Activity for Steve Bickell

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Looks OK when I run that file. Here's an entry from the output xml <programme start="20240923115605 +1200" stop="20240923122506 +1200" channel="10 Adelaide"> <title>The Drew Barrymore Show</title> <desc>Host Drew Barrymore brings her infectious brand of humour and positivity to daytime with guest 50 Cent.</desc> <category>Special Interest</category> <rating> <value>PG</value> </rating> <episode-num system="SxxExx">S05E12</episode-num> <episode-num system="original-air-date">2024-09-22</episode-num>...

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    That's odd, it looks OK when I run it. Is your import file small enough to attach to a post.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    There are a couple of options. EPG Centre has a 'Clear programme guide' option under Run - WMC Maintenance. Try this first. Otherwise you can delete the WMC database and its backup. I don't have WMC installed on any machines now so I'm not sure where the files are. I seem to remember that they used to be in c:\programdata\microsoft\ehome.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Try the attached version. Don't set 'Create Plex compatible tags.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    As the software you are using (EPGC and WMC) haven't changed it must be something to do with the data. Have you tried recreating the WMC database? This is the quickest and easiest thing to do first.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I know its been a while but hopefully you are monitoring this thread. The xmltv_ns tag is lost because EPGC is only passing thru 1 episode-num tag it doesn't use, the last one it comes across. I can fix that. A couple of questions. Does it matter if the original-air-date tag has the time as well as the date and does it matter about the empty previouisly-shown tag? That was a request from another Plex user a long time ago.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Help

    EPG Collector uses the utility LoadMXF.exe, which is part of WMC, to load the MXF file into the WMC database. It doesn't do it itself. And the disable in-band setting isn't relevant to the process. I would imagine EPG123 does the same thing and uses LoadMXF. There is no way to stop EPG Collector running LoadMXF but there is no reason you can't run EPG123 afterwards as well.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Help

    It looks like the only field that could cause it is a blank program title. I've put in a check avoid the error.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Help

    You probably need to do a new channel scan. As the other poster said it's now Sky Open and from the log it's being excluded because it's not in your channel list.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Help

    You are probably collecting on the wrong frequency. There is a standard parameter set for Sky UK. If you use EPG Centre and click File - Create New it's the last in the list.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    You probably need to change the parameters so on the Tuning tab select the frequency in the list at the bottom, click Change then Update. On the dialog that appears select one of the HD areas. Then OK and Yes and Save.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    If you create a transport stream dump using EPG Centre, upload it somewhere and post the link I'll take a look at the data.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Help

    Here's a link to a rar file with the entire dev directory.!AiDSDCr3_acH-QSUqrTvyQO1C1JS?e=eQnxEx V5 does not use the C++ runtime. There is code included in the dev directory that enables DirectShow components to be used by C# code rather than C++.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Help

    The log indicates you are collecting ATSC data from freq 57000 and it's that which is timing out after 6mins 40 secs (ie the 400 secs you have in the EPGC timeouts). Your post suggests you don't want to collect OTA data so just delete those parameters from the Tuning tab.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Help

    Post the EPGC log.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Help

    And have you given EPG Centre and EPG Collector network access?

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Help

    Is tuner 8 the correct tuner to use?

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Help

    Post the log.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    So the icon tag you put in your first post is not the one you want to use? You actually want something like <icon src=" number.png"></icon>

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Help

    See the other post above for my comment about installing the VC++ runtime from 2010 if you use 4.3. I've attached the the latest V5. Try it and if there is still no data post the log. The exe directories will be different. The dll's that aren't in V5 are no longer used.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    If you put the string in the Channel logo path on the Output tab you will end up with an icon tag in the xml file for every channel in the format you are looking for.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    So you take the xml file output by EPGC and transfer it to another machine before it's used?

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    The easiest thing to do (ie the one that means I don't have to do anything) is to manually download your images to the 'data directory\Images' directory where data directory is where your log is written. As long as the filetype is png and the filename is the same as the channel name the path to the icon should then be included in the xml file.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Help

    Your change to add a new language code looks OK. I'll add it to my file in case I ever make another release.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Help

    Firstly your Freeview collection is timing out. You need to increase the collection timeout on the Advanced tab to say 900 (15 minutes). Check in the log after you have tried a collection to see if that is enough. If it's run from a web page I suppose it might mean that access to the directory where the log is normally written is prohibited. You don't specify what the 'crash' is. You can direct that the logs are written to a directory that you specify. You need to create an environment variable EPGC_DATA_DIR...

