VOTE: systemrescuecd Saved my skin a few times!
VOTE: fldigi fldigi isn't perfect, but it's pretty damned good, definitely top-tier ham radio software, and at a price you can't beat - heck you can pay plenty for software half as good if you really wanted. I use it for rig control and log even for my non-digital contacts. I've given talks at my radio club, and got most of the rest of the club using it too. Thanks, Dave and co!
Not really... Well it reassures us that we're not missing something that DOES exist, but I guess the problem is it DOESN'T exist. There's still (presumably) no way to join a scheduled conference from the CLI, therefore can't hack browser helpers or anything either :-/
I expected "purple-remote conf:sip:foo@bar.fict;gruu;opaque=app:conf:focus:id:ABCDEFGH" to work but it doesn't :-(
I expected "purple-remote conf:sip:blahblah" to work but it doesn't :-(
VOTE: zabbix
VOTE: refind Making Macs suck SO much less ;-)
VOTE: fldigi Wow, great selection this month! Though I admit gnuplot is still amazingly useful after all these years, and pdfsam can't be beaten on those occasions when it's exactly the tool you need, and flightgear (for free) leaves the (often super expensive) competition in its turbulence, and xbian is pretty neat... fldigi gets my vote - the best damned cross-platform ham radio program by far, and FREE (or "make a contribution to your favorite charity") - can't be beaten on price! I use it not...
VOTE: refind ... for making oh so many macs far more useful by booting Linux on them...
VOTE: nagios Everyone needs monitoring, right?
VOTE: fldigi Best linux ham radio program by far. It truly shines on PSK (decoding...
VOTE: fldigi ... although damn, wine, gnuplot, and so many good options this mon...
VOTE: nethack ... but if I get killed by a rat ONE MORE TIME I may change my mind...
VOTE: fldigi ALMOST every ham radio digital mode, and even when not operating digital,...
fldigi ALMOST every ham radio digital mode, and even when not operating digital,...
VOTE: gnuplot Sure, it's kinda showing its age a bit, there's plenty of other pretty...