Activity for Tony

  • Tony Tony posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    While clicking on URI in a PDF document, generated from HTML document, I got an error window *Triggering URI not implemented" which triggered an idea for eaglemode use case. How cool would it be, if you could use URI to local paths, and when clicking on such a link, eaglemode would fly there! This would allow you creating complex visiting sequences, among available paths on your local computer, within a single document. Somehow I liked this idea much and wanted to share it quickly here. I hope for...

  • Tony Tony modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    There is even a much better application using treemaps, SpaceSniffer, only windows. But its advantage over qdirstat is also the names are shown using small fonts. This can give a very nice and quick and deep overview of the overall structure. It would be cool if eaglemode 2 would contain such a visualization (like SpaceSniffer) as well. eaglemode 2 = eaglemode 1 + SpaceSniffer-like-treemaps see SpaceSniffer: video 1, file tagging ctrl-1, ctrl-2 ...:...

  • Tony Tony posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    There is even a much better application using treemaps, SpaceSniffer, only windows. But its advantage over qdirstat is also the names are shown using small fonts. This can give a very nice and quick and deep overview of the overall structure. It would be cool if eaglemode 2 would contain such a visualization (like SpaceSniffer) as well. eaglemode 2 = eaglemode 1 + SpaceSniffer-like-treemaps see SpaceSniffer:

  • Tony Tony posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Gave also 5 stars, of course. Thanks!

  • Tony Tony posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    You can jump to any directory my friend. Just use this. eaglemode -visit ::FS::$(echo $PWD|sed "s/\//::/g")

  • Tony Tony posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Which are the best tutorials for developing eagle mode plugins for beginners? Possibly examples which can use external tools (linux commands) as well. Mainly I would like to be able to set some image as background of a directory if it has same name as the directory. Example 1: directory_name directory_name.jpg/png/svg (in same directory) then the image should be automatically shown as the background of that directory, in same form as it shows the images. Especially with svg variants this could be...

  • Tony Tony posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Yeah, why not, copy (without holding shift) and move (with holding shift) variants.

  • Tony Tony posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Also from command line? If yes, how? I had a quick look but could not find anything.

  • Tony Tony posted a comment on discussion Help

    Interesting, was emSplitter used anywhere so far?

  • Tony Tony posted a comment on discussion Help

    Any tips how to write our own plugins for eaglemode? Where to start, any simplest examples? I would like to accomplish following, if I have a text file name.txt, then in same directory an image name.png, so with same name, only a different ending as .png for example, then this image should be used or set as background image in eaglemode automatically. Is this possible at all? I thought this might look more interesting than only having a white background. Some alpha level might also be set, if ne...

  • Tony Tony posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Having 6 mappable keys for doing auto-shift or auto-zoom. Example key bindings: 1: auto-pan left 2: auto-pan right 3: auto-pan up 4: auto-pan down 5: zoom-in 6: zoom-out

  • Tony Tony modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    It would be cool seeing one day zoom and navigation possible via midi and/or osc (open sound control, which is udp protocol based) events. Advantages would be: Independence of window activation/focus, mouse and qwerty and more fun to use! You could have some faders on your midi controller, and one fader could zoom in/out, another fader doing up down shifting, another fader doing left/right shifting. Or some endless rotary knobs doing smaller amounts of zoom in/out. So lots of fun area! Any suggestions...

  • Tony Tony posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    It would be cool seeing one day zoom and naviagation possible via midi and/or osc (open sound control, which is udp protocol based) events. Advantages would be: Independence of window activation/focus, mouse and qwerty and more fun to use! You could have some faders on your midi controller, and one fader could zoom in/out, another fader doing up down shifting, another fader doing left/right shifting. Or some endless rotary knobs doing smaller amounts of zoom in/out. So lots of fun area! Any suggestions...

  • Tony Tony posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Advantages of using linux: xmodmap -e "pointer = 1 3 2"

  • Tony Tony posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Could you please add in next version a checkbox setting for switching middle mouse funtionality with right mouse? Now my right mouse is more or less useless in eaglemode, and I would prefer using it instead of middle mouse button, which is usually, or at least on my mouse harder to use. I have seen you described in the past how to change it in the source, but with next update I would lose this feature again, then.

