Activity for omero

  • omero omero modified a comment on ticket #5987

    this is not a bug it might qualify as a feature request

  • omero omero posted a comment on ticket #5987

    this is not a bug

  • omero omero posted a comment on ticket #5980

    ahm... if one kills a critter solo, and then kills the critter as part of a team... the achievement should properly register (right away), no matter what the bestiary says, right?

  • omero omero committed [786b4e]

    portfolio 6-slot to 9-slot allowance update

  • omero omero committed [efb306]

    Merge branch 'master' of

  • omero omero committed [1c8090]

    adjusting poison drops for assassins

  • omero omero committed [9cd435]

    drop rate for ugmash adjust for (mountain) orcs

  • omero omero committed [b56821]

    Merge branch 'master' of

  • omero omero committed [258a16]

    adjust pinto beans and tripe drops for ogres

  • omero omero committed [c4e34e]

    adjusting drop rates of koboldish torcibud varieties in wofol

  • omero omero committed [66520a]

    Merge branch 'master' of

  • omero omero committed [28e4c7]

    barbarian king ugmash drop 1.0%

  • omero omero committed [cec6a7]

    legendary elemental:

  • omero omero committed [3bd2cf]

    fix permissions on tiled/interiors/semos/deathmatch.tmx (0644)

  • omero omero committed [0f3b72]

    kobold small axe item drop probability returned to 1.3 instead of 0.5

  • omero omero committed [3c6aab]

    Merge branch 'master' of

  • omero omero committed [ddff7e]

    slightly adjust some drops from kobold denizens in wofol city

  • omero omero committed [64fab2]

    fixing permissions on data/gui/karma_scale.png

  • omero omero committed [0ec170]

    Ad Memoria In Portfolio altered to only provide a portable container as reward

  • omero omero committed [51e722]

    Merge branch 'master' of

  • omero omero committed [567183]

    Merge branch 'master' of

  • omero omero committed [8731d9]

    Ad Memoria In Portfolio notes about portfolio item

  • omero omero committed [78cc13]

    Deactivated AdMemoriaInPortfolio quest

  • omero omero committed [7797da]

    smoked products attribution

  • omero omero committed [bbfcc8]

    Merge branch 'master' of

  • omero omero committed [eeb1a4]

    removed white pixels outline

  • omero omero committed [cae071]

    logic on quest offered improvements

  • omero omero committed [82ee04]

    Ambrogita sprite update

  • omero omero committed [02dce9]

    minor travel log rewordings

  • omero omero committed [b52bbc]

    Merge branch 'master' of

  • omero omero committed [dc1460]

    Ad Memoria In Portfolio comments update

  • omero omero committed [2948cd]

    Update Olmo smoked products requirements

  • omero omero committed [1fe2a1]

    disable Ambrogio, Deniran Market Grocery Seller NPC

  • omero omero committed [920bb0]

    Merge branch 'master' of

  • omero omero committed [bc4b17]

    Ambrogita, ados market grocery seller

  • omero omero committed [ab269a]

    remove NPCs (Ambrogio, Lucretia)

  • omero omero committed [ad4105]

    Ad Memoria In Portfolio post KarajuSs fix

  • omero omero committed [13d048]


  • omero omero committed [53281c]

    Ad Memoria In Portfolio enabled post KarajuSs fix

  • omero omero committed [4fdbf9]

    delete since not needed

  • omero omero committed [d6988b]

    Merge branch 'master' of

  • omero omero committed [e05e25]

    Ad Memoria In Portfolio related changes

  • omero omero committed [f6a790]

    Ad Memoria In Portfolio quest update

  • omero omero committed [96f897]

    Ad Memoria In Portfolio update

  • omero omero committed [9e8281]

    rename KirdnehMemorySorceressNPC KirdnehAnxiousSorceressNPC

  • omero omero committed [33d8f7]

    Ad Memoria In Portfolio quest and partecipants

  • omero omero committed [a63612]

    Merge branch 'AdMemoriaInPortfolio'

  • omero omero committed [9ee25e]

    deactivated Ad Memoria In Portfolio quest

  • omero omero committed [1052ab]

    update for Ad Memoria In Portfolio

  • omero omero committed [e2df11]

    Ad Memoria In Portfolio quest

  • omero omero committed [63f666]

