I am using a UK2.net for VPS for mojolounge.net. Although when I look today , I cannot seem to find mojolounge.net in the ping rankings where I am. I would not recommend - I get very inconsistent pings and very weird routings I have another server nylonmojo.uk which is providing me with 6ms pings in London. This is a VPS from a smaller outfit called Jump Networks Ltd - jump.net.uk - I would recommend them, although it was a little harder to configure as I am a Linux amateur and there was relatively...
I would think exact sync is required whatever the genre. I have tried feeding a click track along with my signal , which made it easier for two players to keep time (assuming no drummer). Same idea as a metronome I guess
This makes no difference, tried ports 22120 - 22125
OK, thanks, will try it later.
Hi Volker. No the VPS provider is trying to solve the issue, but seem clueless as to what causes it. Normal MTR and ping seem to show reasonable latencies. The only difference from last week is that I now have Apache2 http server running too with a simple webpage, but cannot imagine that this would cause things to slow down
Hi all. I set up my Jamulus server on a London-based VPS following Gilgongo's great How-to . It was working great last week. Really fast, with ping times around 6-8ms most of the time. This week I am noticing that ping has increased to around 50-100ms most of the time (as reported by Central server and experienced in the client). I can see other servers like PHreak and Jamulus.drealm.info with pings around 6-14ms. My server is therefore unusable, while I can jam with acceptable sound quality on other...
Thanks, looks like I can save some money then
Hi Volker - I would echo the thanks to you and the many other helpful people who have been brilliant with their debugging ideas and technical wizardry. I have set up a server and noticed that it seems to be used quite a lot by others, which is cool. I have not got my own bandmates up the curve yet, due to general coronavirus chaos. I am sure we will be using it soon. With an eye on the future, when I might want to share the space with another band, I was wondering what difference it would make to...