User Activity

  • Posted a comment on merge request #32 on GPT fdisk

    Very cool, thank you for the work you put into this as well!

  • Modified a comment on merge request #32 on GPT fdisk

    Thanks for your reply! It's been a while since I posted this, and even longer since I wrote the code, so apologies if I miss something: Do such checks exist for (-)j / --move-main-table=sector? If so (and I missed to copy/adjust them), then that's what should be done, yes. If not, then: is moving the backup table more obscure / causing more potential harm than moving the main table? Either way gdisk reports the limited range "usable sectors" (and moving either table does require entering the expert...

  • Posted a comment on merge request #32 on GPT fdisk

    Thanks for your reply! It's been a while since I posted this, and even longer since I wrote the code, so apologies if I miss something: Do such checks exist for (-)j / --move-main-table=sector? If so (and I missed to copy/adjust them), then that's what should be done, yes. If not, then: is moving the backup table more obscure / causing more potential harm than moving the main table? Either way gdisk reports the limited range "usable sectors" (and moving either table does require entering the expert...

  • Created merge request #32 on Code on GPT fdisk

    implement k/--move-backup-table/MoveSecondTable

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2023-04-14 13:27:10.829000


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