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  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on gnuplot

    Experimental gnuplot plugin for svg All svg elements on page get own gnuplot plugin attached by js, so no any conflict with global variables any more. Javascript variables are readed from second script tag and converted to json for import to plugin. Inline events are removed from xml and new ones are attached with addEventListener function. Inline events should be removed from xml and xml should have better id/class names to attach events from js. Improved mouseover text and image handling, content...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on gnuplot

    Fixed mouse drag move, when multiple inline svg element on same page or inline svg element not in topleft position. Reset function return this for chainability. Note that multiple inline elements on same page has many more problems. * Dublicate id eq "coord_text" , "hypertextbox" .. -> always use first * Global svg variable used for all svg elements -> wrong element Viewing coordinates and hypelinks needs same refactoring.

  • Modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion on gnuplot

    Hello, I have greated improved javascript for svg terminal. Keyboard zoom with +/- keys Keyboard move(pan) with arrow keys Keyboard reset with home key Mouse wheel to zoom Mouse drag to move Mouse right click to reset Maybe someone can check this and merge this to master?

  • Modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion on gnuplot

    Hello, I have greated improved javascript for svg terminal. Keyboard zoom with +/- keys Keyboard move(pan) with arrow keys Keyboard reset with home key Mouse wheel to zoom Mouse drag to move Mouse right click to reset Maybe someone can check this and merge this to master?

  • Modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion on gnuplot

    Small update for outside use, reset is good to be done. // Return functions to outside use return { zoom: function (direction) { setViewBox(zoom(direction)); return this; }, pan: function (direction) { setViewBox(pan(direction)); return this; }, reset: function (){ setViewBox(resetValue); return this; } };

  • Modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion on gnuplot

    Hello, I have greated improved javascript for svg terminal. Keyboard zoom with +/- keys Keyboard move(pan) with arrow keys Keyboard reset with home key Mouse wheel to zoom Mouse drag to move Mouse right click to reset Maybe someone can check this and merge this to master?

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on gnuplot

    Small update for outside use, reset is good to be done. // Return functions to outside use return { zoom: function (direction) { setViewBox(zoom(direction)); return this; }, pan: function (direction) { setViewBox(pan(direction)); return this; }, reset: function (){ setViewBox(resetValue); } };

  • Modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion on gnuplot

    Changed js to own interactiveInit function, so this can be switched of by one comment. Mouse support: Added little drag delay after click, so that svg not moved accidentally when click. Plain SVG file opened to browser Windows Firefox, Chrome, Edge, IE worked Linux not tested Safari not tested demo/html pages (embed) Windows Firefox, Chrome, Edge, IE worked Linux not tested Safari not tested Inline SVG on html page Windows Firefox, Chrome, Edge, IE worked Linux not tested Safari not tested Keyboard...

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2018-02-02 09:09:08
Finland / EEST


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