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  • Modified a comment on discussion General Discussion on bibutils

    Thanks, I fetched 7.1 version, it seems to be working fine apart of minor issue: if there is space between comma and 64 in '24-32, 64' case, then 64 is skipped: <part> <extent unit="page"> <start>24</start> <end>32,</end> </extent> </part>

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on bibutils

    Thanks, I fetched 7.1 version, it seems to be working fine apart of minor issue: if there is space between comma and 64 in '24-32,64' case, then 64 is skipped: <part> <extent unit="page"> <start>24</start> <end>32,</end> </extent> </part>

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on bibutils

    Let me clarify that with team, please.

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on bibutils

    Thank you for your reply! Do you have some estimates on when new release is planned? So that we would decide whether to wait for it or implement some temporary solution on our side.

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on bibutils

    We are facing issues with some nbib files having PG values like below: PG - 24-32,64 - ',64' part which represents additional page apart of range seems to be the reason of failure (just '24-32' is processed properly); PG - XC-CIII - when having date range in Roman numbers, conversion fails as well, while single Roman number is parsed without issues to part/detail/number element. Is that expected behavior? We would expect nbib2xml to ignore such cases which cannot be parsed rather than just fail.

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on bibutils

    Thanks for your reply. Are there any other type apart of Journal article/News/Book that could be present in nbib files and should be considered? It is mentioned here that: Almost all citations have one of these four basic, most frequently used Publication Types applied to them: Journal Article, Letter, Editorial, News. One of the above four Publication Types is applied to more than 99% of all citations indexed for MEDLINE. On this page the full list of publication types is listed (and there is no...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on bibutils

    It looks like only "Journal article" and "News" PT field values are recognized as a Genre (both are treated as "journal article"). Other values are not recognized and get defaulted to "journal article". Could you please clarify if this a bug or expected behavior (e.g. because nbib files could contain only journal article references)? Please see test reference of Book type attached

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