public static <t extends="" serializable=""> T fromByteArray(final byte[] parByteArray) throws SerializationException { ByteArrayInputStream theBais = new ByteArrayInputStream(parByteArray); ObjectInput theObjectInput = null;</t> Object theObject = null; try { theObjectInput = new ObjectInputStream(theBais); theObject = theObjectInput.readObject(); }
yes it read the byte array starting at offset 0 and take msg.getLength into account... kindly solve this problem StreamCorruptedException: invalid stream header
Hi Recently I upgraded from jgroups from version 3.4.3 to 4.0.10 I am observing the following error messages continuously. ERROR c.e.r.c.r.j.d.RouterDestination - Failed to handle request at router destination : e.getMessage invalid stream header: FA514BF1 , e{} ERROR org.jgroups.protocols.UDP - JGRP000027: failed passing message up
Hi, Our environment is 3 nodes cluster with jgroup -version 4.0.1 We're receiving the failed to collect all ACKs WARN message: 2018-06-25 09:54:16.539 WARN org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast.GMS - xx.xx.xx.xx-yyyy: failed to collect all ACKs (expected=18) for view [ xx.xx.xx.xx-yyyy|20] after 2000ms, missing 18 ACKs from (18) xx.xx.xx.xx-yyyy, xx.xx.xx.xx-yyyy, xx.xx.xx.xx-yyyy, xx.xx.xx.xx-yyyy, xx.xx.xx.xx-yyyy, xx.xx.xx.xx-yyyy, xx.xx.xx.xx-yyyy, xx.xx.xx.xx-yyyy, xx.xx.xx.xx-yyyy, xx.xx.xx.xx-yyyy,...
Hi, Our environment is 3 nodes cluster with jgroup -version 4.0.1 We're receiving the failed to collect all ACKs WARN message: 2018-06-25 09:54:16.539 WARN org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast.GMS - xx.xx.xx.xx-yyyy: failed to collect all ACKs (expected=18) for view [ xx.xx.xx.xx-yyyy|20] after 2000ms, missing 18 ACKs from (18) xx.xx.xx.xx-yyyy, xx.xx.xx.xx-yyyy, xx.xx.xx.xx-yyyy, xx.xx.xx.xx-yyyy, xx.xx.xx.xx-yyyy, xx.xx.xx.xx-yyyy, xx.xx.xx.xx-yyyy, xx.xx.xx.xx-yyyy, xx.xx.xx.xx-yyyy, xx.xx.xx.xx-yyyy,...
Hi, can you please let us know about these warning/error messages" ? While starting and stopping the application , I am getting thsese errors .( Upgrading my jgroup version 3.4.3 Version 4.0.10 , This issue is not in 3.4.3 version ) WARN org.jgroups.stack.ProtocolStack - Could not retrieve value of attribute (method) BundlerStats java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException: null 2018-05-22 10:33:30.244 WARN org.jgroups.stack.ProtocolStack - Could not retrieve value of attribute (method) BundlerBufferSize...
HI, While starting and stopping the application , I am getting thsese errors .( Upgrading my jgroup version 3.4.3 Version 4.0.10 , This issue is not in 3.4.3 version ) WARN org.jgroups.stack.ProtocolStack - Could not retrieve value of attribute (method) BundlerStats java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException: null 2018-05-22 10:33:30.244 WARN org.jgroups.stack.ProtocolStack - Could not retrieve value of attribute (method) BundlerBufferSize java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException: null at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native...
WARN org.jgroups.stack.ProtocolStack - Could not retrieve value of attribute (method) BundlerStats java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException: null WARN org.jgroups.stack.ProtocolStack - Could not retrieve value of attribute (method) BundlerBufferSize java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException: null Upgrading my jgroup version 3.4.3 Version 4.0.10 , This issue is not in 3.4.3 version