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Help

    I haven't been able to compile PSIMemoryShare since 2017 after updating my copy of Visual Studio. I'm a bit of a C++ dunce to be honest. I have a Sat>IP tuner and EPGC works OK with it but the responses from these servers can vary so if yours is still failing post the logs. EPGC 4.3 only needs the C++ runtime for tuner cards not for Sat>IP boxes. I've attached version 5.0 that doesn't use the C++ runtime even for tuner cards so feel free to give it a try if you want to.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Help

    That's good news. I thought the VBox support response was just the standard 'update to the latest firmware' but it actually made a difference!!!

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Help

    My comment from another thread. Looks like PSIMemoryShare.dll might depend on Msvcr100.dll which is the C++ redist from 2010. Download from here I have recently created a version that doesn't use the C++ library. It hasn't had much exposure but you are welcome to try it. Your choice.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Help

    Try the attached. Also here is the latest response from VBox support. =============================================== Hello Please tell your customer to updated the VBox device and strictly follows these steps Go to android play store app and update the Google app or services >under your account name – As for the VBox part- open the device web managing page(type device IP into web browser or just find it the network device list) Then at the software update tab -Please update the device with the following...

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Help

    While we are waiting for VBox to reply I wonder if you could use Microsoft Network Monitor (or anything you know of that is similar) to see what messages VLC or Plex send to the VBox to tune.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Help

    Which VBox are you using?

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Help

    I've contacted VBox. I'll let you know the response.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Help

    Not according to the manual. I've attached it. I'll contact them and ask what it should be.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Help

    I'll keep trying if you keep testing. According to the VBox documentation Modulation=QAM256 is a valid modulation so I'm not sure why it is failing. Is QAM256 correct for frequency 586? Can you try changing the modulation for this frequency in your cable tuning file to Mod96Qam. This should force EPG Collector to set the modulation to AUTO in the request to VBox. Lets see if it accepts the AUTO value for the modulation.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Help

    Modulation is marked as optional in the VBox documentation. Apparently it's not. Try the attached. I'm not able to test it BTW. If it fails again I only need the snippet you posted above.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Help

    Try the attached version. For some inexplicable reason they use SymbolRate for satellite and terrestrial and SR for cable.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Help

    From the snippet above it looks like you are on cable. Is that correct? I haven't tried VBOX for a long time. I wonder if they have changed SymbolRate to just SR. I'll give my satellite VBOX a go and let you know.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Help

    My comment from another thread: Looks like PSIMemoryShare.dll might depend on Msvcr100.dll which is the C++ redist from 2010. Download from here

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Help

    You have to click the Update button after 'Yes'.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell modified a comment on discussion Help

    You should collect EIT data these days, not MHEG5. Apart from changing the type of data from memory the only other change I think you need is to set the 'use FreeSat Huffman tables..." on the Advanced Parameters dialog.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Help

    You should collect EIT data these days, not MHEG5. Apart from changing the type of data form memory the only other change I think you need is to set the 'use FreeSat Huffman tables..." on the Advanced Parameters dialog.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Help

    Post the log.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Help

    There is no C++ code in the v5 version so it would be surprising if there was still a requirement for the runtime but its good to prove it isn't needed in different scenarios. I'll probably supply v5 in future if anybody needs fixes/upgrades. The slight risk is that I can't test most of the hardware setups (eg DVB-C or ATSC) which is where the runtime was used. Anyway thanks for helping out - it's much appreciated.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Help

    When you have time can you try the attached. Nobody is rushing for this version. I only have satellite to test with so it's good that you can try terrestrial.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks for the feedback. When you have some spare time can you try the attached version. It doesn't have any C++ code in it.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Help

    Looks like PSIMemoryShare.dll might depend on Msvcr100.dll which is the C++ redist from 2010. Download from here

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Help

    I gave out FP32 to individual users who raised specific issues. I doubt there were any fixes in it for FreeSat. I'm trying to create a version that doesn't need the C++ runtime as there have been a few issues with that over the last few months and if I can get that working it will be the next formal release.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Help

