itop-' prefix

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Woops I just saw the purple one, sorry :D Yes indeed to add something in the menu, you can develop your own brick.

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    Hello, The page markup was modified a lot in iTop 3.0.0. I guess your custom script is using the page DOM structure, so it should be rewritten ? Also, you might switch to css instead of a js file ?

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Hello, Can you give more details on what you are doing ? What is "automated install" ? What do you mean by "when I check the data model from the portal" ?

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Third-party extensions

    Hello, Please share your configuration, and the result you have when the trigger is processed ?

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Can you share a file sample, and the command used ?

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    The said attribute is created by the iTop module I mentionned in my previous message. Check that this module is really installed on your iTop instance ? A list of installed modules is available in the about box.

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Can you elaborate on the error you're getting at setup ?

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Woops actually this was already referenced (Combodo internal ticket DB : N°6088) So indeed sponsoring is more than welcome O:)

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Hello, Thanks ! There is an AttributePassword whom content is never shown... But content is stored directly in db, without encryption. If you wish to develop everything yourself, contributions are welcome ! If you wish to sponsor the developement by Combodo you can contact

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Installing and using iTop

    Hello, I was thinking about the network tab, see attached capture. The query to search for is for /pages/exec.php?exec_module=itop-system-information&exec_page=ajax.php&exec_env=production And in the sent parameters you'll see operation "GetDBTotalSize"

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Installing and using iTop

    Hello, About the cron logs, Jeffrey was talking about iTop's cron.php, not the cron system command. The iTop cron.php script will output to STDOUT, so you'll have to redirect it to a file. See

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Can you also share the whole MyNewClass definition ? Might be blocking elsewhere... By the way, are there anything in the log/error.log file when creating with a non admin profile ?

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Hello, Can you check the grant matrix (Administration, Profiles, open the profile, grant matrix tab) of the profile you created ?

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, The highlighted area correspond to the UserProfileBrick defined in datamodels/2.x/itop-portal/datamodel.itop-portal.xml for the default user portal. In theory, one can create a brock overloading the default one and replace the XML definition ?

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    Hello, The solution proposed by Jeffrey seem fine by me ? Did you tried it ? What is the result ? You are talking about linking the Trigger, this is not how the thing work : instead the Trigger uses queries to select appropriate input (what object will launch the trigger), and the associate actions will use queries as well to select outputs (for ActionEmail, the people we will send mails to) Take a look at the documentation :

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon modified ticket #2230

    Setup wizard does not run correctly

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on ticket #2230

    Hello, Thanks for the feedback ! I don't know what can cause this issue ? Did you had anything in the JS console ? Maybe one of your extension caused the problem ? Were you running Firefox ? Did you tried the troubleshoot mode ? And / or another browser ?

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on ticket #2229

    The topic was created : [9572a0ac4f] Thanks :)

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon modified ticket #2229

    AttributeBlob & method OnInsert()

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on ticket #2229

    Hello, Please use tickets for qualified bugs and enhancement requests only. For anything like like this assistance request, please create a new topic on the forums ("discussion" tab)

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Installing and using iTop

    Hello, Thanks for the report ! I've created a bug in our internal database (N°7231), the product team will review it.

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Installing and using iTop

    Hello, The problem is known, a pull request is currently under review to fix it : N°7122 - Portal: Hide log off button when user can't actually log off (eg. SSO using SAML or other providers) by Molkobain · Pull Request #599 · Combodo/iTop

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Installing and using iTop

    Hello, What is your target iTop version, and PHP version used on this instance ? Check the requirements here :

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks ! Actually there are two bugs that are very similar : - N°6123 : fixed in iTop 3.1.1, a warning similar to your error message stating the protocol has to be specified. But it should only be a warning and the zip should be created - N°6889 : fixed in 3.1.2 (not released yet), still a warning message ("Forcing protocol to TCP due to option specification") Seems like you have the first one, so you should update to 3.1.1... but then you'll have the second one. A workaround is, after updating,...

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, Are you running on MariaDB ? Which version ? What is your iTop version ? PHP version ? This seems like N°6889 which was fixed in iTop 2.7.10 / 3.0.4 (and will be available in iTop 3.1.2), but your error message is different ?

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Hello, The official and documented way of installing iTop is by downloading a package on Sourceforge. See the official documentation : Install and Upgrade your iTop [iTop Documentation]

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Installing and using iTop

    Second phrase of the wiki page you sent : They all can be found in the log directory just below iTop root.

