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  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Image32

    Thanks for getting back and for all your help. What if I just wanted to clip a simple rectangular area, would I use ErasePolygon? I'm currently using my own clipping code to clip lines which works so far. I wanted to try out TImage32 instead of using GDI+ which I've used in the past. So far, its worked out quite well. As an experiment, in the last few days I wrote a simple plotting component . It doesn't use a lot of the TImage32 API but enough for my purpose. I'm put the code up on GitHub once it's...

  • Modified a comment on discussion General Discussion on Image32

    Are there any functions to clip drawing operations to a given 2D area? I have my own clipping method I wrote ages ago which I can use but I wanted to ask if there is anything built into TIMage32? I searched the API docs but nothing turned up.

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Image32

    Are there any functions to clip drawing operations to a given 2D area? I have my own clipping method I wrote ages ago which I can use but I wanted to ask if there is anything built into TIMage32? I search the API docs but nothing turn up.

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Image32

    I just want to check that I am doing this right as I am still geting used to Image32. I want to draw a filled circle with an outline stroke or an empty circle with an outline stroke. I assume to draw an empty circle with an outline I would use code such as: path := Circle(pt, 5); DrawLine (img, path, 2, OutlineColor, esRound); And to draw a filled circle with an outline I would use code such as: path := Circle(pt, 5); DrawPolygon (img, path, frNonZero, FillColor); DrawLine(img, path, 2, OutlineColor,...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Image32

    @Rob, I thought about that and in recent days I have played around with a simple api for generating SVG. I generally only used the most basic things like shapes, lines, colors and maybe gradients. With that its should be doable to create a separate SVG class that records the operations are it get routed to TImage32.

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Image32

    ok understand, once you're ready it will be handy to have it on GetIt.

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Image32

    Thanks, that's what I suspected.

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Image32

    Are there any plans to put TImage32 on the Delphi Getit pacakge manager?. I just came across a submission page at:

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2020-07-12 17:45:30
Seattle / United States / PDT


This is a list of open source software projects that Herbert M Sauro is associated with:

  • BookPart1 Interpreter Code for Book Part 1 Last Updated:
  • BookPart2 Interpreter Code for Book Part 2 Last Updated:

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