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  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Eagle Mode

    While clicking on URI in a PDF document, generated from HTML document, I got an error window *Triggering URI not implemented" which triggered an idea for eaglemode use case. How cool would it be, if you could use URI to local paths, and when clicking on such a link, eaglemode would fly there! This would allow you creating complex visiting sequences, among available paths on your local computer, within a single document. Somehow I liked this idea much and wanted to share it quickly here. I hope for...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Eagle Mode

    There is even a much better application using treemaps, SpaceSniffer, only windows. But its advantage over qdirstat is also the names are shown using small fonts. This can give a very nice and quick and deep overview of the overall structure. It would be cool if eaglemode 2 would contain such a visualization (like SpaceSniffer) as well. eaglemode 2 = eaglemode 1 + SpaceSniffer-like-treemaps see SpaceSniffer: video 1, file tagging ctrl-1, ctrl-2 ...:...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Eagle Mode

    There is even a much better application using treemaps, SpaceSniffer, only windows. But its advantage over qdirstat is also the names are shown using small fonts. This can give a very nice and quick and deep overview of the overall structure. It would be cool if eaglemode 2 would contain such a visualization (like SpaceSniffer) as well. eaglemode 2 = eaglemode 1 + SpaceSniffer-like-treemaps see SpaceSniffer:

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Eagle Mode

    Gave also 5 stars, of course. Thanks!

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Eagle Mode

    You can jump to any directory my friend. Just use this. eaglemode -visit ::FS::$(echo $PWD|sed "s/\//::/g")

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Eagle Mode

    Which are the best tutorials for developing eagle mode plugins for beginners? Possibly examples which can use external tools (linux commands) as well. Mainly I would like to be able to set some image as background of a directory if it has same name as the directory. Example 1: directory_name directory_name.jpg/png/svg (in same directory) then the image should be automatically shown as the background of that directory, in same form as it shows the images. Especially with svg variants this could be...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Eagle Mode

    Yeah, why not, copy (without holding shift) and move (with holding shift) variants.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on JPdfBookmarks

    Also from command line? If yes, how? I had a quick look but could not find anything.

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2015-09-10 23:06:28


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