Activity for peate9

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    I'm not familiar with this software. . what do you need ?

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Ludger Mias wrote: "If I understand it right, DVD Styler creates an ISO, I open it with VLC and create an ISO again. So it’s as if I pack a parcel for someone important. My girlfriend criticizes my art of packing, unwraps it and packs it in a better way?" No. Use DVD Styler to generate the folders only. Not an ISO file. You'll get a folder with 2 folders: AUDIO_TS and VIDEO_TS. VLC will play the VIDEO folder just by dragging it on to the screen, Same with Media Player Classic, my personal favorite....

  • peate9 peate9 modified a comment on discussion Help

    That's one problem I've yet to solve, and I tried, believe me I tried. The solution? Make your first titleset last, then you can add the chapter. Just change your targets (Actions in buttons.) I just noticed your username. Love it.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    That's one problem I've yet to solve, and I tried, believe me I tried. The solution? Make your first titleset last, then you can add the chapter. Just change your targets (Actions in buttons.)

  • peate9 peate9 modified a comment on discussion Help

    This is as close as you can get to what you're asking. There is no action on highlight, only the color can change, but using a button with a frame, you can duplicate your menu and use it as a target just change the picture in the button. Have a look at an example.

  • peate9 peate9 modified a comment on discussion Help

    This is as close as you can get to what you're asking. There is no action on highlight, only the color can change, but using a button with a frame, you can duplicate your menu and use it as a target just change the picture in the button. Have a look at an example.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    This is as close as you can get to what you're asking. There is no action on highlight, only the color can change, but using a button with a frame, you can duplicate your menu and use it as a target just change the picture in the button. Have a look at an example. 30 meg ISO file.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    You can't. In Styler only the fonts and outlines can be different colours.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Open properties of VMGM menu, put tick in box where it says Title. That should fix all your problems.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Open properties of VMGM menu. Put 20 in the box Pause, no loop. In Post commands, put link to the menu, Ex: Jump titleset 1, menu 1.

  • peate9 peate9 modified a comment on discussion Help

    Here's a few tips: Don't use DVDStyler to burn to disc, use the just generate function, or create an ISO then use a CD burning app. Such as IMGBurn. Or CDBurner XP Look for the folder with your finished project, inside you will find AUDIO_TS and VIDEO_TS folders, just burn those two as you would regular data. If you made an ISO just drag and drop it on the program icon. Once Windows gets his dirty paws on a blank DVD and there`s an error, kiss that disc goodbye. Good luck.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Here's a few tips: Don't use DVDStyler to burn to disc, use the just generate function, or create an ISO then use a CD burning app like [CD Burner r XP]( or IMGBurn. Look for the folder with your finished project, inside you will find AUDIO_TS and VIDEO_TS folders, just burn those two as you would regular data. If you made an ISO just drag and drop it on the program icon. Once Windows gets his dirty paws on a blank DVD and there`s an error, kiss...

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Is the VOB_NAMES directory something you made up? I've never seen that before; sounds like a good idea. How do you access it from the DVD>? I'm not sure I understand what you mean by Hard links, xplain please. how do they save space?

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    I had a look and I'm wondering. Why do you keep every song in separate title sets? Your titleset menus serve absolutely no purpose as far as I can tell. I would use one titleset for each album or collection, insert the songs as chapters and link to them directly. Then just have a link to each titleset on your main mnenu, and links to each song on a titleet menu. You can put any Pre or Post command on the file or chapter link, just as you would on a menu. Having each song as a chapter would make navigating...

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    None of my business, but why so many menus? Doesn't VMGM Menu1 and Titleset Menu 1 serve the same purpose? It just seems like overkill and makes navigating a chore. But just out of curiosity, post the DVDS file from the project, I wanna have a look.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    That used to happen a lot to me, emptying the cache usually solved it, After changing DVD reserved space in the core settings, to 1024kb, that error has never returned.. Don't know iof it's related. Styler is a finnicky program.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Look in DVD Styler, there are two settings to check. In the DVD menu, you choose your defaults for disc capacity, bitrate and video format, PAL or NTSC. In the Configuration menu under Settings, you get the same choices, plus settings for audio and other parameters. If your preferences are NTSC and you load a PAL video, Styler will ask if you want want to convert. I don't think you can have both formats on the same DVD.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    What are you using to play it? VLC? Try MPC (media player classic} or Gom player or Power DVD. If nothing works, there's something wrong in your set-up. Post your DVDS file from the project and we'll have a look.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    What are you using to play it? VLC? Try MPC (media player classic} or Gom player or Power DVD. If nothing works, there's something wrong in your set-up. Post your DVDS file from the project and we'll have a look.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Shit happens and then it rains. Does it happen only with one video or all MP4's? Try a short solution, reconvert it to mkv or mpeg , without modifying it, just copy it. It might make it more palatable for Styler. AVC is free and does a good job.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Try this: If you choose Mpeg, you can tell DVD Styler to skip conversion, as Mpeg and VOB are the same. You could also choose to convert to MP4 or MKV.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Try converting the file to Mpeg first.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    This is a long shot, but does the name of the video contain foreign characters, like accents? it's been a problem before. Re-name the video something simple like Video 1, then retry.

