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  • Committed [r2719] on Source

    psre mig util snapshot

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on mod_qos

    Thank you for reporting the issue.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on mod_qos

    You could use a client event counter to permanently mark an IP address (just ensure you never reach the counter's limit). Example for illustration (I've not tested this myself): # counter to remember VIP QS_ClientEventLimitCount 100 31536000 VIP_IP # keep the counter low (never reach the limit) QS_SetEnv VIP_IP_REFRESH 10 QS_SetEnvIfCmp VIP_IP_Counter gt VIP_IP_REFRESH VIP_IP_Decrement=2 # detect returning VIP user by IP QS_SetEnv VIP_IP_IS_SET 0 QS_SetEnvIfCmp VIP_IP_Counter gt VIP_IP_IS_SET QS_VipRequest=1...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion on mod_qos

    I have been trying the exact same thing but its not working for me. Can you please check? Here's my config - # get client IP from HTTP request header instead of client IP QS_ClientIpFromHeader X-Forwarded-For #set this counter on every access ( "/" below is the URL ) SetEnvIf Request_URI / RepeatClientRequest SetEnvIf Remote_Addr !RepeatClientRequest # no more than 2000 requests for any url in 5 minutes QS_ClientEventLimitCount 2000 300 RepeatClientRequest # deny a client IP for 30...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on mod_qos

    RemoteAddr is the IP address of the client (peer X-Forwarded-For is a HTTP request header field which contains an IP address (often set by proxy servers).

  • Committed [r2718] on Source

    setting connection note short-lingering-close when aborting connection

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on mod_qos

    Sali Simon Indeed, MPM event uses a shorter timeout when closing the connection if a module passes this note. I'm going to add this to mod_qos as well. Thank you for sharing this information. Regards, Pascal

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on mod_qos

    mod_qos version 11.75 is now available. It uses the IP address determined by mod_remoteip by configuring QS_ClientIpFromHeader #USERAGENT_IP

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2004-01-18 20:08:53


This is a list of open source software projects that Pascal Buchbinder is associated with:

  • Project Logo HTTP Test Tool   Last Updated:
  • Project Logo mod_auth_oid OpenID relying party for Apache httpd Last Updated:
  • Project Logo mod_csrf Apache module to prevent cross-site request forgery. Last Updated:
  • mod_parp A HTTP request parameter parser for Apache htttpd Last Updated:
  • Project Logo mod_qos Quality of service module for Apache httpd Last Updated:

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