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  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on EPG Collector

    EPG Collector uses the utility LoadMXF.exe, which is part of WMC, to load the MXF file into the WMC database. It doesn't do it itself. And the disable in-band setting isn't relevant to the process. I would imagine EPG123 does the same thing and uses LoadMXF. There is no way to stop EPG Collector running LoadMXF but there is no reason you can't run EPG123 afterwards as well.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on EPG Collector

    It looks like the only field that could cause it is a blank program title. I've put in a check avoid the error.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on EPG Collector

    You probably need to do a new channel scan. As the other poster said it's now Sky Open and from the log it's being excluded because it's not in your channel list.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on EPG Collector

    You are probably collecting on the wrong frequency. There is a standard parameter set for Sky UK. If you use EPG Centre and click File - Create New it's the last in the list.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on EPG Collector

    You probably need to change the parameters so on the Tuning tab select the frequency in the list at the bottom, click Change then Update. On the dialog that appears select one of the HD areas. Then OK and Yes and Save.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on EPG Collector

    If you create a transport stream dump using EPG Centre, upload it somewhere and post the link I'll take a look at the data.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on EPG Collector

    Here's a link to a rar file with the entire dev directory.!AiDSDCr3_acH-QSUqrTvyQO1C1JS?e=eQnxEx V5 does not use the C++ runtime. There is code included in the dev directory that enables DirectShow components to be used by C# code rather than C++.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on EPG Collector

    The log indicates you are collecting ATSC data from freq 57000 and it's that which is timing out after 6mins 40 secs (ie the 400 secs you have in the EPGC timeouts). Your post suggests you don't want to collect OTA data so just delete those parameters from the Tuning tab.

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2010-04-04 22:08:52


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