Most viewers that I have come across only support meshes. I am looking for a viewer that can display: Points (I'm willing to compromise on this) Lines Faces Curves (2D and 3D splines), and Surfaces (BURBS) Collada too apparently supports these primitives but most viewers will only display a subset of them. I am open to any formats for which GLC-Player can display these primitives.
Egg on my face, I got this wrong.
Thank you. I found part in the docs but not this particular incantation. It might be a beneficial addition.
I am puzzled by the answers I am getting from reduce and I have checked this over many times so I apologize if I have made a mistake somewhere. Ignoring the denominator, the triple integral I1 := int(int(int(x^a*y^b*z^c,x),y),z); is x^(a+1)*y^(b+1)*z^(c+1). And, ignoring the denominator, the definite integral equivalent I2 := int(int(int(x^a*y^b*z^c,x,-1,1),y,-1,1),z,-1,1); ought to be equivalent to 1^(a+1)*1^(b+1)*1^(c+1) - (-1)^(a+1)*(-1)^(b+1)*(-1)^(c+1); So that when a = 2, b = 1, c = 3, I2 should...
I am puzzled by the answers I am getting from reduce and I have checked this over many times so I apologize if I have made a mistake somewhere. Ignoring the denominator, the triple integral I1 := int(int(int(x^a*y^b*z^c,x),y),z); is x^(a+1)*y^(b+1)*z^(c+1). And, ignoring the denominator, the definite integral equivalent I2 := int(int(int(x^a*y^b*z^c,x,-1,1),y,-1,1),z,-1,1); ought to be 1^(a+1)*1^(b+1)*1^(c+1) - (-1)^(a+1)*(-1)^(b+1)*(-1)^(c+1); So that when a = 2, b = 1, c = 3, I2 should be 2. Unfortunately...
I am puzzled by the answers I am getting from reduce and I have checked this over many times so I apologize if I have made a mistake somewhere. Ignoring the denominator, the triple integral I1 := int(int(int(x^a*y^b*z^c,x),y),z); is x^(a+1)*y^(b+1)*z^(c+1). And, ignoring the denominator, the definite integral equivalent I2 := int(int(int(x^a*y^b*z^c,x,-1,1),y,-1,1),z,-1,1); ought to be 1^(a+1)*1^(b+1)*1^(c+1) - (-1)^(a+1)*(-1)^(b+1)*(-1)^(c+1); So that when a = 2, b = 1, c = 3, I2 should be 2. Unfortunately...
Is there an easy way to get reduce to split an expression into its parts e.g. given func = "#381*x1**4 + #382*x1**3*x3 + #383*x1**3*x5 + #384*x1**3*x7 + #385*x1**3 + #386*x1**2*x2**2 + #387*x1**2*x2*x4 + #388*x1**2*x2*x6 + #389*x1**2*x2*x8 + #390*x1**2*x2 + #391*x1**2*x3**2 + #392*x1**2*x3*x5 + #393*x1**2*x3*x7 + #394*x1**2*x3 + #395*x1**2*x4**2 + ... I would like to return the list {#381*x1**4, #382*x1**3*x3, #383*x1**3*x5, ...}. (The # terms arise from the application of the coeff2 package.)