Activity for Paul A Bristow

  • Paul A Bristow Paul A Bristow posted a comment on ticket #976

    Thanks for working on this. I'm a Windows 10 user, so I'm not sure how to test this patch (and not using CodeBlocks just now - reverted to Visual Studio and even VS Intellisense is choking on my input ;-( ).

  • Paul A Bristow Paul A Bristow posted a comment on ticket #976

    Well if it is tricky to fix properly, how about just removing the 'Yes' button? This means that the user HAS to shut down 'properly' - what he should have done in the first place! For a bonus, tell the user how to do it properly in the popup box (close the run window).

  • Paul A Bristow Paul A Bristow posted a comment on ticket #976

    Hmm - sounds more trouble than I need - there are too many of my own bugs to fix! I think I'll wait untilt he next release. But thanks for tackling this buglet.

  • Paul A Bristow Paul A Bristow posted a comment on ticket #976

    I’m not sure how to apply this patch to my setup (and worried to see that it appears to be GCC specific whereas this behaviour is found with Clang too). If you want me to test this patch, please tell a novice patcher if and how to do it. (Meanwhile I have stopped being naughty and close things down properly 😉 so I can wait for the next CodeBlocks release.) Thanks for looking into this trickier-than-it-appeared buglet.

  • Paul A Bristow Paul A Bristow posted a comment on discussion doxygen-users

    Are you quite sure that INPUT = /home/USER/SCRATCH/OFFICIAL_CHANGE/TEST/doxytest directory contains your .h file? Try changing it to .for ? to check if your alias is working as expected?

  • Paul A Bristow Paul A Bristow posted a comment on discussion doxygen-users

    I suspect that you need to show the details of your doxyfile? Are you sure that you have asked to process the .h file?

  • Paul A Bristow Paul A Bristow posted a comment on ticket #976

    Thanks for confirmation :-)

  • Paul A Bristow Paul A Bristow created ticket #976

    "Currently compiling. Stop compilations and exit?" - replying Yes causes a hang.

  • Paul A Bristow Paul A Bristow posted a comment on ticket #157

    Revision 4 CC\winlibs-x86_64-posix-seh-gcc-9.3.0-llvm-10.0.0-mingw-w64-7.0.0-r4\mingw64\bin now contains the expected gcc.exe etc files. Thanks.

  • Paul A Bristow Paul A Bristow created ticket #157

    GCC 9.3.0 package appears to be missing gcc.exe and other files?

  • Paul A Bristow Paul A Bristow posted a comment on ticket #146

    I note that this version is posix-dwarf GNU C++17 (MinGW-W64 x86_64-posix-dwarf, built by Brecht Sanders) version 9.2.0 (x86_64-w64-mingw32) compiled by GNU C version 9.2.0, GMP version 6.1.2, MPFR version 4.0.2, MPC version 1.1.0, isl version isl-0.22-GMP Previously I have used the version that is at "C:\Program Files\mingw-w64\x86_64-8.1.0-win32-seh-rt_v6-rev0\mingw64" On that release there is an installer that gives you options for which variant you want. For Arch: x86_64, Threads: win32 and Exceptions:...

  • Paul A Bristow Paul A Bristow posted a comment on ticket #146

    I have now got to load this and confirm that it works as promised with current Codeblocks release on Windows 10. Brilliant - meets my needs for the most uptodate versions tracking the C++2a/20 standards, with constexpr additions. Many thanks Brecht Sanders. I ho e you will be able to release other versions as they become available. (I'm sure that the compiler writers are working on version 10!)

  • Paul A Bristow Paul A Bristow posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I've had a message from Sf "Update Available: MinGW-w64 - for 32 and 64 bit Windows" and I've dwnloaded the zip C:\Users\Paul\Downloads\ but when unzipped the folder name is version 6 - G:\MinGW-w64\mingw-w64-v7.0.0\mingw-w64-v6.0.0 Is this true or a typo in the folder name? Thanks

  • Paul A Bristow Paul A Bristow posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I would also like to continue using MinGW-w64 standalone builds for using GCC on Windows that I use for simulartaneously testing the Boost libraries using GCC and Clang (and MSVC of course) compilers on Windows. So I loudly join this plea for release of recent GCC releases, especially, for me, the most recent GCC 9 that contains important new constexpr code that provides vital improvements to the code that can be done at compile-time, making a massive run-time improvement (that is NO-time ;-) ) to...

  • Paul A Bristow Paul A Bristow posted a comment on ticket #146

    From: NightStrike Sent: 4 June 2019 00:22 To: [mingw-w64:support-requests] Subject: [mingw-w64:support-requests] Re: #146 Any plans for support for latest GCC version 9, released 3 May 2019? Have you tried to build it? It should be supported. I’m a simple Microsofty using GCC on Windows 10 via Codeblocks and Bjam/b2 tools to check portability of Boost libraries, so I was kinda hoping I could just download and install...

  • Paul A Bristow Paul A Bristow created ticket #146

    Any plans for support for latest GCC version 9, released 3 May 2019?

  • Paul A Bristow Paul A Bristow posted a comment on a wiki page

    I've tried several (all even ;-) versions of make now. I agree that the version is...

  • Paul A Bristow Paul A Bristow posted a comment on a wiki page

    On a machine that VCC4N does work (win 7 32) VCC4n 0.3.1 NetBeans 7.2 C:\msys\1.0\bin>make.exe...

  • Paul A Bristow Paul A Bristow posted a comment on a wiki page

    I've tried this on my windows 8, win32 machine NB 8 beta without success, but I conclude...

  • Paul A Bristow Paul A Bristow posted a comment on a wiki page

    I've used C:\VCC4N_0.3.3_beta\tools with the same result :-( msvc_caller -c -Zi -O2...

  • Paul A Bristow Paul A Bristow posted a comment on a wiki page

    Update I have used to effectively change...

  • Paul A Bristow Paul A Bristow posted a comment on a wiki page

    From: Maxime Viargues [] Sent: Thursday, February 20,...

  • Paul A Bristow Paul A Bristow posted a comment on a wiki page

    I have done a fresh install of NetBeans 8.0 beta and deleted all old copies of VCC4n_0.3.*...

  • Paul A Bristow Paul A Bristow posted a comment on a wiki page

    I have used VCC4N 0.3.1 OK on Netbeans 7.2 on 32-bit Windows 7 Visual Studio 10....