User Activity

  • Posted a comment on ticket #4 on schoolquiz

    In the savsoft_answers table, the columns infTim0 and indTim1 are not present. Do you know how it got changed?

  • Posted a comment on ticket #3 on schoolquiz

    What is the log path?

  • Modified a comment on ticket #4 on schoolquiz

    There are two errors appearing in the insertion of query: Error 1: (Stapin, you need to check this) Query error: Unknown column 'indTim0' in 'field list' - Invalid query: INSERT INTO savsoft_answers (rid, qid, u id, q_option, score_u, indTim, indTim0, indTim1, evaluated, selectedWords, selectedOptions) VALUES ('43', '122', '1', 'saadadddas', 0 , '3', '14,1,7', '4', '0', 'The,monsoon,', '[\"dog\",\"4\"]') This is in line no 1099 of Quiz_model.php This was causing the paragraph question results to...

  • Modified a comment on ticket #4 on schoolquiz

    There are two errors appearing in the insertion of query: Error 1: (Stapin, you need to check this) Query error: Unknown column 'indTim0' in 'field list' - Invalid query: INSERT INTO savsoft_answers (rid, qid, u id, q_option, score_u, indTim, indTim0, indTim1, evaluated, selectedWords, selectedOptions) VALUES ('43', '122', '1', 'saadadddas', 0 , '3', '14,1,7', '4', '0', 'The,monsoon,', '[\"dog\",\"4\"]') This is in line no 1099 of Quiz_model.php This was causing the paragraph question results to...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #4 on schoolquiz

    There are two errors appearing in the insertion of query: Error 1: (Stapin, you need to check this) Query error: Unknown column 'indTim0' in 'field list' - Invalid query: INSERT INTO savsoft_answers (rid, qid, u id, q_option, score_u, indTim, indTim0, indTim1, evaluated, selectedWords, selectedOptions) VALUES ('43', '122', '1', 'saadadddas', 0 , '3', '14,1,7', '4', '0', 'The,monsoon,', '[\"dog\",\"4\"]') This is in line no 1099 of Quiz_model.php This was causing the paragraph question results to...

  • Modified ticket #4 on schoolquiz

    Quiz wrongly marked open

  • Posted a comment on ticket #4 on schoolquiz

    There are two errors appearing in the insertion of query: Query error: Unknown column 'indTim0' in 'field list' - Invalid query: INSERT INTO savsoft_answers (rid, qid, u id, q_option, score_u, indTim, indTim0, indTim1, evaluated, selectedWords, selectedOptions) VALUES ('43', '122', '1', 'saadadddas', 0 , '3', '14,1,7', '4', '0', 'The,monsoon,', '[\"dog\",\"4\"]') This is in line no 1099 of Quiz_model.php This was causing the paragraph question results to not get recorded.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #4 on schoolquiz

    To allow this to not show the error message, we have temporarily enabled openquiz, by changing the flag in config.php // Allow open quiz( true or false ) $config['open_quiz']=true;

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2012-01-28 22:15:03


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