User Activity

  • Posted a comment on ticket #44 on WampServer

  • Posted a comment on ticket #43 on WampServer

    Bonjour, Voir sur Wampserver 3.3.2 n'existe plus, on en est à 3.3.5 Toute question relative à Wampserver doit être posée dans le forum :

  • Posted a comment on ticket #23 on WampServer

    Hi, Keep up to date with Wampserver developments! HTTPS SSL mode has been supported since Wampserver 3.3.2 released on November 22, 2023. And I repeat that all Wampserver-related questions should be asked in the Wampserver forums. Thanks for saving me a lot of work.

  • Created a blog post on WampServer

    Wampserver 3.3.5

  • Posted a comment on ticket #23 on WampServer

    It's not an Apache or Wampserver problem! See the thread on the Wampserver forum :,166562 This is an xDebug problem with the latest PHP versions, see To keep abreast of Wampserver developments and discuss any problems that may arise, it would be a good idea for you to register on the forum. It would also save me having to disperse myself to several discussion forums.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #23 on WampServer

    Hi, Thank you very much. New language file available on

  • Posted a comment on ticket #23 on WampServer

    It would be best to discuss this on the English-speaking Wampserver forum. The reference language files are french and english. Depending on the file, the charset is different. - Charset ANSI windows-1252 wamp64\lang\spanish.lang wamp64\lang\modules\settings_spanish.php Charset utf-8 wamp64\www\wamplangues\add_vhost_spanish.php wamp64\www\wamplangues\help_spanish.php wamp64\www\wamplangues\index_spanish.php

  • Posted a comment on ticket #22 on WampServer

    Support only with Wampserver forum. English : French :

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Personal Data

2004-07-17 15:29:31
Paris / France / CEST


This is a list of open source software projects that otomatic is associated with:

  • Project Logo WampServer A Windows Web development environment for Apache, MySQL, PHP databases Last Updated:

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