  • Tony Tony posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Could you please add in next version a checkbox setting for switching middle mouse funtionality with right mouse? Now my right mouse is more or less useless in eaglemode, and I would prefer using it instead of middle mouse button, which is usually, or at least on my mouse harder to use. I have seen you described in the past how to change it in the source, but with next update I would lose this feature again, then.

  • Tony Tony posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I know those settings, and adjusted them already, but this pan & zoom is something different as we see only a portion of the entire image, then the 'camera' is moved, so you get a feel of a video, even it is only an image. Ok, no problem, if this is not possible, to me it seemed possible, using the above mentioned keystrokes.

  • Tony Tony modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Any chance eaglemode will ever get a pan & zoom effect option for Autoplay? Or any hints which files need to be modified, to trigger above mentioned keystrokes?

  • Tony Tony posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Any change eaglemode will ever get a pan & zoom effect option for Autoplay? Or any hints which files need to be modified, to trigger above mentioned keystrokes?

  • Tony Tony posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    What I mean with pan and zoom is already available in eaglemode if you hit following keys: Slide n: - On left side of document: alt + shift + right + pageUp Slide n + 1: - alt + shift + right + pageDown When reaching document end, replacing 'right' with 'left'.

  • Tony Tony posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    How about a shooter game on text lines, with the text representation changing after each shoot. Gameplay: - you are shooting on text lines - when the line is hit, its content is copied to clipboard and removed from display - you can fly with your jet up and down targeting different lines - you get as many points per hit as the number of characters in that line - round is finished when all lines are shot - optional time limited, to make it competition-ready, e.g. 60 seconds - score is displayed somewhere...

  • Tony Tony posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Searched in github, nothing found so far. Interesting nobody did or shared anything so far.

  • Tony Tony posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    This is easily possible using tools which can send keystrokes to the system. Here an example for Inkscape, xdotool sending the keystrokes, doing whatever needs to be done. I am coming from Windows and AutoHotkey, and having xdotool in linux, used together with xbindkeys, can do already many things, you can redefine any keystrokes to any shell scripts. Those scripts you could just call from any script as well, as for the above use case. 1 2 3 4 5 6#!/bin/bash target=$(xwininfo -int -id $(xdotool getactivewindow)...

  • Tony Tony posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Can we set $OUTPUT as a directory, for temporary file conversions? So a single file would be converted to a set of output files, sitting in $OUTPUT directory, when you zoom out again, this $OUTPUT directory is deleted again. The difference to what we have now is using a directory rather than a single file for $OUTPUT.

  • Tony Tony created ticket #73

    Ctrl- drag and drop of image could set this as background image

  • Tony Tony created ticket #72

    Pdf export size specification, e.g. A3 or A4, plus non repeating background image

  • Tony Tony created ticket #71

    Changing font size using Ctrl+/-

  • Tony Tony posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Did you clean up the code after 8 years? :)

  • Tony Tony modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    One could generalize your sentence: "Otherwise, I'll be sticking to adding functionality to my little set of scripts that lets me visualize server data." to "Otherwise, I'll be sticking to adding functionality to my little set of scripts that lets me visualize SOME data.", replacing server with some. Anything which is data, can be on-the-fly-converted to an image format, typically .png or .svg, then used normally inside Eagle Mode, meaning just watching it. "I see so much unrealized potential in...

  • Tony Tony posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    One could generalize your sentence: "Otherwise, I'll be sticking to adding functionality to my little set of scripts that lets me visualize server data." to "Otherwise, I'll be sticking to adding functionality to my little set of scripts that lets me visualize SOME data.", replacing server with some. Anything which is data, can be on-the-fly-converted to an image format, typically .png or .svg, then used normally inside Eagle Mode, meaning just watching it.

  • Tony Tony posted a comment on discussion API Support

    The only image I found, even using waybackmachine is this:

  • Tony Tony posted a comment on discussion Help

    But how you get drag and drop in Eagle Mode?

