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  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator

    Hi Nathan, I already have an 8" diameter flat panel that will easily attach to the underside of the scope cover and already draws its power from the PegasusAsto Powerbox. I am building the DLC without the light panel, so I think I will power it separately off of the six volt output since I'm not using that for anything else. Thank you so much again for walking me through this. I truly appreciate it. Less than a week and I get to install everything in a remote hosting facility in New Mexico! Arnie...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator

    Success! Replacing the incorrect 270 degree servo with the correct 180 servo has solved the problem. Lesson learned - make sure you have the correct parts before starting. I hadn't even noticed this difference until you pointed it out. Thanks so much. One question: the PegasusAstro Powerbox has a power port that puts out a regulated and reverse-polarity protected six volts at three amps. Do you see any problem using this to power the servo and the Arduino, thereby eliminating D3, D4, R10, IC2, R16...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator

    I'd much rather go with simple instead of trying to re-invent the wheel with the wrong servo. My wife has Amazon Prime so we will have the motor you recommended this weekend, I'll wire it up to the original circuit and let you know what happens! Arnie On 3/17/2023 3:42 PM, Nathan Woelfle wrote: For simplicity, yes, switching to a 180-degree servo would be much easier, but we can work with the 270. I leave the call in your hands. I recommend this one,

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator

    Would this one be appropriate?

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator

    Hello Nathan, Thanks again for your help with this. I tried the code below, and with the modified myservo.attach(9,600,2300); line. Upon attaching power the cover moved from its closed position to 90 degrees, then alternated between 90 and 270 degrees (this is a 270 degree servo - I was unaware of this when ordering it). The small jogs still happened, but less frequently and seemingly random in pattern. Sometimes there would be no jog during the ten second interval, sometimes one near the beginning...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator

    Thanks so much for continuing to work with me on this. I truly appreciate it. The servo is a 20kg Do4.8-6.6V DS3218MG DSSERVO Digital Servo. I have three, 12 hour, workdays in a row now so I probably won't be able to try your suggestions right away. I will be get them done ASAP and let you know the results. Thanks again, Arnie

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator

    Well, here's the latest in this confusing story. I hooked up a 6V, 3A regulated power supply directly to the servo motor and the Arduino, leaving out the LM1084, voltage divider, 15 ohm resistor and Zener diode. Everything else is the same as your schematic. Verified 6 volts at the input to the servo. As soon as I apply power the little jogs every six seconds starts. When I connect to the Windows app, the little jogs continue in both the open and closed position. Tried two Arduinos and two servos,...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator

    Well things just keep getting stranger. I just bread-boarded a quick circuit consisting of just a 12VDC/3A power brick, an LM1084IT-ADJ (from a different company) and the 1K and 3.6K resistors. I verified everything was hooked up properly both visually using your diagram and even measuring each resistor with a meter. Hooked up power and measured the output voltage. Six volts right on the dot! Hooked up everything else (but not the servo or Arduino yet) and measured the output voltage again. 10.5...

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