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  • Posted a comment on ticket #1358 on Skim

    It works now. Thanks a lot!

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1358 on Skim

    Thanks. I tried both "defaults write -app Skim SKToolTipscale -float 0" and "defaults write -app Skim SKToolTipscale -float 1.0" but none of them seems to give me the old behaviour...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1358 on Skim

    Thank you for the update! Could you please tell me how to change this option? I'm unable to see the setting in Preferences (maybe because it's "hidden"?). Thank you so much!

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1358 on Skim

    It would be either standard (100%), or the same as the current scale. Does it, then, make sense to at least have an option to choose between the two? There is no other context. There won't be a default setting in the preferences, that's not worth it. I look forward to another surprising update then :P

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1358 on Skim

    Today I've received an update (1.6.1), and surprisingly this feature has been implemented ( Thank you so much! Would it be possible to take a further step and make the tooltip's scale adjustable? Currently it has the same scale as the document (say, scale = 1.0), which is perfect in some situations (e.g., for two-column papers), but can be too large in others.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1358 on Skim

    I cannot agree. If it's meant as a preview, it should be at first readable. Currently, for high-resolution screen (e.g. a 2K 21" one), it's unreadable. "zooming in just creates a very small portion": the tooltip dimension can be scaled accordingly.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1358 on Skim

    Oh, sorry, I did it again :P I see that you rejected a similar feature request 4 years ago ( Would it be possible to reconsider it now? Or at least, just like for the snapshots, please allow the tooltip to have the same zoom level as the document. It totally makes sense I guess.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1358 on Skim

    Hmm... Maybe I misunderstood something again... Please see the attached screenshot: I zoomed to maximum yet the screenshot doesn't change.

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2015-03-04 13:39:01


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