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Ok :) Did you check the corresponding documentation page ? Import data via CLI [iTop Documentation] If still no solution, share everything that is needed to reproduce ?

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Installing and using iTop

    Hello, Can you check the ajax response using your browser dev tools ?

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Installing and using iTop

    The extension now handles single tenant, see [#2107] The fix should be available in iTop 2.7.11 / 3.1.2

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Hello, you might have missed the requirement : installing the Data model for OCS Inventory extension on your iTop instance. See

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    Hello, Can you share your log/setup.log file please ?

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Installing and using iTop

    Hello, Thanks ! AttachmentInstaller is part of iTop core (datamodels/2.x/itop-attachments/module.itop-attachments.php), so this message is very strange ? Can you apply again your current iTop package by following precisely the official update procedure ?

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Hello, Seems you are talking about the CSV import using CLI ? Does your second message means you found the solution ?

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    Hello, We're not sure for now of the solution. The bug will be worked on on next 3.1.2 version, at least to evaluate and decide what to do.

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Hello, You could try iTop by creating for free a saas instance, and benefit a trial period : see

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Installing and using iTop

    Hello, There is a wiki page dedicated to the performance subject, go check it out : Tuning iTop Performance [iTop Documentation] Also if you're in a country covered, Combodo can do an audit and give preconisations (not a free service though). Contact

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Hello, Can you explain your use case ? There might be some workarounds...

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Installing and using iTop

    Hello, Is there anything in the log/error.log file at the moment of the mail processing ?

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on ticket #2226

    The repository combodo-hybridauth is now public, it was indeed a mistake on our side.

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon modified ticket #2227

    iTop 3.1.1 stopped sending notification of tickets reassigned

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on ticket #2227

    The product team reproduced the issue, I've created an issue in our internal system, reference N°7206

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon modified ticket #2226

    OpenID MicrosoftGraph tenant setting

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on ticket #2226

    Hello, Wooops my apologies, and thanks for the clarification and the detailed solution ! Normally I would have asked to open a pull request on the corresponding code repository, but it is private (I think it is a mistake as the extension is free on iTop Hub, I'll check !) I added a ticket in our internal system (reference N°7205) and I'll create a PR in the repository. Thanks !

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon modified ticket #2227

    iTop 3.1.1 stopped sending notification of tickets reassigned

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on ticket #2227

    Thanks for the report ! We'll look into it

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon modified ticket #2226

    OpenID MicrosoftGraph tenant setting

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on ticket #2226

    Hello, Allowing to use single tenant in Azure was already asked in [#2107] There were some news lately, check the original ticket !

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Installing and using iTop

    Hello, In your setup.log file you should have something telling which module was called. Like : 2024-01-31 17:42:22 | Info | | Calling Module Handler: AttachmentInstaller::BeforeDatabaseCreation(oConfig, 2.7.10, 2.7.10) | SetupLog Can you check ?

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon modified ticket #2219

    Can not authenticate User from Active Directory (LDAP).

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on ticket #2219

    Please use tickets for qualified bugs or enhancement requests only. For anything else like your assistance request, use the forums ("discussion" tab) Seems like your problem is about the right query to send to get data from the AD server ? This is more a question for the servers admin ?

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon modified ticket #2218

    Count queriy in OQL

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on ticket #2218

    Hello, Please use tickets for qualified bugs or enhancement requests only. For anything else like your assistance request, use the forums ("discussion" tab) When posting to the forum, please include precisely what you want to do, what you have tried so far, and what is blocking.

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on ticket #2212

    Hello, Thanks for the details. Can you check your data table content ? Especially for the picture field ?

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon modified ticket #2224

    DataSynchro Locked attributes are not locked

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon modified ticket #2221

    Managing User Account Performance

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on ticket #2221

    Duplicate of [3c4a648c0c] Please DO NOT post duplicates :(

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon modified ticket #2223

    User Request - Content of the Solution filed when Automatically closed request

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on ticket #2223

    Hello, Can you detail how was made the automatic closing ? (I suppose using a Combodo extension, can you say which one and with which configuration ?) Also can you check in the DB what is the real field value persisted ?

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, Indeed there were multiple perf issues fixed in 3.1.0-* versions If the 3.1.1 version doesn't change the behavior, can you explain if you made any customization to the User objects hierarchy ? Does this happen on any User class ? Does it happen on the details or edit form ?

  • Pierre Goiffon Pierre Goiffon posted a comment on discussion Installing and using iTop

    Hello, This extension version should be published very soon, in a week or so.

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