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  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on KeePass

    [having step-by-step instructions] would be fine. Since Dominik himself has acknowledged that "WorkingDirectories" has no influence on the export path and has already released a fix for the glitch in question, this appears not to be necessary any more. Do you agree?

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on KeePass

    Hi Dominik , As already stated above, I appreciate your super-quick reaction. One additional proposal from me (yes, I know, there are probably more important issues in the queue, but nevertheless…): A nice feature to have would be a message confirming the successful export with a link "Open file location". Keep on the good work!

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on KeePass

    Oh, I just see that Dominik has obviously comprehended the issue and already released a fix - that's damn fast, chapeau and thanks!

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on KeePass

    The setting works. You can confirm the setting is updated and used. No, at least in my environment, it does not work. To verify if your KeePass behaves differently than mine, I can give you step-by-step instructions, if you like.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on KeePass

    If you check "Remember working directories" in Tools>Options...>Advanced(tab)>Advanced(section) KeePass will remember the last directory used as an export destination. No, this seems not to help - I have this option checked.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on KeePass

    Hi Paul, It is not possible to inadvertently export your data. Nobody has argued the converse. The problem is (please re-read, if necessary, the postings of Brian and me ) that, without an explicit path given, KeePass saves the export "somewhere" - somewhere where Brian, me and probably dozens of other users don't expect it. Thus Brian is rightly " worried there's a plain-text copy of the database setting around somewhere".

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on KeePass

    I was just facing the same situation and finally found out that if you don't enter a path, KeePass silently stores the exported file in the very directory from where it has loaded its database (the .kdbx file). Additionally, KeePass fails in indicating this default location in its "Export to:" field: When you click on the floppy icon beside, the path displayed is the last folder that you have entered manually, whereas the last one actually (and accidentally) used may indeed be the default path mentioned...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Emerald Editor

    A quick-and-dirty approach to have a UTF-8-biased Crimson: Download the instructions...

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