Activity for opendta

  • opendta opendta posted a comment on ticket #27

    I come to a similar result. Unfortunately, I have not found a marker, when to remove how many bytes. With the current knowledge, these are broken DTA files for me.

  • opendta opendta modified ticket #28

    Heatpump software V3.89.5-11451 now has dta version 0x2b23. Any plans to add support?

  • opendta opendta posted a comment on ticket #27

    The 1st dateset in the attached DTA file is malformed. Thus, everything else is read wrong. Also the number of datasets the file contains is not equivalent to the number in the header. If this problem still persists, please provide another DTA file.

  • opendta opendta posted a comment on ticket #27

    I can confirm that I see the same problem with the attached DTA file. Debugging could take a while.

  • opendta opendta committed [e8cf7c] on Git

    Datafile: Anpassung Pth Berechnung

  • opendta opendta committed [2f59dd] on Git

    macdeploy Script

  • opendta opendta committed [6e4b7f] on Git

    Merge branch 'develop' of ssh://diskstation:/volume1/git/repos/opendta_src into develop

  • opendta opendta committed [b6d2c8] on Git

    dta2csv: Tausendertrennzeichen ausgeschaltet

  • opendta opendta posted a comment on ticket #26

    AIN3 could match to some flow values. However, I do not know, how to calculate the flow from the analog input. Do you know, what kind of flow sensor your heatpump is using? So far, I have only seen a Grundfoss VFS 5-100 and this sensor provides input signal between 0 and 5V. (Which is actually not the case here.)

  • opendta opendta posted a comment on ticket #26

    Unfortunately, I can not find a field in your DTA file which could represent the flow. Maybe it is not stored in DTA? Do you see, at which port the flow sensor is connected to the controller? Usually it is AIn1.

  • opendta opendta modified ticket #25

    opendta-v0.20-macos does not start/open

  • opendta opendta posted a comment on ticket #25

    A v0.20a macOS download is now available. Hopefully it is working now.

  • opendta opendta posted a comment on ticket #26

    I cannot find a field in you DTA file which would represent a flow value. Some DTAs have a direct flow field. Others have AIn / AnalogIn / AIn1 to calculate the flow from. Does your heat pump has a flow sensor?

  • opendta opendta modified a comment on ticket #26

    Can you please attach the DTA file (or send it via email to me).

  • opendta opendta posted a comment on ticket #26

    Can you please attache the DTA file (or send it via email to me).

  • opendta opendta posted a comment on ticket #25

    Can please try to start the app from command line: open terminal type: /path-where-dtaguiapp-is-located/ typically: /Applications/ Please copy the text output here.

  • opendta opendta committed [572e9b]

    Anpassung an Qt6

  • opendta opendta committed [397d33]

    Version setzen

  • opendta opendta committed [23a9c4]

    Merge branch 'release-v0.20'

  • opendta opendta committed [fdce25]

    Aktualisierung Dokumentation DumpXML

  • opendta opendta committed [79eae6]

    Aktualisierung Komponenten

  • opendta opendta committed [f08a94]

    Version v0.20

  • opendta opendta committed [cfb7e4]

    Merge branch 'release-v0.20'

  • opendta opendta committed [47dfed]

    Uebersetzung aktualisieren

  • opendta opendta committed [e53b8f]

    field_config.ini: unix2dos

  • opendta opendta committed [11fca7]

    Aktualisierung von HISTORY.txt

  • opendta opendta committed [d09deb]

    Beschreibung des DumpXML-Datei-Formates

  • opendta opendta committed [0bf96a]

    QCustomPlot: Anpassung an Qt 6.2

  • opendta opendta modified ticket #24

    VD RPM units

  • opendta opendta committed [5bc3c4]

    "VD RMP*" Felder in "VD DZ*" umbenennen

  • opendta opendta posted a comment on ticket #24

    To be more precise: I can not change the field names in DTA files but I can change the display name in DtaGUI. ;-)

  • opendta opendta posted a comment on ticket #24

    Thanks for the hint. Probably the field names in the DTA files are misleading here. Will change the field names to "CP RS" (compressor revolution speed) and "VD DZ" (Verdichter Drehzahl).

  • opendta opendta committed [749cb0]

    fix DUMP Datei (elektrische Energie, AZ)

  • opendta opendta committed [799af0]

    Merge branch 'dump' into develop

  • opendta opendta committed [26853c]

    DUMP: Feld Pe HH neu, field_config angepasst

  • opendta opendta committed [b2100a]

    Berechtigung dump.bz2 angepasst

  • opendta opendta committed [c998cd]

    DumpFile in DumpFile1 umbenennen

  • opendta opendta committed [20777c]

    DUMP-oeffnen Action entfernt

  • opendta opendta committed [ce9a2d]

    Merge branch 'common_open' into develop

  • opendta opendta committed [759dce]

    DumpFile hinzufuegen, DUMP-Datei Handhabung

  • opendta opendta committed [fc2c04]

    DumpFileXML hinzufuegen

  • opendta opendta committed [6eac56]

    String compare

  • opendta opendta committed [d722ee]

