Activity for Neustradamus

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus created ticket #14

    Where is the development since 2013?

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Dear @udt team, @lilyco, @ baccaharis, @ctchrinthry, @rlg128, dear all, I search any update since 2013: - Can you help me? Thanks in advance. Regards

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus created ticket #109

    ksmbd - CIFS/SMB/SMBv1/SMBv2/SMBv3/Samba

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on ticket #429

    Dear Alt-F team, @jcard, It is included in LTS Kernel: - 5.15.x - 6.1.x - 6.6.x It is possible to look it?

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Dear Alt-F team, @jcard, It is included in LTS Kernel: - 5.15.x - 6.1.x - 6.6.x It is possible to look it?

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus created ticket #886

    Own ticket modification is impossible

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Dear @keepass team, Can you add supports of : - SCRAM-SHA-1 - SCRAM-SHA-1-PLUS - SCRAM-SHA-256 - SCRAM-SHA-256-PLUS - SCRAM-SHA-512 - SCRAM-SHA-512-PLUS - SCRAM-SHA3-512 - SCRAM-SHA3-512-PLUS "When using the SASL SCRAM mechanism, the SCRAM-SHA-256-PLUS variant SHOULD be preferred over the SCRAM-SHA-256 variant, and SHA-256 variants [RFC7677] SHOULD be preferred over SHA-1 variants [RFC5802]". SCRAM-SHA-1(-PLUS): -- -- SCRAM-SHA-256(-PLUS):...

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus created ticket #2294

    Default Email field like Title/Username/Password

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus created ticket #2293

    Default Email field like Title/Username/Password

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on ticket #2292

    I can not change the title... The title is not good, it must be: SCRAM-SHA-1(-PLUS) + SCRAM-SHA-256(-PLUS) + SCRAM-SHA-512(-PLUS) + SCRAM-SHA3-512(-PLUS) supports

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus created ticket #2292

    Default email field like Title/Username/Password

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Dear @keepass team, Can you add supports of : - SCRAM-SHA-1 - SCRAM-SHA-1-PLUS - SCRAM-SHA-256 - SCRAM-SHA-256-PLUS - SCRAM-SHA-512 - SCRAM-SHA-512-PLUS - SCRAM-SHA3-512 - SCRAM-SHA3-512-PLUS "When using the SASL SCRAM mechanism, the SCRAM-SHA-256-PLUS variant SHOULD be preferred over the SCRAM-SHA-256 variant, and SHA-256 variants [RFC7677] SHOULD be preferred over SHA-1 variants [RFC5802]". SCRAM-SHA-1(-PLUS): -- -- SCRAM-SHA-256(-PLUS):...

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus created ticket #2291

    SCRAM-SHA-1(-PLUS) + SCRAM-SHA-256(-PLUS) + SCRAM-SHA-512(-PLUS) + SCRAM-SHA3-512(-PLUS) supports

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on ticket #870

    @brondsem: Really better now, thanks a lot! Can you look with team about my last part: Note that in this page, there are "Sourceforge" and "SourceForge", what is the good name? - It will be nice to harmonize at all places.

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on ticket #870

    Dear @sf-support, Emails sent have not been changed, the problem of the missing dot (...) is always here. Can you look it? If I had SF access, I will do changes quickly, it is very easy to solve it. Thanks in advance. Sincerely, Neustradamus

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    To follow.

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Dear @ludong, One year after, can you look my request? Thanks in advance. Linked to: - -

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus created ticket #53

    Migration to GitHub

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus created ticket #559

    Moved box does not exist...

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Dear @libtirpc team, @steved12345, @acharbon, @astrand, It is possible to have a GitHub organization/repository... Steve is here: astrand is here: acharbon (not sure): Thanks in advance. Regards.

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on ticket #25

    @anilsaharan, @jdpipe, @tlh2000, @maragkose: It is possible to give all rights to @inorton for the future of cunit? It will be better to have a continus project than a fork... Thanks in advance.