    It may also be that whatever was in the guide data making it fail is no longer there.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    What do you want to discuss? I'm not interested in doing any paid work.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Help

    Can you check that you have the x86 C++ Redistributables installed listed in the attachment. You can see them in Unistall programs.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    For the EIT collection you need to increase the data collection timeout on the Advanced tab. Double it from 300 secs to 600. Looking at the MP forums it looks like users are still using EPGC so maybe I'm wrong about MP having a built in EIT collector. Strange because there was a guy here in NZ on the MP development team who was working on exactly that. No donation required.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    For the EIT collection you need to increase the data collection timeout on the Advanced tab. Double it from 300 secs to 600. Looking at the MP forums it looks like users are still using EPGC so maybe I'm wrong about MP having a built in EIT collector. Strange because there was a guy here in NZ on the MP development team who was working on exactly that.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    And I believe MP will collect EIT data so you wouldn't need to use EPGC unless you are using it to add metadata to the data broadcast.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Change to collecting EIT and you should be OK.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks for reporting it. Someone else has had this problem with FP32 as well. I'll take a look.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Table 3 might be ignored in your version.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Both tables might need to be used because some channels with the same name have different NID/TID/SID. What do you think table 3 is for?

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I've attached 3 text files with the channel information that is received. The channel data is all on pid 0xc8 in tables 0, 2 and 3. Table 1 is used for the category information. As you can see from the first 2 files the channel tables are the same until you get to channel 41 when there is no LSMARTBANK2 in table 2. Table 2 then has an extra channel at the end, ALQUILER HD. Table 3 is different again. The channel ID listed is just the position in the table, it is not part of the broadcast data. The...

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Help

    Check that the redistributables are the same on both machines. Don't bother with the x64 ones. Also check that you have quartz.dll in the windows/system32 directory.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Help

    It's almost certainly to do with the C++ runtime. Check in uninstall programs which runtimes you have installed. On a Win 10 machine I have the 2015-2022 redistributable for x86 and EPGC runs OK on that machine.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    There will probably be gaps around the clock change. If the broadcasters keep the duration of programmes that span the clock change to the actual programme length there will be a gap. If they increased the duration by an hour to account for the clock change that might screw up any software that records those programmes. I guess they leave the programme duration at the actual length. Similarly when clocks go back there will be many overlaps. I've attached a log file. There are many programme summaries...

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Help

    On second thoughts I might have got that wrong. The duplicate entries should be in the same order as the import files list.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Help

    I think you will find that if there are 2 channels with the same name imported the second file in the list on the Import tab will always be the first of the two. In other words the channel change list is in the reverse order of the file name list.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Help

    Try the attached version. There is a new option on the Output tab DVBViewer section to choose channel name matching instead of NID/TID/SID. You can change the channel names contained in your input data on either the Channels or Imports tab to match the DVBViewer names.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Help

    Except it's called Media Server.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Help

    I haven't used DVBViewer for a long time so I've upgraded to the latest version and now can't get the EPGC import to work. Is Recording Service now integrated into DVBViewer so you don't see it as a separate component any more? Do you need to switch anything on in DVBViewer to allow the import to work? And do you set any of the DVBViewer options in EPGC to get the import to work?

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Help

    Yes, looking at the log I'm sure it does it that way. So it's a user specified pairing rather than trying to do it automatically. I'll have a look and see if there is anything I can do. It's a long time since I did anything with DVBViewer.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Help

    There doesn't seem to be any way to import EPG into DVBViewer matching on channel name so the only way I can see XEPG doing it is by getting all the channel info from DVBViewer (there is an api for doing that) and matching the channels by name in XEPG and using the TID/SID in the channel data got from DVBViewer. I'll have a play with that and see if it's possible. The problem you will still have is that your XML import file has channel names that all seem to end in .us. Your DVBViewer channel names...

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Help

    The import to DVBViewer calculates the channel ID that DVBViewer needs using the channels TID and SID. Thats fine for OTA channels because they have them but your XML import file doesn't. The channel ID in your XML import file just specifies a name. The first question is how does DVBViewer identify IPTV channels? Does it somehow assign a TID and SID to each channel. If it does, you could manually add entries into the SCANLIST section of your ini file with the required TID and SID and the channel...

