User Activity

  • Posted a comment on ticket #838 on OmegaT - multiplatform CAT tool

    Thanks. created.

  • Created ticket #1340 on OmegaT - multiplatform CAT tool

    Please allow checking out blank projects from repositories

  • Posted a comment on ticket #838 on OmegaT - multiplatform CAT tool

    Hi Didier, I am asking if it makes sure to add a feature to allow to clone a blank repository and automatically create the necessary project files (locally). This would abstract VCS specifics from users just the same way users are abstracted from SQL specifics when using other available CAT tools. Without this feature users will get authentication failures when they probably should get 'No project files found in the remote repository'. I believe OmegaT will be easier to use and to configure in collaborative...

  • Modified a comment on ticket #838 on OmegaT - multiplatform CAT tool

    Greetings, If this is not directly related please let me know and I will open a new issue but here is what I have experienced. We configured a git Google Cloud Source Repository and tried to use "Download Team Project" directly from OmegaT but we were getting back an error complaining about the "URL not being a repository" and also "authentication failure". We kind of resolved the issue following the below steps but I am wondering if we are doing something wrong or if this is the expected process?...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #838 on OmegaT - multiplatform CAT tool

    Greetings, If this is not directly related please let me know and I will open a new issue but here is what I have experienced. We configured a git Google Cloud Source Repository and tried to use "Download Team Project" directly from OmegaT but we were getting back an error complaining about the URL not being a repository. We kind of resolved the issue following the below steps but I am wondering if we are doing something wrong or if this is the expected process? It would be ideal if Teams could collaborate...

  • Created ticket #59 on xrdp

    locked sessions, multiple /usr/sbin/xrdp children

  • Posted a comment on ticket #37 on jasypt: java simplified encryption

    This is only related to bouncy castle BTW. With the weak PBEWithMD5AndDES algo it...

  • Created ticket #37 on jasypt: java simplified encryption supports no more than 7 characters for password

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2009-01-29 19:37:13


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