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  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on RE/flex lexical analyzer generator

    Hello, I'm adding to this old thread. I'm wanted to give re/flex a try and currently I'm little annoyed by the comments with the line numbers for error messages in generated lexer files. When I specify a file with native Windows path separators, the comments in the generated output keep the native separator, which causes warnings (and other subtle problems in IDE). I'm using QtCreator with VisualC compiler and custom rules for generating the output and can't find a way to send the path with forward...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Log library for C++

    Hey Alex, no, I haven't tried any other options. I have tried the "out-of-the-box" builds only. I was wondering if the build systems produce the same or different results. But now I see there is a fork addressing this issue (no. 6 ) waiting to be merged - perhaps it will solve (at least some of) these issues I encountered. Will it be merged anytime soon? Or do you want me to try it first?

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Log library for C++

    What is the proper way to build log4cpp? Recently I tried to build log4cpp (1.1.3) on 3 different operating systems using different methods and achieved the following results: SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 SP1 x64 using configure, gcc/g++ 4.3: "configure" ends with: ... creating include/log4cpp/config.h - prefix LOG4CPP for include/config.h defines dirname: extra operand `/bin' Try `dirname --help' for more information. / and "make > /dev/null" ends with: ../../src/BufferingAppender.cpp: In member function...

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2017-10-12 11:58:11


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