  • Tony Tony posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I had a few cases where I thought how useful it could be dragging quickly some images from eagle mode to a presentation for example, when you use are using anyway almost always eagle mode, the lacking drag and drop of files, hurts sometimes. Then I need to open explorer, drag from there, close explorer again. Just because of missing drag feature. In case this is not too difficult to implement, another idea for the future.

  • Tony Tony modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Not sure what is new in latest version, but can not install it quickly anyway, because of title, on this laptop at least. Ok, checked from News section, nothing interesting for me :-) Eagle Mode 0.94.1 released Changes for version 0.94.1: - Improved video performance on multi-core CPUs a little. - Prohibited starting up after failure in creating initial bookmarks. - Reviewed and improved various details concerning protection against unwanted file system changes. - Colorized file manager command execution...

  • Tony Tony posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Not sure what is new in latest version, but can not install it quickly anyway, because of title, on this laptop at least.

  • Tony Tony modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Would it not be useful if images could be overlayed/displayed over directories e.g. if they have same name? Then while zooming into this directory it would feel as you enter that picture. This could be very useful for presentation purposes. You could display anything you want, zooming into it, in that subdirectory you could explain even more details, and so on. Indirectly it would feel as you can zoom into images and then seeing again new images. Wanted to share this idea I had yesterday quickly....

  • Tony Tony posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Would it not be useful if images could be overlayed/displayed over directories e.g. if they have same name? Then while zooming into this directory it would feel as you enter that picture. This could be very useful for presentation purposes. You could display anything you want, zooming into it, in that subdirectory you could explain even more details, and so on. Indirectly it would feel as you can zoom into images and then seeing again new images. Wanted to share this idea I had yesterday quickly....

  • Tony Tony posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Having another option (checkbox) for Autoplay as 'zoom and pan' would add another coolness, e.g. while autoplaying images or actually any content. There could be two more settings, for adjusting the pan speed and zoom amount. Summary: - checkbox zoom and pan for autoplay - pan speed - zoom amount If pan reaches the end of image, it could pan in the other direction. Reflecting like a billiard ball.

  • Tony Tony posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks, I will try it.

  • Tony Tony posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Oh, did not know this, cool, that is perfect then. I can live with those, no problem. Then we have already perfect navigation inside eaglemode.

  • Tony Tony posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    No problem, in linux world there are always ways. :-) Actually just after posting my previous text I tried something else which is promising. Only I need to check how I can use any .sh script as emFpPlugin? Do you have an example where I could use any .sh rather than a single command like highlight? My goal is combining highlight with other tools inside that script, which will end up again in an svg but over three corners. code > html > pdf > svg Tools of my choice currently are: code > html: highlight...

  • Tony Tony modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    While media playback arrow keys right and left could do following jumps: -right: jumping forward in time for 60s -left: jumping backward in time for 15s Idea is from Totem in Linux. This feature would complete the keys 1..0 nicely, for more detailed jumps, in case the video is longer, like lecture videos.

  • Tony Tony posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    While media playback arrow keys right and left could do following jumps: -right: jumping forward in time for 60s -left: jumping backward in time for 15s Idea is from Totem in Linux.

  • Tony Tony modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks, this great tip I have to digest first, never tried such on the fly conversion, this is perfect, this opens up new worlds. Tested quickly, the svg is displayed correctly inside /tmp directory, but when I copy this .svg to some other directory, outside of /tmp, then same .svg is shown as black? Interesting, same file on different locations displayed differently. It would be cool, copying it quickly elsewhere and still using the nice .svg, e.g. you could paste this .svg into another freeplane...

  • Tony Tony modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks, this great tip I have to digest first, never tried such on the fly conversion, this is perfect, this opens up new worlds. Tested quickly, the svg is displayed correctly inside /tmp directory, but when I copy this .svg to some other directory, outside of /tmp, then same .svg is shown as black? Interesting, same file on different locations displayed differently. It would be cool, copying it quickly elsewhere and still using the nice .svg, e.g. you could paste this .svg into another freeplane...

  • Tony Tony modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks, this great tip I have to digest first, never tried such on the fly conversion, this is perfect, this opens up new worlds. Tested quickly, the svg is displayed correctly inside /tmp directory, but when I copy this .svg to some other directory, outside of /tmp, then same .svg is shown as black? Interesting, same file on different locations displayed differently. It would be cool, copying it quickly elsewhere and still using the nice .svg, e.g. you could paste this .svg into another freeplane...

