Activity for Oliver Hamann

  • Oliver Hamann Oliver Hamann posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    URIs (or say URLs) which start with http:// or https:// are supported now since version 0.96.2. They open a web browser as usual. In addition, special URIs of the form eaglemode:<panel identity> are supported. For example, eaglemode:::Clock1: points to the clock, and eaglemode:::FS::::usr::src: points to the /usr/src directory.

  • Oliver Hamann Oliver Hamann created a blog post

    Eagle Mode 0.96.2 released

  • Oliver Hamann Oliver Hamann posted a comment on discussion Help

    The interest was never particularly high except for a few individuals. Compilation is described here. Which OS are you trying to compile for, and what is the problem?

  • Oliver Hamann Oliver Hamann posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thank you very much!

  • Oliver Hamann Oliver Hamann posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thank you very much! If you like, please spend five stars:

  • Oliver Hamann Oliver Hamann posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    You can change the Eagle Mode configuration directory by setting the EM_USER_CONFIG_DIR environment variable. For example in your .bashrc or in export EM_USER_CONFIG_DIR=$HOME/.config/eaglemode I understand that I should add support for XDG_CONFIG_HOME one day. But it's troublesome to keep compatibility with old configurations (detect and copy it silently, or ask user...).

  • Oliver Hamann Oliver Hamann posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thank you!

  • Oliver Hamann Oliver Hamann posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Both examples would require to modify the emFileMan plugin and therein mainly the emDirPanel and emDirEntryPanel classes. It is not easy. The C++ API tutorial ( may be sufficient or not, I don't know. I any case you would need good C++ skills. I am dreaming of providing a simpler programming interface based on javascript or so. But currently I have no plan for that.

  • Oliver Hamann Oliver Hamann posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    1) Children are deleted when they are no longer displayed (zoom out or scroll away). The virtual AutoShrink method does that by default for children which are created in AutoExpand. 2) You could extend the constructor arguments and member variables of MyPanel.

  • Oliver Hamann Oliver Hamann posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    0.95.0 is out and it casually allows you to get rid of the tunnel. See the TunnelFactor property in

  • Oliver Hamann Oliver Hamann posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Simply remove the word "exec". It means to replace the current shell and never returns.

  • Oliver Hamann Oliver Hamann posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    First of all, your FCStd preview has two things you want to remove: The tunnel, and the directory entry panel around the picture ("Thumbnail.png"). The second one exists because your emTmpConv_FreeCAD.emFpPlugin creates a directory as the $OUTPUT and unpacks the thumbnail into it. Better is to let $OUTPUT be the png file directly. But then it cannot be named "Thumbnail.png". This can be solved, by unpacking into a private temporary directory and moving the unpacked file to $OUTPUT. Here comes an...

  • Oliver Hamann Oliver Hamann posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks a lot for the stars! To your suggestions: 1) A PLM plugin would surely be benefiting. Just convince an investor... 2) If there are any command line tools which can convert those CAD files to svg or png or some other format that Eagle Mode can show, it could be easily solved using the emTmpConv plugin: (emTmpConv is currently available on Linux/UNIX only, but a Windows port is under testing) 3) Hmm, currently there is only the Bookmarks...

  • Oliver Hamann Oliver Hamann posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Nice to see there is one more user - thanks! Maybe you like to spend some stars?

  • Oliver Hamann Oliver Hamann posted a comment on discussion Help

    So far, emSplitter is only in the Toolkit Test, I think.

  • Oliver Hamann Oliver Hamann posted a comment on discussion Help

    Yes, start here:

  • Oliver Hamann Oliver Hamann posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    the Plugin needs some work before I want to release it. I did not maintain it for many years. It is no longer functioning with most of the tile servers. Maybe I will find the time and include it in one of the next Eagle Mode releases.

  • Oliver Hamann Oliver Hamann posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Yes, maybe it's possible if you have a Linux on it. But I never tried Eagle Mode on a Raspberry. I'm afraid it won't work.

  • Oliver Hamann Oliver Hamann posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Sorry, this is not easy because the program internal interfaces are not prepared for that. Also, I don't find it much useful, because one can already configure the speed of animation generally in: General Preferences -> Kinetic Effects -> Speed of changing location (Oh I see the help text does not say that this is also for Autoplay - I'll fix that)

  • Oliver Hamann Oliver Hamann posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Yes, for an example see emTmpConv_archives.emFpPlugin.

  • Oliver Hamann Oliver Hamann posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    The binary installation package requires at least 16.04. If you have 14.04, you can try to install from source, but I am not sure if it works.