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Dear @hdparm team, @ideguy, It is possible to put the project on GitHub? Thanks in advance.

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on ticket #7

    Dear @rpcbind team, @steved12345, @acharbon, Like @kloczek, I would like to have a GitHub organization/repository... @kloczek: Note, it works currently: -;a=summary Steve is here:

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on ticket #71

    Dear @infozip team, @antinode2, @eewhite, @goathunter, @gordone, @roelofs, Can you answer to @allwit and me. There are a lot of CVEs never patched. In more, it will be nice to have an official InfoZip GitHub organization to contribute etc. Thanks in advance. Regards.

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on ticket #8

    Dear @infozip team, @antinode2, @eewhite, @goathunter, @gordone, @roelofs, Can you answer to @kloczek and me. It is about all files and more: - Thanks in advance. Regards.

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Dear Alt-F team, @jcard, Have you progressed on it? Thanks in advance.

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus created ticket #24925

    Sent emails need improvements

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on ticket #136

    @oheil: Have you progressed on it? Note there is: -

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion


  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    @dreichl: Can you add the reference to CVE-2023-32784 in changelog/news? It is VERY IMPORTANT to specify it.

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    @pail459: Normally there is a delay between the internal vulnerability discovery information and the official CVE announcement. @dreichl: It is possible to put officially Keepass on GitHub to have more and more developers and have a better security? Links: - 2011-04-11: - 2015-10-12: - 2013-08-24: - 2015-05-08:...

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    @pail459: Normally there is a delay between the internal vulnerability discovery information and the official CVE announcement. It is possible to put Keepass on GitHub to have more and more developers and have a better security? Links: - 2011-04-11: - 2015-10-12: - 2013-08-24: - 2015-05-08:

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    @dreichl: I did not found the 2.54 with CVE fix... It is possible to publish the code on GitHub now, for a better development too?

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    @drkspider: Can you publish the complete sourcecode on GitHub? Thanks in advance.

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on discussion Help

    Dear @nfs-ganesha team, @denielphilippe, @jcl-cea, @thomasleibovici, It will be nice to remove old parts like: - - - Can you add a "move" box like for example. - To disable/delete tabs, go here: To add a new tab, go here:

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus created ticket #36

    GitHub migration is not complete

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Dear PuTTY Session Manager team, @dmrpsm, It is possible to add the code on GitHub to have a best developement, visibility, contributions, ... After, you can add a "move" box like for example. Example, WinMerge is now here, after several places and the developement is good: - Thanks in advance.

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus created ticket #53

    Migration to GitHub

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Dear PuTTY Manager team, @piotrzuk, It is possible to add the code on GitHub to have a best developement, visibility, contributions, ... After, you can add a "move" box like for example. Example, WinMerge is now here, after several places and the developement is good: - Thanks in advance.

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus created ticket #2

    Migration to GitHub

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus created ticket #40

    Migration to GitHub

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Dear putty-nd team, @ludong, It is possible to add the code on GitHub to have a best developement, visibility, contributions, ... After, you can add a "move" box like for example. Example, WinMerge is now here, after several places and the developement is good: - Thanks in advance.

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus created ticket #30

    Migration to GitHub

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Dear Multi PuTTY Manager team, @tvhoan, It is possible to add the code on GitHub to have a best developement, visibility, contributions, ... After, you can add a "move" box like for example. Example, WinMerge is now here, after several places and the developement is good: - Thanks in advance.

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus created ticket #429


  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Dear Alt-F team, @jcard, It is possible to improve the file transfer system? Have you seen this project, and repos? - - - I think it is better to use it, no? Thanks in advance.

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus created ticket #428

    Migration to GitHub

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Dear Alt-F team, @jcard, It is possible to add the code on GitHub to have a best developement, visibility, contributions, ... After, you can add a "move" box like for example. Example, WinMerge is now here, after several places and the developement is good: - Thanks in advance.

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    @Tostis: Thanks! It is possible to update the SF project to inform that the code is now on GitHub?

