Activity for Dead1Walking

  • Dead1Walking Dead1Walking created ticket #44

    v3 & lost icons on remote

  • Dead1Walking Dead1Walking created ticket #2396

    Custom game title not being saved

  • Dead1Walking Dead1Walking created ticket #80

    Improper time when using quality to encode.

  • Dead1Walking Dead1Walking modified a comment on ticket #75

    Ok, I downloaded the zip version of the beta, and it had no issues, however with the same files and settings 2017 crashed. I will send it via Wetransfer as apprentelly 112MB is too much here. Update : It says it was sent.

  • Dead1Walking Dead1Walking posted a comment on ticket #75

    Ok, I downloaded the zip version of the beta, and it had no issues, however with the same files and settings 2017 crashed. I will send it via Wetransfer as apprentelly 112MB is too much here.

  • Dead1Walking Dead1Walking created ticket #75

    Crash when encoding in classic mode.

  • Dead1Walking Dead1Walking posted a comment on ticket #70

    I would, except I have since reinstalled my system, and upgraded to a clean install of Windows 10 between one and two weeks ago. After doing that, the crash no longer happens making it imposable to re-create the crash. However, by that time I had so much Windows Rot other things were "breaking" as well. As such, I assume the crash is related to my other issues. I do appreciate the fact you have been thinking about this for almost a year.

  • Dead1Walking Dead1Walking posted a comment on ticket #70

    After the program starts, I import a list of wav files to convert. I change then encoding quality to high, and change the bitrate to 64, 160, 192, or 320 depending on the content and destination. Also dependent on the destinatoin I may ot may not check constent bitrate and/or mono encoding. I always check nogap encoding. After that, I start the encoding. After one or two files, Winlame crashes.

  • Dead1Walking Dead1Walking posted a comment on ticket #70

    Than's not a problem, it only takes a second or two to cause the crash. I don't knowif this can help, but here is wht Windows dialog box info as well : Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: winLAME.exe Application Version: Application Timestamp: 59ecedd4 Fault Module Name: ucrtbase.DLL Fault Module Version: 10.0.10586.1171 Fault Module Timestamp: 59ae5046 Exception Code: 40000015 Exception Offset: 000846fa OS Version: 6.1.7601. Locale ID: 1033 Additional...

  • Dead1Walking Dead1Walking created ticket #70

    WinLAME 2017 B3 craches in Classic Mode