Activity for Wyatt

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion Help

    Ventura does not appear to work with the Buddi desktop version. Buddi Live ( is a web based version of Buddi, and is compatible with Ventura.

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion General

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion General

    There are lots of factors which can affect this, and I can't really help with that, unfortunately...

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion General

    Yeah that sounds like a shady site. Download from here:

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion General

    Buddi is free + open source software, and you are welcome to use it completely without cost. If you wish, you are able to donate any amount of your choosing, but this is not required (and most people do not do it). I don't recall anywhere that it asks for $9 specifically - I think the message asks for an optional donation and suggests a small amount ($5? I can't remember). Did you download it from SourceForge directly, or from a third party site? Some unreputable third party sites will take open...

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion Help

    This is almost certainly due to Buddi lacking Full Disk Access in Monterey. I think that to get it working from the, I need to package it in a different way. I am not entirely sure how to do that, so will need to find some time to investigate and experiment. For running from the Terminal, the problem is the same, but is from the Terminal instead of Buddi itself. When you first ran it, you may have seen something like this (see screenshot-1.png) If you had clicked "Don't Allow" it would...

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on ticket #136

    There are two related issues here, both of which prevent connecting to Microsoft's Azure SFTP server, and presumably others which are strict to the RFCs. The client version string as listed above, and using a single LF vs. CR+LF after it. Fixing these two issues allows connection to Azure. Both changes are in Line 71: private byte[] V_C=Util.str2byte("SSH-2.0-JSCH-"+JSch.VERSION); // client version needs to change to: private byte[] V_C=Util.str2byte("SSH-2.0-JSCH_"+JSch.VERSION); //...

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion Help

    FYI I have updated the Buddi web site to indicate that Big Sur is not currently supported, and appears to have issues with running Buddi.

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion Help

    Well that's good to hear that it is working now. You are correct, when running the .jar file directly it will show up in the Dock as "Java", not "Buddi". This is expected behaviour. You can also try double clicking on the .jar file, instead of going to the Terminal; that should also launch Buddi (via Java still, but better than needing to go into the terminal). I am going to go out on a limb here and say that there is some change to how Apple launches Java applications, which makes the Buddi app...

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion Help

    Gah. Sorry again... in this case the name of your jar file is Buddi- So the command would be java -jar ~/Downloads/Buddi- Again, my apologies...

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion Help

    It's hard to tell you what to type when I don't see your system :-( Let's try this. 1) Download the Buddi.jar version from 2) Ensure that it is in your Downloads folder 3) Run 'java -jar ~/Downloads/Buddi.jar' from the terminal (again, no quotes) 4) Copy the output here

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion Help

    OK, it looks like you have Buddi installed in a different location than I expected. Change step 2 above to the following: java -jar /Applications/Buddi-3/ and copy / paste the logs here again.

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion Help

    OK, let's try running this directly. Please do the following: Run /Applications/Utilities/Terminal Type 'java -jar /Applications/' (without the quotes) and hit enter You should see some text scroll by, and then the Buddi application should open. Try to open your data file from File -> Open. Once you are all done, copy and paste all the text that was printed on your console into this forum thread. It should start with something like the following: Nov 23, 2020 7:12:52...

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion Help

    This file is empty... can you please try deleting it and re-running Buddi again. If it is re-created, please send the new version. Thanks

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion Help

    That screenshot is from the system logs. Look in your home directory. 1) Open Finder 2) Select the menu option Go -> Go to Folder... 3) Type "~/Library/Logs" 4) You should see the Buddi log there. (OSX hides the user's Library folder by default, so you can't navigate there by clicking) Cheers

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion Help

    Can you please send the log file (located at ~/Library/Logs/Buddi.log) Thanks

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion Help

    If you are comfortable doing so, you can send me your data + backup files and I can see if there is data in them. If they are encrytped I would need your password as well. Don't put them on this public forum; you can email me directly at buddi <at> digitalcave <dot> ca. </dot></at> If the problems started after upgrading, I would suggest going back to the previous version. The changes recently have been various translations (so if you are an English speaker there is no difference) and some packaging...

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion Help

    Can you be sure that you selected the new folder in the Save As dialog?

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion Help

    If it said the file already exists, you probably had not created a new folder. If you want to use the same name, then first rename the folder. We want to use a completely new folder, so that whatever permissions are set on the old one are not used anymore.

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion Help

    It looks like there was a problem writing to the folder where your data file is located. The error message says "Operation not permitted", which normally means that OSX has locked down a folder. I would suggest doing the following: 1) In Buddi, go File -> Save As 2) In the "Save Data File..." prompt, navigate to your Documents folder. 3) Click "New Folder" button and create a new folder for your data file. Something like "Buddi Data" or similar could be a good name, but it doesn't really matter what...

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion Help

    OK, on to the next thing... can you please send me your Buddi.log file? This is located in ~/Library/Logs/Buddi.log. Library is normally hidden in OSX; if you go to Finder and hit Cmd + Shift + G it will open a "Go to Folder" prompt - enter "~/Library/Logs" and hit OK. The log file will hopefully describe what the problem is in more detail.

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion Help

    Can you check the Backup Location configuration parameter? Go to the Buddi preferences, click the Advanced tab, and look at the Backup Location value. If it is set to a folder you need to ensure that folder exists. Otherwise, you can just delete it and it will save backups to the same location as the data file.

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Robin, I would suggest that you try saving again (possibly going Save As so you can specify the location). If you get the error message again, please take a screenshot so that we can see exactly what it is saying. Cheers

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion General

    Make sure that you are running as admin. If that doesn't work, you can try the Windows Standalone version instead of the installer.

