File deleted. I don't consider nmon files as a security problem - it is just performance data. But sorry if it caused you to worry. I think the topaschart web pages explains the process in sufficient detail. See I cleaned it up a little (corrected the file name extensions) and put the topasout -a in bold. I will fix the version number on the next update. Thanks for your ideas above but I think that is overkill. Thank you for using topascha...
OK I ran the topasout -a yourfile.topas and the topaschart yourfile.topas.csv yourfile.html and it worked fine and the .html file displays the graphs correctly. Attached. I did this on AIX 7.2.5. Long shot - what does: which cut return? I am thinking that your $PATH is using open source (Linux) cut command.
nmon is a default install with AIX and has been for more than a decade. So I have no idea how you are running AIX with no nmon install. Is this some ancient AIX level - thstmight explain the problem? As topaschart was working when released, the problem might be a new format with new AIX versions. Or you have mangled the file, sorry :-) Have you more than one problem file? Either way can you send me the topas file with the issues Cheers,
Feature added in nmon for Linux version 16q
dot (.) hotkey doesn't work when displaying disk groups ("g" hotkey when started with -g auto)
Parameter to make values of some metrics stick to a certain "unit" (e.g. KB/MB)?
Feature added and can be found in nmon version 16p.
NMON 16n support for Linux on Z - s390x