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Help

    Some of the channel names had a comma in them. That is used as a field separator in the EPGC ini file so it failed reading the ini parameters. I've simply removed the comma from channel names when processing XMLTV import files. New version attached.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Sed, Could you give me another TS dump of 10847. I've looked at this problem from time to time and discovered at the weekend that around one third of programme descriptionS broadcast are never used. It may be that they are the programmes that are incorrect but I need to check with recent data. Then I just need to find the title data that goes with the description. From: [] On Behalf Of Sed Wer Sent:...

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    No problem. The release build might be failing because there is a post build event set up. Assuming you have removed the GUI project right click on the EPGCollector project and look at the Build Events tab. Remove any command lines you see there. Post again if you need any more assistance.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    The debug build looks like it compiles and starts running. Set a breakpoint on the start of Program.cs in the EPGCollector project and run the debug build.. Then trace thru until you get to the NotFoundException..

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    To make it easier for you I have uploaded a zip of the entire development directory to the Files section here. It's called EPG Collector V4.3 and you should be able to just unzip it and open the solution in VS. You will need VS 2022. You can exclude any projects you don't need (eg the GUI) once it compiles OK. If the changes you want to make are trivial it might be quicker for me to do them and to give you an updated version.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Have you used VS before?

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    You need to post the EPG Collector.log file. From: [] On Behalf Of Malcolm Clarke Sent: Saturday, 4 March 2023 9:52 p.m. To: Subject: [epgcollector:discussion] Re: Megasat twin server Dear Steve I hope you do not mind me contacting you ask advice. EPG Collector has been working well for me, however it has suddenly stopped giving program information. The receiver is fine as I continue...

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    You don't say what the problem is.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Yes, there is no other way.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    EPGC detects Huffman coding because there is a prefix at the start of the text on each EPG record. There is nothing at the channel level. So you could only really add an option that says something like 'Collect only HD channels'. This would mean you wouldn't need to set up the include/exclude channel tab..

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Googling produced this. TBS5927 Professional DVB-S2 TV Tuner USB Any good?

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    And the mxf file. It should be in the same directory as the log. Give me an example of a series that doesn't record properly.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Post the EPG Collector log.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Load up EPG Centre and View - General log. There is a line that contains the data directory and that's where the log goes.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Help

    No there isn't any EPG on those frequencies. It's only on 11428. I want to know if you can play them. I suspect your LNB might be faulty.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell modified a comment on discussion Help

    Can you see if you can play channels close to both sides of 11428. Here's a link for you to select some channels It's an old list. You may be able to find one a lot more up to date or maybe your media player can show you the frequencies.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Help

    Can you see if you can play channels close to both sides of 11428. Here's a link for you to select some channels

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Help

    Post the log.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I don't know if you are still monitoring this thread but I was testing some other software recently and came across a similar problem which I eventually managed to fix. Can you try a collection after updating your parameters by putting the string USESPECIFICNP in the Debug box on the Diagnostics tab.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Can you try the attached version.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    No I mean is it listed in the Tuners box on the Tuning tab when you try to create the FreeSat parameters. When you configure Sat>IP you should leave frontend as dynamic.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    When you create your FreeSat parameters does the Sat>IP server appear in the Tuners box?

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Can you post your ini file.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Can you find any other examples?

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I don't know why the EIT now/next doesn't match the MHW data but after looking at the data at the protocol level there is no separate data for the 2 channels you have found. They share the same data. And I've checked to see if there is any EPG related to the 2 channels that might be being ignored and there isn't.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    How do you know the EIT data is different for the 2 channels? When I try collecting EIT all I get is now and next EPG entries.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    No sorry. It's not present for EIT. If you look at the log you can see that the same channel ID is normally used for SD and HD channels. Why they are doing it for the channels that are different I don't know.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    EPGC can only go by the channel ID and if they are the same for 2 or more channels they will get the same data.

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Finally got round to looking at this. The 2 channels you mention have the same channel ID in the broadcast data so will end up with the same EPG data. You can see the channel ID in the log. Many other channels are the same where there is a non HD and an HD channel. They have the same ID that points to the same EPG data for both channels. Do you have other examples where it is wrong?

  • Steve Bickell Steve Bickell posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    WMC keeps everything in the WMC database. No XML files. If it's back working then just watch out for it happening again and report if it does.

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