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  • Posted a comment on discussion Webmin on Webmin

    Ok.. After a bit of research ... Webmin seems to have all the peices but I am having issue with getting zones to enable DDNS. Steps I have done: 1) Validated each zone , forward, and reverse, have dnssec key enable 2) Add DHCP server to system and create scope for that VLAN and set to allow client DDNS 3) Set Scope options to create tsig .. so each scope has key... dnssec-keygen -a hmac-md5 -b 128 -n USER dhcpupdate Kdhcpupdate.+157+47650 4) Back in DNS -> "DNS Keys" paste in values from "TSIG" keys....

  • Posted a comment on discussion Webmin on Webmin

    I am trying to build out Openshift environment. It was posted that my deployment issue is that when I set the deployment to work, it will get DHCP from Pool (router currently) but fail as the leased IP does not translate to where DNS resolution will work for given hosts. Ex: VMs are deployed from template and get IP os01-fpz78-master-0.acme.local os01-fpz78-master-1.acme.local os01-fpz78-master-2.acme.local But DNS is not dynamically created so that later...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Webmin on Webmin

    I know this is an old post but I am trying to follow setup for local hosted OpenShift which needs WildCard Sub Domain. My domain: acme.local They expect me to create a "wildcard domain" -> *.apps.acme.local To do this I think I first have to make a sub zone "apps" under acme.local... but that seems redundant. Then create a "A" Record in that new zone "*.apps.acme.local" ? Any help appreciated

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Webmin

    <poke> Is there anyone out there that can give me ideas on this. DNS replication of zones is rather important and when DNS is down (well zones not transfering means it is for all intents) then labs /demos break.</poke>

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Webmin

    I had w two node IPLB cluster setup with VIP. I am using this design for DNS / LDAP / NFS DNS on my initial setup seemed to go fine. Setup two VMs same, cluster within Webmin, set up master / slave replication between them for the zones. But I fat fingered and deleted the VMs... now with rebuild I can't get them to replicate with the new build. I followed my "documenation" (screen shots) but it gives no error, just only replicates forward zones not reverse. Design: ns01 (primary) with...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #5277 on Webmin

    I did but initially it was not transfering. I am not 100% sure which setting fixed the lack of transfer. I think it was explicity calling out: Zone Options -> Allow updates from.. and listing both servers. My concern with this is that the end goal is to support OpenShift V4 which has some very specific DNS requirements. My goal was that they would be peers but seems that one is master the other slave.. and I can just promote different roles as needed.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #5277 on Webmin

    I will post here as I believe this is in same related thread. Reverse zone now allows when A recorded created to create PTR record. But when I go to my "slave server" .. I get error on test to transfer zone. (and it is listed in the servers to allow transfer and notify of changes. Testing transfer of slave zone from .. .. from : Failed : ; <<>> DiG 9.11.4-P2-RedHat-9.11.4-9.P2.el7 <<>> IN AXFR @ ;; global options: +cmd ; Transfer...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #5277 on Webmin

    Update to this post. The reason for the lack of link of forward to reverse is that the name of zone is not as Webmin expects. I was using full "subnet name" Ex: and what you have to do is use the short name Ex: 172.16.100 if you add the .0 it fails.

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2007-01-30 19:23:56


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