User Activity

  • Posted a comment on ticket #10 on Win32++

    I've patched it by adding a new Attach() overload that exposes an isManaged parameter. Your solution is far better ;) Thanks for it.

  • Created ticket #10 on Win32++

    CBitmap attached handle not deleted

  • Modified a comment on ticket #9 on Win32++

    Hi David, thanks for it. Will check it out, but I suppose it'll be supported starting from some Win10 version (1809...?). Anyway, meanwhile, I've subclassed CDialog to properly manage WM_DPICHANGED messages. Once the message is received, I disable CResizer, let Windows properly resize the dialog (it only changes locations and sizes), then I scale fonts and reactivate CResizer with the new positions. It works well and I'm satisfied ;) I've also switched my graphics (icons, bitmaps, ...) to vectorial...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #9 on Win32++

    Hi David, thanks for it. Will check it out, but I suppose it'll be supported starting from some Win10 version (1809...?). Anyway, meanwhile, I've subclassed CDialog to properly manage WM_DPICHANGED messages. Once the message is received, I disable CResizer, let Windows properly resize the dialog (it only changes locations and sizes), then I scale fonts and reactivate CResizer with the new positions. It works well and I'm satisfied ;) I've also switched my graphics (icons, bitmaps, ...) to vectorial...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #9 on Win32++

    Yes. I've seen that example but I'm not able to adapt it to my example. In the example I've attached (based on your DialogResizing sample), the dialog is a modal CDialog based window, without a View. // Constructor. CDialogApp::CDialogApp() : m_myDialog(IDD_DIALOG1) { } // Called when the application starts. BOOL CDialogApp::InitInstance() { //Display the modal dialog. m_myDialog.DoModal(); // throws a CWinException on failure. return TRUE; } Destroying it will terminate the app... I suppose there...

  • Modified a comment on ticket #9 on Win32++

    Additional note: the bug happens only when moving an already created dialog from one screen to another (with different DPI/Zoom). If the dialog is created directly on screen2 (150%) then its layout is correct; it could be because CResizer is initialized after windows have already resized the dialog upon creation.

  • Modified a comment on ticket #9 on Win32++

    Additional note: the bug happens only when moving an already created dialog from one screen to another (with different DPI/Zoom). If the dialog is created directly on screen2 (150%) then its layout is correct; it could be because CResizer is initialized after windows have already resized the dialog.

  • Modified a comment on ticket #9 on Win32++

    Additional note: the bug happens only when moving an already created dialog from one screen to another (with diferent DPI). If the dialog is created directly on screen2 (150%) then its layout is correct; it could be because CResizer is initialized after windows have already resized the dialog.

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Personal Data

2004-01-27 10:26:23
Italy / CEST


This is a list of open source software projects that Claudio Nicora is associated with:


This is a list of skills that Claudio Nicora possesses:

  • C#
  • Linux
  • C++
  • PHP
  • Python
  • JavaScript