    Merge branch 'dumpxml' into develop

  • opendta opendta committed [ebb48b]

    Merge branch 'dumpxml' into develop

  • opendta opendta committed [2bd207]

    Berechnung der AZ auch aus DTA-Feld Motor1PowerOut

  • opendta opendta modified ticket #23

    compile error

  • opendta opendta committed [5d3e5a]

    include von QIODevice vereinheitlichen

  • opendta opendta committed [4f9d0f]

    Lizenzinfo hinzufuegen

  • opendta opendta committed [a9bdec] SVG hinzufuegen, Qt Version pruefen

  • opendta opendta committed [7e46a9]

    einheitlicher VERSION_STRING in develop

  • opendta opendta committed [eb3fbe]

    QT_VERSION_CHECK verwenden

  • opendta opendta committed [f54395]

    dta2csv: Anpassungen an Qt6

  • opendta opendta committed [dd1e15]

    Qt Version anpassen

  • opendta opendta committed [06ddc2]

    merge branch release-v0.19

  • opendta opendta committed [332462]

    Merge branch 'master' of ssh://diskstation:/volume1/git/repos/opendta_src

  • opendta opendta committed [4cfdc5]

    Version setzen

  • opendta opendta committed [f50a9b]

    Merge branch 'master' of ssh://diskstation:/volume1/git/repos/opendta_src

  • opendta opendta committed [baac0c]

    Lizenzinfo hinzufuegen

  • opendta opendta committed [9b9398]

    include von QIODevice vereinheitlichen

  • opendta opendta committed [481b52] SVG hinzufuegen, Qt Version pruefen

  • opendta opendta committed [a0db2f]

    Qt Version anpassen

  • opendta opendta committed [02bd0f]

    dta2csv: Anpassungen an Qt6

  • opendta opendta committed [0c2442]

    QT_VERSION_CHECK verwenden

  • opendta opendta committed [896fc0]

    Version setzen

  • opendta opendta committed [3c1560]

    einheitlicher VERSION_STRING in develop

  • opendta opendta committed [03cc62]

    merge branch release-v0.19

  • opendta opendta committed [e873a3]

    Merge branch 'master' of ssh://diskstation:/volume1/git/repos/opendta_src

  • opendta opendta committed [68f554]

    Lizenzinfo hinzufuegen

  • opendta opendta committed [969655]

    include von QIODevice vereinheitlichen

  • opendta opendta committed [44c072] SVG hinzufuegen, Qt Version pruefen

  • opendta opendta committed [3a11c3]

    dta2csv: Anpassungen an Qt6

  • opendta opendta committed [1d24e7]

    Qt Version anpassen

  • opendta opendta committed [8d2473]

    QT_VERSION_CHECK verwenden

  • opendta opendta committed [96e1f1]

    einheitlicher VERSION_STRING in develop

  • opendta opendta committed [f48e86]


  • opendta opendta committed [6c61d5]

    Merge branch 'develop' of ssh://diskstation:/volume1/git/repos/opendta_src into develop

  • opendta opendta committed [b45c1b]

    Version setzen

  • opendta opendta committed [cc1ae7]

    merge branch release-v0.19

  • opendta opendta committed [0a0592]

    einheitlicher VERSION_STRING in develop

  • opendta opendta committed [ed8769] SVG hinzufuegen, Qt Version pruefen

  • opendta opendta committed [e59349]

    Qt Version anpassen

  • opendta opendta committed [a0bd58]

    dta2csv: Anpassungen an Qt6

  • opendta opendta committed [960fa6]

    QT_VERSION_CHECK verwenden

  • opendta opendta posted a comment on ticket #23

    Which Qt version does Mint 19.3 use? This function was introduced in Qt 5.12.

  • opendta opendta committed [99828d]

    doc_dev/mxe.txt: QWT entfernt

  • opendta opendta modified ticket #12

    delete last diagram - date is not displayed anymore

  • opendta opendta committed [75d7e3]

    Tap to Space

  • opendta opendta committed [1e7b0e]

    Version setzen

  • opendta opendta committed [0d9f73]

    Merge branch 'release-0p18'

  • opendta opendta committed [fae005]

    Hilfe: Komponenten hinzugefuegt

  • opendta opendta committed [d8e42c]

    Hilfe aktualisieren

  • opendta opendta committed [0da372]

    beweglicher Tracer

  • opendta opendta committed [1efea4]

    Merge branch 'tracer' into develop

  • opendta opendta committed [53b2de]

    HISTORY.txt anpassen

  • opendta opendta committed [ba859e]

    fix: Drag&Drop von Graphen

  • opendta opendta committed [30f523]

    Merge branch 'dta9000' into develop

  • opendta opendta committed [cc2eac]

    (wieder) neu: DTA9000 Unterstuetzung

  • opendta opendta committed [a3abf5]

    Uebersetzung angepasst

  • opendta opendta committed [305a62]

    DtaGUI MainWindow: Hinweis aus nicht unterstuetzte DTA-Versionen

  • opendta opendta committed [94cd61]

    DtaFile: neu - isSupported

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