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion Help

    No worries... Depending on your feelings toward 'the cloud', perhaps you can try BuddiLive... it is a web based version that I have been developing for a while. I have switched over to it myself for a number of years now, but development has been slow and it is still technically in beta. Eventually I want to bundle it as a standalone application so that you would run the server on your machine and interact with it through a web browser, but I have been lazy. Anyway, if you want to give it a shot,...

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Mike, Are you by change running High Sierra? I have received some reports of issues with that OSX version (although in my tests I have not been able to reproduce the problems, so something else must be a factor as well). As for the scheduled transactions, unfortunately there is no way to set them to run in the future, nor can you edit them after creation. Sorry! Buddi is very much a simple budgeting tool for personal use... even small businesses probably have more need for features than Buddi...

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion Help

    Preferences are accessed using Edit -> Preferences menu option. Does that work for you?

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion Help

    Could you try a new version? If this doesn't work, could you please send me some screen shots of the issue? I am a bit unclear on exactly what is happening. (I really should upgrade to High Sierra, but I don't have any personal Macs any more, the only one I have is a work machine and we have not been given authorization to upgrade yet, due to compatibility issues just like this with other programs).

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion Help

    Cool, thanks for the update. I'll release the official version shortly, but I don't expect any changes from your version, so probably no need to change it. Cheers

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion Help

    Yeah looking at the code a bit more, that definitely looks to be the problem. I have made a quick build that conditionally disables that code (or more specifially, it allows it to run but doesn't cause a total failure if there are problems). You can download from . I have tested that this version runs on my computer, but I don't have the same OS / JVM that you have, so this is still very much a beta test. Please let me know if it works for you or not....

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion Help

    Well that's interesting... it looks like the JVM you are using does not include any of the Apple extensions that they have had since... forever... Could be a new High Sierra issue? Perhaps you upgraded and downloaded a new JVM, it has problems (whereas I assume when you were running High Sierra before your latest upgrade, it was an upgrade from an older OS version and thus kept an older JVM?) Looking at,...

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hmm. OK, next try. Please try to run java -jar /Applications/ from the terminal. This attempts to launch Java directly and run the Buddi.jar file. (Normally, when running the Mac application, it does this indirectly, but this bypasses all the Mac stuff). Please copy and paste all terminal output here. Cheers

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion Help

    This sounds like a quarantine thing. See (among many other) sites describing the issue. Long story short, you can remove the quarantine attribute from the .dmg by using "xattr -d <filename>", or after it has been extracted remove it from the .app bundle by using "xattr -dr <diretoryName>" (see for the message discussing this solution). Please let me...

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion Help

    Great to hear it! Cheers

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion Help

    Not sure if you are OK with PPAs, but if you are, try the following (I have not done this, I don't run Ubuntu):

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion Help

    OK, I see a couple of potential issues. First, it looks like the new .jar file has been corrupted. Can you please try downloading again (possibly from another mirror). Second, I see that you are using OpenJDK 9 as your JVM. This has never been tested; I would suggest trying Oracle JDK 8. You can download this from Please try these two steps, then run Buddi again using the same approach as above, and paste the output again. Cheers

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi there, Can you please try the following: 1) Download the .jar version of Buddi from Save it to your downloads folder. 2) Go to the console and type the command (without quotes): "java -jar ~/Downloads/Buddi-" 3) Copy all the text from the console and paste it in this ticket. (This tries to run Buddi directly using the Java executable, rather than the Ubuntu configuration. This will tell us if all the underlying components on the system, such as...

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion General

    It sounds like you don't have Java installed. Please download the latest Java VM...

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion General

    If it helps, I am using Janel ( as the windows...

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion General

    Hmm, that's strange... where did you get your Java version? I am not seeing update...

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion General

    JVM should be sufficient. What OS are you running? The JVM detection methods are...

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion Help

    It sounds like you have things worked out - great! As for the damaged version, can...

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion General

    Hello Peter, The donation is handled by PayPal, and is not related to Sourceforge...

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello Peter, If you arrange your budgets in a hierarchy, when looking at it in My...

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion Help

    Try downloading from a different mirror... I have seen this issue with Source Forge...

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Pietro, -Document is the top level container which holds the other model objects....

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion Help

    I don't remember exactly, but I think it was included as part of the architecure...

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion Help

    Everything I have is checked in. Not really anything on architecture... it is a fairly...

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion General

    If I remember correctly, was released and immediately pulled due to a regression...

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion General

    Hello, Sorry for the confusion... in 2013 I stopped using the SourceForge git repos,...

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion General

    The backup happens once every time you save. So every time you hit 'File -> Save',...

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion General

    Hello, I can't really comment on the various import plugins... they were written...

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion General

    When you say you log in, what do you mean? Buddi is a desktop application; you download...

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion General

    Personally I prefer to manually enter things like this every month. I only use scheduled...

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion General

    Basically you would set the budget to be the estimated amount which you can use for...

  • Wyatt Wyatt modified a comment on discussion General

    [Grr... just ate my reply]. It works for me on Debian Jessie. I have a couple...

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion General

    <Grr..."" just="" ate="" my="" reply="">. It works for me on Debian Jessie....

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion General

    This is the OS X function called "Gatekeeper", which limits applications which are...

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion General

    I can only speak for myself (the author of Buddi), but I prefer entering transactions...

  • Wyatt Wyatt posted a comment on discussion General

    Hi there, The first thing to verify is that you are opening your data file. Buddi...