  • peate9 peate9 modified a comment on discussion Help

    Here's a template I made for you. All you need to do is replace the sample video with your own. You can also change the fonts and add a picture on the main menu if you wish. I also added a home button. Study the layout and look at the commands for each button. It's very simple. Have fun.

  • peate9 peate9 modified a comment on discussion Help

    Here's a template I made for you. All you need to do is replace the sample video with your own. You can also change the fonts and add a picture on the main menu if you wish. I also added a home button. Study the layout and look at the commands for each button. It's very simple. Have fun.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Here's a template I made for you. All you need to do is replace the sample video with your own. You can also change the fonts and add a picture on the main menu if you wish. I also added a home button. Study the layout and look at the commands for each button. It's very simple. Have fun.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    I only tried it once as a test for another discussion here. I know it worked when I generated the folders AUDIO_TS AND VIDEO_TS. It played in Power DVD, my go to player and tester. Both menus and video were 1080, according to Media Info. What I didn't do is save it and try to reload it. I must try another one. I'll report back later.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Get this software: Any Video Converter. It's free for the basic version, and easy to use. Convert them to MPEG.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    If it's only that one video giving you problems,, convert it to a DVD format Mpeg before feeding it into DVDStyler, and then, just make sure Styker doesn't reconvert it by ticking the box in the video's properties dialogue..

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Go into the settings menu, on the core tab, use internal as encoder, I've never had any problems since I've stopped using ffmpeg. No noticeable quality difference, and \it's much faster.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Change the file`s name to something simple like video 01.mkv or mp4 or whatever it is.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Not a Mac user, but I'd check the DVD options in DVDStyler.. Look at the capacity chosen, also look in Configuration settings for the same option. Should be 4.7 gigs for a standard DVD 5. If it still crashes, try setting it to unlimited. You can shrink it later if you need to burn it to disc.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    YES!!! This is often overlooked and is one of those un- explained errors and is soo easy to fix. One of the first projects I did was a bunch of French songs, with lots of é, è, à, û in the titles and more. I couldn't figure out why it kept failing since it was the same set up I had just used, but for English songs. Looking at the log I saw where it was stopping and a light went on. Try simplifying the titles. Chanson1, chanson 2, chanson 3... Success, and It hasn't crashed ever since. I always check...

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Si tu veux un disque structuré comme un DVD , par exemple avec menu et chapitres, choisi CD 700mb comme format dans les options de DVD Styler.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Go to the cache and check the vobs, If the first one is blank, or has 0 as size, that's most likely the problem. I've never made a DVD from vob files so not sure what to look for. Try letting DVDStyler re-encode the files. Have you been successful in making a DVD before or is this your first try?

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Start over using "internal" as encoder. Configuration/Settings/Core. Can't guarantee it'll work but it's worth a try.

  • peate9 peate9 modified a comment on discussion Help

    There is a member who has many video tutorials on YouTube. I believe it's JMJ, but I'm not 100% sure. Maybe he can chime in.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    There is a member who has many video tutorials on YouTube. I believe it's JMJ, but I'm not 100% sure. Maybe he can chime in.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    I would still fix those menu entries. They're gonna give you trouble.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Mac users get what they deserve, Ha-ha-ha. Just teasing. From what I can see, the second project has an error in the "Play all" button. Should be like the first project. Is that the one giving you trouble? Also look at the menu properties, (right click) on menu you have an entry in the Post command. Should be empty. Hope that helps

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Did you insert chapter points. Maybe you skipped one , hard to say. Length is not an issue.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    They worked fine..OK . When and how? Then they stopped, what??? The same file, a different project??? Different player. We're gonna need a lot more information to help. Post your *.DVDS project file and >log file.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    I remember being told about burning CD's at slower speed, when they first came out, Prevents a lot of errors, So your burner is 16X? Nobody is in that much of a hurry, stick to 4X or less.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    I remember being told about burning CD's at slower speed, when they first came out, Prevents a lot of errors, So your burner is 16X? Nobody is in that much of a hurry, stick to 4X or less.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Bad discs? Did you try them in another player?

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    You could try to: " Just generate" in the burn dialogue, then take the resulting folders AUDIO.TS and VIDEO.TS and make an ISO with another program. There seems to be many:

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Did you update DVDStyler lately? I so, it wouldn't surprise me if you went back to 3.1 and it worked.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    I've had problems since the upgrade to 3.1.... I wonder what the upgrade did besides screw it up?

