Automatic Crop Selection
Keyboard hints in ToolTips
Sleep Inhibit while scanning
Optional Delay between pages
Gnome will make this problem more common as they have switched to wayland by default now... For others experiencing this problem, a workaround: Set the environment variable GDK_BACKEND=x11 Either: add this line to the top of your script: GDK_BACKEND=x11 OR: anywhere you would run "yad", run instead "GDK_BACKEND=x11 yad"
X/Y positioning broken in Wayland
i have before but didn't like how it partially deleted the backgrounds behind text, making it look very photoshopped. i never saw it split pages but I'll give it a try next time i have two "logical pages" on the same scanned sheet
I've been using it in a bash script that uses gnu find to list pdfs, then pdfinfo to ignore then unless they came from gscan2pdf and pdftotext to ignore ones that already have text. then it just runs the bash command line to ocrmypdf.