  • Tony Tony modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks, this great tip I have to digest first, never tried such on the fly conversion, this is perfect, this opens up new worlds. Tested quickly, the svg is displayed correctly inside /tmp directory, but when I copy this .svg to some other directory, outside of /tmp, then same .svg is shown as black? Interesting, same file on different locations displayed differently. It would be cool, copying it quickly elsewhere and still using the nice .svg, e.g. you could paste this .svg into another freeplane...

  • Tony Tony posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks, this great tip I have to digest first, never tried such on the fly conversion, this is perfect, this opens up new worlds. Tested quickly, the svg is displayed correctly inside /tmp directory, but when I copy this .svg to some other directory, outside of /tmp, then same .svg is shown as black? Interesting, same file on different locations displayed differently. It would be cool, copying it quickly elsewhere and still using the nice .svg, e.g. you could paste this .svg into another freeplane...

  • Tony Tony posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Cost in terms of 2D space usage you meant I guess. Yes an icon version would show even more data on same space which is your screen size normally, for far distance view it might be worth trying. (a) icons (b) colors (c) keeping as is a and b options would be new. I am wondering which are all interesting setting options users have? And where, in which files to change them? Too bad also, there are no shared plugins from various users anywhere, github maybe?

  • Tony Tony posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Does this mean we can have syntax highlighted codes as svg inside eaglemode?

  • Tony Tony posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Can we set anywhere the used background color based on file type? At least eaglemode allows various sorting algorithms based on file endings, so somewhere near could be a setting for background colors? The hope is it would get a little more info on file content from far distance view. Another addition might be square size based on file size, from treemaps, but this is probably too complicated, compared to a simple color setting. Reading the color settings from an external .txt or .ini or .cfg file...

  • Tony Tony posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Another option is using opml export/import between org-mode and freeplane.

  • Tony Tony posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    If you zoom out, Autoplay entering "Autoplay pause mode", later if you zoom in anywhere else Autoplay will unpause again, continuing switching. In another post I mentioned also a random mode for Autoplay, so both together we have: (a) autoplay random mode (b) autoplay pause mode

  • Tony Tony modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Regarding (2), there is also this bash solution instead of the above perl solution, I posted it elsewhere but as it is related I am reposting here. You can also create a file and put follwoing line in it: eaglemode -visit ::FS::$(echo $PWD|sed "s/\//::/g") Then in terminal, in any directory you can call and the eagle will fly directly to this directory. You can copy this file then to /usr/bin/ All above for linux.

  • Tony Tony posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Regarding (2), there is also this bash solution instead of the above perl solution, I posted it elsewhere but as it is related I am reposting here. You can also create a file and put follwoing line in it: eaglemode -visit ::FS::$(echo $PWD|sed "s/\//::/g") Then in terminal, in any directory you can call and the eagle will fly directly to this directory. You can copy this file then to /usr/bin/ All above for linux.

  • Tony Tony posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Autoplay is great, thanks Oliver, however having there also a "random" option would be useful sometimes, not only moving linearly, jumping around freely. Great for idea triggering or brainstorming.

  • Tony Tony posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    What about allowing dual view, like 2 page views in pdf viewers (evince in ubuntu), odd pages to the left. The point is you can view always two items at once. If you would create for each text a visual image, you could see then immediately the text plus its visualization. Similarly a triple view would allow same for 3 files at the same time, if you created two follow up documents from same document. It could be aligned like a triangle, original at the top, follow ups below. If triple view is too...

  • Tony Tony posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    The box sizes would get their size based on file size. That could be an alternative view. Example is qdirstat.

  • Tony Tony posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    You can also create a file and put follwoing line in it: eaglemode -visit ::FS::$(echo $PWD|sed "s/\//::/g") Then in terminal, in any directory you can call and the eagle will fly directly to this directory. You can copy this file then to /usr/bin/ All above for linux.

  • Tony Tony created ticket #50

    Assinging a QWERTY key in extra controls editor to 'Button Ctl'