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Garrett Leigh - 2 days ago This worked!! Thanks Using Internal?

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    You should create another chapter menu or two. Looks too crowded, those overlapping buttons are nor good. Maybe just use two columns. Also in the core settings, try using internal as the encoder, not ffmpeg. I get an error message when my buttons overlap, didn't you?

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    works great, JMJ, OP should be happy. I like the video, never seen it before.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    works great, JMJ, OP should be happy. I like the video, never seen it before.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    You need last menu in Post commands, and have the button activate automatically when the menu opens. I'm only going from memory, I'd have to check and build one. Can you post your DVDS file? (Project file)

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Your dedicated button has an error. Look at the properties of the button, where it says subtitles, make sure it's turned off.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    It's supposed to look like this:

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Funny. I just loaded the same url, and it started downloading a Three Stooges vid, 1.9 gig in size. Maybe you're not doing it right.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    I'm using DVDStyler ver. 3.1 64 bit on Windows 11. I picked 4 random videos on Youtube, downloaded them with GT Player, chose the best version in MP4 format. All loaded in Styler no problem. Then I downloaded your video in both MP4 and webm versions. The MP4 version loaded fine but the webm was audio only. So I converted the MP4 into WEBM with AnyVideo Converter. The file size went from 295mb for the MP4 to 533 for the webm. I could have played with the settings cause it looked terrible. but that's...

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    I also went further and tried it. This is what I got with GT Player. Pic 1 That file loaded in DVDStyler no problem.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    You can't drag a video from YouTube into DVDStyler, I tried. Didn't work, not for me anyway. I use GT Player to download the file to the hard drive, then load it in DVDStyler, in MP4 format usually. You can also use Any Video Converter to download from many different sites besides YouTube.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    I loaded a MKV file with subs to have a look. In the properties of the clip, you can see where it says subtitles, you have a choice, Omit or Copy. Does your clip show the same?

  • peate9 peate9 modified a comment on discussion Help

    Go back to the previous version that worked and instead of creating an ISO, use the Just generate option, and burn the two resulting folders inside being AUDIO_TS and VIDEO_TS. Don't know if it will solve your problem, but I'd start with that. Note: Before burning, test it by playing the VIDEO_TS folder with VLC. Just drag and drop it onto the vlc window. If it still doesn't work, post your project file *.dvds as an attachment and we'll have a look.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Go back to the previous version that worked and instead of creating an ISO, use the Just generate option, and burn the two resulting folders inside being AUDIO_TS and VIDEO_TS. Don't know if it will solve your problem, but I'd start with that. If it still doesn't work, post your project file *.dvds as an attachment and we'll have a look.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Check the video's properties and look at the bottom in the Pre command box. Anything written there?

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    DVD's max out at 720. To do what you want, use the Just generate option. You'll get 2 folders AUDIO_TS and VIDEO_TS. Use a software player like VLC or Media Player to view it. the VIDEO_TS that is.

  • peate9 peate9 modified a comment on discussion Help

    Wrong again, maybe you should just stop.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Wrong again, maybe you should just stop.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Every menu and video has a Post command where you can aim it to a specific video or menu. The menu one needs a timer of some kind or an action from a button, the video command happens when the video ends. Just put your wanted effect there.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Yes, but that's easily fixed in the settings for each codec. Check both with Mediainfo, you'll see where the difference is. If for example a file is converted using the same bit rate and aspect ratio, both Mpeg and VOB should be near identical. I'll have to try it myself later.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Perdoe a interrupção e a tradução do Google, mas você sabe que um arquivo VOB é apenas um Mpeg renomeado para cumprir os padrões de DVD. Também não vejo o post do Manolito há algum tempo. Espero que ele esteja bem. Ciao amigos. I just wanted to see what my Portuguese would look like.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    I don't know what you mean by adding to the vob elements. If you mean you added more videos, you have to make buttons for them. Select title takes you to the first menu with 6 frames for the first 6 titles. Right click on one, choose properties and make sure it's aiming for the correct file. Here you can also choose a picture for the frame button. I left the right arrow and the home button at the bottom.

  • peate9 peate9 modified a comment on discussion Help

    I rearranged your menus, and removed the unneeded frames and buttons.

  • peate9 peate9 modified a comment on discussion Help

    I rearranged your menus, and removed the unneeded frames and buttons.

  • peate9 peate9 modified a comment on discussion Help

    I rearranged your menus, and removed the unneeded frames and buttons.

  • peate9 peate9 modified a comment on discussion Help

    I rearranged your menus, and removed the unneeded frames and buttons.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    I rearranged your menus, and removed the unneeded frames and buttons.

