Sure, that would work fine. Maybe you can use a more general "GSPICEUI_CUSTOM_FLAGS" as maybe other distributions could benefit from that too. But, as you wish :) Thanks a lot
Hi! For hardcoding g++ calls, we rely on been able to modify it to not break cross compilation In general we have no problems fixing them allowing to honor CXX variable as, for example: But it is true that we pass CC and CXX variables to the desired values; Then, maybe a logic to fallback to CXX=g++ would be needed for the cases no...
Don't play with CFLAGS and fix ld invocation
OK, thanks a lot for the clarification
Hello, I discovered your plugin while reading papers like:!divAbstract that use your tool to analyze simulation involving peptides but, when I read your tutorial, I found that, supposedely, membplugin doesn't handle that cases (simulations involving anything else than lipids): Second point, page 2: "Do not use or use the MEMBPLUGIN with caution...
Migrate to vte2.91 or allow to optionally disable the component requiring it
gtkam-1.0 fails to build with format-security
-ldns_sd is dropped when using --as-needed