  • Oliver Hamann Oliver Hamann posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    If you write an .sh script, you can call it from a plugin with the full path. Also it is possible to have multiple lines directly in the plugin, for an example see emTmpConv_abiword.emFpPlugin. Hope you read

  • Oliver Hamann Oliver Hamann posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Oh I did not see the highlight.css file which is created silently by highlight. This breaks the semantics of the temporary conversion, because that file would be overwritten and falsely used shared by multiple parallel conversions, and it is not deleted when zooming out (but it's deleted when terminating Eagle Mode). I don't think that the highlight plugin should be included in the official release. The result is not multi-columned, and if the file has more than 3500 lines, an error claims about...

  • Oliver Hamann Oliver Hamann posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Currently it's D (for decrement) and I (increment). Indeed, cursor keys would be way more intutiv.

  • Oliver Hamann Oliver Hamann posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    There is no such feature yet. I wonder if it would not look too colorful. Maybe the content panels could be improved to display some kind of icons instead of the "costly" text, as long as the user has not zoomed in enough to display the real content.

  • Oliver Hamann Oliver Hamann posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Install "highlight", create an emFpPlugin configuration file with the following content, and restart Eagle Mode: #%rec:emFpPlugin%# FileTypes = { ".cc" ".cpp" ".h" ".hpp" ".java" ".pl" ".py" ".sh" } Priority = 0.2 Library = "emTmpConv" Function = "emTmpConvFpPluginFunc" Properties = { { Name="OutFileEnding" Value=".svg" } { Name="Command" Value="highlight \"--input=$INFILE\" \"--output=$OUTFILE\" --out-format=svg" } } Modify it to your needs. For example, if you want it as an alternative to the normal...

  • Oliver Hamann Oliver Hamann posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    It depends on the installed software packages. AppImage does not check whether required packages are installed. Maybe it is actually possible to integrate the required software in the AppImage, but that would be a lot (see However, I think there is no need for that. It is quite easy to install (and possibly uninstall) the Debian or RPM package of Eagle Mode . If someone just wants to try out while having concerns about security or so, it is even better...

  • Oliver Hamann Oliver Hamann posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Debian 9.6

  • Oliver Hamann Oliver Hamann posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks for the hint about the AppImage! Unfortunately, it does not check important dependencies like perl, xterm, and ghostscript. In my try, even png and jpeg viewing did not work because of different library versions. Btw: @folks: If Eagle Mode neither zooms into your home directory after starting nor shows any bookmarks, then please do not think this is normal behavior! Instead terminate it, install perl (version 5 not 6), remove $HOME/.eaglemode/emMain/bookmarks.rec and start again. (I'll implement...

  • Oliver Hamann Oliver Hamann posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Eagle Mode has no presentation editor or player at the moment. I am currently working...

  • Oliver Hamann Oliver Hamann posted a comment on discussion Help

    GIF playing can be paused and continued simply by clicking with the left mouse button...

  • Oliver Hamann Oliver Hamann posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Nice to hear that Eeagle Mode runs on Raspberry Pi 2! The core input classes of Eagle...

  • Oliver Hamann Oliver Hamann posted a comment on discussion Help

    Yes, I will try to fix it with the next release.

  • Oliver Hamann Oliver Hamann posted a comment on discussion Help

    You mean that zooming by mouse wheel is not functioning? Does the mouse wheel work...

  • Oliver Hamann Oliver Hamann posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    The PDF plugin depends on the poppler-glib library, which depends on many other libraries....

  • Oliver Hamann Oliver Hamann posted a comment on discussion Help

    Many GIF files erroneously have a too low frame delay specification (e.g. delay =...

  • Oliver Hamann Oliver Hamann posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Sorry There is no configuration parameter for the 'layer' or 'height'. The Z-order...

  • Oliver Hamann Oliver Hamann posted a comment on discussion Help

    The colors can only be changed in the source code. For version 0.88.0, it is in src/emCore/emLook.cpp...

  • Oliver Hamann Oliver Hamann posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Dimitry, the answers are in:

  • Oliver Hamann Oliver Hamann posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks for the report! I'll try to fix it for the next release. Have a great day...

  • Oliver Hamann Oliver Hamann posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    1) Modify the Order property in the command files (See

  • Oliver Hamann Oliver Hamann posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    This is not provided, but you could modify the source code and recompile. Depending...

  • Oliver Hamann Oliver Hamann posted a comment on discussion Help

    Ok, I installed a clean Debian 7 in a virtual machine in order to reproduce your...

  • Oliver Hamann Oliver Hamann posted a comment on discussion Help

    I am not sure whether it is really needed to use the packages from

  • Oliver Hamann Oliver Hamann posted a comment on discussion Help

    Have you compiled with libxine-dev or libxine2-dev? It should be the first. And are...