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus created ticket #136

    SCRAM-SHA-1(-PLUS) + SCRAM-SHA-256(-PLUS) + SCRAM-SHA-512(-PLUS) + SCRAM-SHA3-512(-PLUS) supports

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    @Tostis and all, you can add in GitHub... -

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus created ticket #2699

    x64 builds are missing

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    @oheil: Thanks! :) Maybe good to create an organization on GitHub and inform people that the code is on it now ^^

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on ticket #589

    Dear SquirrelMail team, @pdontthink, @jangliss, @jervfors, @kink, @alex-brainstorm, @avel, @bouchon, @braverock, @perlstalker, @tassium, I have forgotten the last RFC in the description: RFC9051: Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) - Version 4rev2: - I wish you a good reading.

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus created ticket #589

    SCRAM-SHA-1(-PLUS) + SCRAM-SHA-256(-PLUS) + SCRAM-SHA-512(-PLUS) + SCRAM-SHA3-512(-PLUS) supports

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus created ticket #588

    Migrate to GitHub to have a better developement

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hello @oheil, Have you progressed on it?

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus created ticket #425

    Migration to GitHub is incomplete

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus created ticket #424

    Official ClamWin forum is not secure

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on ticket #23050

    @sf-support: Why "Outbound emails (or network requests) are not allowed."?

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on ticket #23050

    @sf-support: Thanks for your reply! It is specified that Sourceforge has blocked mail server... November 17, 2018 05:07PM SourceForge has blocked any mail system to work, internal or external. It is out of our hands to fix it. They should have kept the external and this forum script has the ability to use external servers, but, even they blocked them. -,147514,page=2 Can you look? Thanks in advance.

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus created ticket #23050

    e-mails are not sent

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Dear @dreichl and all others, I wish you a Happy New Year! It is possible to exclude a or several characters in a password profile, no problem. But after a password generation there is a problem when we do "Derivate from previous password". The exclude does not work. To confirm the bug: - You can create a profile with your options and for example with exclusions : aA - Save the profile - Generate a new password with the profile, no problem - Generate a new password with "Derivate from previous password",...

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    @ipavlov: Have you looked, after several years (more 10 years) and requests, to move 7-Zip and your other projects on GitHub to have more development, contributions, visibility, etc. Thanks in advance from all requesters.

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    @ipavlov: Have you looked, after several years (more 10 years) and requests, to move 7-Zip and your others projects on GitHub to have more development, contributions, visibility, etc. Thanks in advance from all requesters.

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    :) Do not forget to do an announcement etc.

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    @oheil: Thanks too! We are in 2022, for me NOCC was dead and I see some change in 2021 by chance. Like you know, it is easy to involve, to contribute, to develop on GitHub. It will be nice to have officially the project on GitHub like all historical hosted projects on Sourceforge before. Of course, mailinglists can be always used on Sourceforge for example ^^

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Dear NOCC team, @gerundt, @nicocha, @oheil, @radical-tobi, @wolruf, In first, I wish you a Happy New Year. It is possible to add the code on GitHub to have a best developement, visibility, contributions, ... After, you can add a "move" box like for example. Example, WinMerge is now here, after several places and the developement is good: - Thanks in advance.

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus created ticket #125

    Migration to GitHub is incomplete

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Dear NOCC team, @gerundt, @nicocha, @oheil, @radical-tobi, @wolruf, In first, I wish you a Happy New Year. It is possible to add the code on GitHub to have a best developement, visibility, contributions, ... After, you can add a "move" box like for example. Example, WinMerge is now here, after several place and the developement is good: - Thanks in advance.