    Merge branch 'master' of

  • omero omero committed [298c0f]

    minor sentences rewording after relocating blasyklela to kirdneh

  • omero omero committed [c5a3c9]

    updated after relocation in kirdneh

  • omero omero committed [878764]

    slightly updated to allow relevant scrolls fit also in a portfolio

  • omero omero committed [dd13a7]

    Ad Memoria In Portfolio related adjustements

  • omero omero committed [aa3ef0]

    relocate Blasyklela to Kirdneh for Ad Memoria In Portfolio quest

  • omero omero committed [fbbaf7]

    apple refers to normal apple

  • omero omero committed [f768c4]

    Merge branch 'master' of

  • omero omero committed [653dec]

    Merge branch 'master' of

  • omero omero committed [df9934]

    standard apple

  • omero omero committed [5a660b]

    Olmo updated requirements for producing meat and fish smoked products

  • omero omero committed [38cdb2]

    Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

  • omero omero committed [9c5615]

    legendary elemental ice

  • omero omero committed [36f66f]

    attribute original blue monster to Megajack64, CC BY license (feature request:

  • omero omero committed [6923c1]

    original blue monster by megajack64, CC BY license

  • omero omero committed [203427]

    Ados Rock, Legendary Elemental Ice update

  • omero omero committed [591733]

    Ados Rock, Legendary Ice Elemental

  • omero omero committed [e81082]

    Olmo production required ingredients and times update

  • omero omero committed [228743]

    legendary elemental of ice

  • omero omero committed [4e1d2d]

    placeholder for legendary elemental of ice

  • omero omero committed [9e9308]

    legendary elemental, ice

  • omero omero committed [2ffd3b]

    logic tileset for legendary elementals

  • omero omero committed [4a56b3]

    restore original forest_se.tmx

  • omero omero committed [c78431]

    mermaid mythical being of gem variety

  • omero omero committed [5b30c8]

    Marianne wants a dozen (12) of eggs , not a score (20)

  • omero omero committed [1c4c08]

    Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

  • omero omero committed [97fcd0]

    update fado forest_se

  • omero omero committed [2b0bd7]

    ant renderworldmap of tiled/world/0_northpole_northpole_island

  • omero omero committed [0fb369]

    ant renderworldmap of tiled/world/int_northpole_house*

  • omero omero committed [9bd4e3]

    ant renderworldmap of tiled/world/int_deniran_potions_shop

  • omero omero committed [c3a55d]

    ant renderworldmap of tiled/world/sub_4_deniran_caves*

  • omero omero committed [05112a]

    make holiday items available again in tiled/tileset/item/holiday

  • omero omero committed [90d0c3]

    ant renderworldmap of tiled/world/int_deniran_inn*

  • omero omero committed [e200a5]

    ant renderworldmap of tiled/world/int_deniran_library

  • omero omero committed [ae79a0]

    Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

  • omero omero committed [9176c0]

    ant renderworldmap of tiled/world/int_northpole_cabin*

  • omero omero committed [aaffa6]

    ant renderworldmap of tiled/world/sub_4_deniran_lost_caves*

  • omero omero posted a comment on ticket #5958

    the path embedded in the .tmx file points to a 'non existing location' how did that happen, no idea.. it should be fixed now

  • omero omero committed [5eefb4]

    fixing offending path in tiled/Level 0/fado/forest_s.tmx

  • omero omero committed [f46a5f]

    Fado Forest SE, hidden paths edges and corners cleanup

  • omero omero committed [4d76f3]

    Olmo required wood+herbs

  • omero omero committed [34c3d4]

    Fado forest hidden paths

  • omero omero committed [ac700a]

    Decorative/embellishment to Albino village/enclave in Fado's forest

  • omero omero committed [3497d2]

    Added collisions

  • omero omero committed [5ee78f]

    Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

  • omero omero committed [f8cefd]

    adjust container entries

  • omero omero committed [a78e26]

    Portfolio for AdMemoriaInPortfolio update

  • omero omero committed [802b3e]

    A portfolio can only be carried in a bag or dropped on ground

  • omero omero committed [6fb405]

    scrolls can go in a portfolio when portfolio is available

  • omero omero committed [f530e9]

    Ad Memoria In Portfolio update

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