  • peate9 peate9 modified a comment on discussion Help

    Post your log file .txt and project files .dvds as attachments, we'll have a look. Probably just a simple label error. Here is how to Just generate , easy.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Post your log file .txt and project files .dvds as attachments, we'll have a look. Probably just a simple label error.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    When you click the burn button, you have three choices. Burn, create ISO or my favorite, Just generate. You will end up with a Folder with the project name. Inside are two more folders: AUDIO_TS and VIDEO_TS. Burn thes VIDEO_TS to disc using CDburnerXP or another program of our choice. Bonus, you can play the VIDEO_TS folder with VLC before burning to chek your results .

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Just a wild guess, but try an older version of DDStyler. 3.1 works better for me than the newer version.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Maybe your source video is the fault. Does it play smoothly at the part that skips?

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Did you try it? I don't think quality should suffer much at such high bitrates.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    DVDStyler set up: DVD Options, Properties, DVD Resolution set to Full HD (1920 x 1080) Disc capacity, Unlimited. Format 16:9 AC3 48kHz Configuration, settings, Interface: Default disc capacity, Unlimited. Core: Encoder, ffmpeg-VBR. 2 pass vbr. Check boxes HQ, XHQ HD Video: Allow experimental. OK Now you can add your MP4's and create menus. Menu objects will look really small in HD, but will come out ok. Now when you click the red donut, do not burn, choose Just generate instead. You will end up with...

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Could be a corrupt video. Try starting the project with a different video and see if it stalls. You could also try converting them to mpeg first before importing into DVDStyler.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Use the just generate function. Choose the folder option and copy the resulting folder to your jump drive. To play, just drag the folder from the drive onto VLC or MPC.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    First things first. When designing a web page, disc cover, etc. text should always stay away from the edges. unless it's for artistic reasons. That's why you have borders, and should stick to them. Old cathode ray tv's were all 4:3 ratio, hardly used today. You get a lot more space on a 16:9 page and can stay away from the edges. When I make a DVD in Styler, I fill the entire page with graphics, usually a single picture, and use the borders as a guide for the text or buttons for menu navigation....

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    I like people who ask questions and answers them in one post.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    PowerDVD is a player only, not authoring software. The software in the link I posted looks interesting.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Don't go by VLC's results, it stinks at playing DVDstyler made discs. Try PowerDVD. Also, Styler does not produce Blu ray compatible folders. not to my knowledge, maybe I'm wrong. When you mount the ISO, what do you get as folders? Look at this and compare.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    VLC is terrible for DVD playback. I can make it crash at will with any DVDStyler made project. I looked at yours, all buttons are OK. I bet it works fine in a REAL dvd player. Try it with Power DVD.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    That's most likely a setting in the player. I use Power DVD and it does that, picks up where I left it. There are two things in Styler you can check. DVD Options, First play commands: Must be blank or VMGM menu 1. That menu, should have a tick mark where it says Title, in the properties.

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    First decide on the format you want . 4.3 or 16.9. Put that in the options for the project, and if you're always using it, put it in the settings page as well. This is where things get weird. If the first video you load in Styler is 4.3 ratio, the program will assume that's the default and will change it. This will create black borders. You can see it if you go into the properties of the video, right click on the thumbnail in the timeline. Click on the tool icon and you can see the source and destination...

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Open the properties of the video from the timeline in DVDStyler. (Right click on the thumbnail.) Look where it says Post commands. Put in Call last menu.

  • peate9 peate9 modified a comment on discussion Help

    Man, why go to so much trouble? I used to run DVDStyler on MX Linux, but they stopped including it in their recommended software list. Anyway you might not like this, but just get a cheap Windows machine. and use the latest 64 bit version of Styler. It's not a knock on Linux, I've been using it for over 20 years. It's just that some programs are just better on Windows. Have you tried running it in a Virtual machine?

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Man, why go to so much trouble? I used to run DVDStyler on MX Linux, but they stopped including it in their recommended software list. Anyway you might not like this, but just get a cheap Windows machine. and use the latest 64 bit version of Styler. It's not a knock on Linux, I've been using it for over 20 years. It's just that some programs are just better on Windows.

  • peate9 peate9 modified a comment on discussion Help

  • peate9 peate9 modified a comment on discussion Help

    ![](![](There is a button with the video frame and the title right below it. All in one, no need for a second button.) it. All in one, no need for a second button.

  • peate9 peate9 modified a comment on discussion Help

    ![](There is a button with the video frame and the title right below it. All in one, no need for a second button.

  • peate9 peate9 modified a comment on discussion Help

    ![](There is a button with the video frame and the title right below it. All in one, no need for a second button.https://)

  • peate9 peate9 posted a comment on discussion Help

    There is a button with the video frame and the title right below it. All in one, no need for a second button.

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