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Dear @ipavlov: I would like an official organization and repository by product too, to have a better development and contributions. I think it is very important to do it quickly, we are in 2021, soon in 2022. More 10 years since the request. Thanks in advance. Linked to: - - - -

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Dear @ipavlov: I would like an official organization and repository by product too, to have a better development and contributions. I think it is very important to do it quickly, we are in 2021, soon in 2022. More 10 years since the request. Thanks in advance. Linked to: - - - -

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on ticket #1169

    Dear @ipavlov: I would like an official organization and repository by product too, to have a better development and contributions. I think it is very important to do it quickly, we are in 2021, soon in 2022. More 10 years since the request. Thanks in advance. Linked to: - - - -

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Dear @ipavlov: I would like an official organization and repository by product too, to have a better development and contributions. I think it is very important to do it quickly, we are in 2021, soon in 2022. More 10 years since the request. Thanks in advance. Linked to: - - - -

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on ticket #1028

    Dear @ipavlov: I would like an official organization and repository by product too, to have a better development and contributions. I think it is very important to do it quickly, we are in 2021, soon in 2022. More 10 years since the request. Thanks in advance. Linked to: - - - -

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus modified a comment on ticket #66

    I would like an official organization and repository by product too, to have a better development and contributions. I think it is very important to do it quickly, we are in 2021, soon in 2022. Linked to: - - - Note that Mark Adler has done a fork here: -

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus modified a comment on ticket #8

    I would like an official organization and repository by product too, to have a better development and contributions. I think it is very important to do it quickly, we are in 2021, soon in 2022. Linked to: - - - Note that Mark Adler has done a fork here: -

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on ticket #60

    I would like an official organization and repository by product too, to have a better development and contributions. I think it is very important to do it quickly, we are in 2021, soon in 2022. Linked to: - - - Note that Mark Adler has done a fork here: -

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on ticket #66

    I would like an official repo too, to have a better development and contributions. I think it is very important to do it quickly, we are in 2021, soon in 2022. Linked to: - - - -

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on ticket #8

    I would like an official repo too, to have a better development and contributions. I think it is very important to do it quickly, we are in 2021, soon in 2022. Linked to: - - - -

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on discussion Help

    I think it is time to change it, we are in 2021, soon in 2022. With this, there will be a better development. I have opened a ticket here: And 2 tickets on GitHub: - - Thanks in advance.

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on ticket #2123

    @pail459: Thanks for your reply! The original request is very old: - The world changes, ... Time to move like all other projects... cc: @dreichl

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus created ticket #2123

    Move to GitHub like other projects

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    oups same comment than previous, can be removed.

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I am lost, on the website : - I see: 7-Zip 21.01 2021-03-09 7-Zip 21.01 alpha 7-Zip 21.01 2021-03-09 7-Zip for Linux 7-Zip 21.00 2021-01-19 7-Zip 21.00 alpha 7-Zip 20.02 2020-08-08 7-Zip 20.02 alpha 7-Zip for ARM64 2020-08-08 7-Zip for ARM64 7-Zip 19.00 2019-02-21 7-Zip 19.00 The 21.01 has been released or it is the 21.01 alpha ? And I see : - -

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I am lost, on the website : - I see: 7-Zip 21.01 2021-03-09 7-Zip 21.01 alpha 7-Zip 21.01 2021-03-09 7-Zip for Linux 7-Zip 21.00 2021-01-19 7-Zip 21.00 alpha 7-Zip 20.02 2020-08-08 7-Zip 20.02 alpha 7-Zip for ARM64 2020-08-08 7-Zip for ARM64 7-Zip 19.00 2019-02-21 7-Zip 19.00 The 21.01 has been released or it is the 21.01 alpha? And I see : - -

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I am lost, on the website : - I see: 7-Zip 21.01 2021-03-09 7-Zip 21.01 alpha 7-Zip 21.01 2021-03-09 7-Zip for Linux 7-Zip 21.00 2021-01-19 7-Zip 21.00 alpha 7-Zip 20.02 2020-08-08 7-Zip 20.02 alpha 7-Zip for ARM64 2020-08-08 7-Zip for ARM64 7-Zip 19.00 2019-02-21 7-Zip 19.00 The 21.01 has been released or it is the 21.01 alpha ? And I see : - -

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on ticket #81

    Any news on it?