Activity for Suryaprakash

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash posted a comment on ticket #4

    In the savsoft_answers table, the columns infTim0 and indTim1 are not present. Do you know how it got changed?

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash posted a comment on ticket #3

    What is the log path?

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash modified a comment on ticket #4

    There are two errors appearing in the insertion of query: Error 1: (Stapin, you need to check this) Query error: Unknown column 'indTim0' in 'field list' - Invalid query: INSERT INTO savsoft_answers (rid, qid, u id, q_option, score_u, indTim, indTim0, indTim1, evaluated, selectedWords, selectedOptions) VALUES ('43', '122', '1', 'saadadddas', 0 , '3', '14,1,7', '4', '0', 'The,monsoon,', '[\"dog\",\"4\"]') This is in line no 1099 of Quiz_model.php This was causing the paragraph question results to...

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash modified a comment on ticket #4

    There are two errors appearing in the insertion of query: Error 1: (Stapin, you need to check this) Query error: Unknown column 'indTim0' in 'field list' - Invalid query: INSERT INTO savsoft_answers (rid, qid, u id, q_option, score_u, indTim, indTim0, indTim1, evaluated, selectedWords, selectedOptions) VALUES ('43', '122', '1', 'saadadddas', 0 , '3', '14,1,7', '4', '0', 'The,monsoon,', '[\"dog\",\"4\"]') This is in line no 1099 of Quiz_model.php This was causing the paragraph question results to...

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash posted a comment on ticket #4

    There are two errors appearing in the insertion of query: Error 1: (Stapin, you need to check this) Query error: Unknown column 'indTim0' in 'field list' - Invalid query: INSERT INTO savsoft_answers (rid, qid, u id, q_option, score_u, indTim, indTim0, indTim1, evaluated, selectedWords, selectedOptions) VALUES ('43', '122', '1', 'saadadddas', 0 , '3', '14,1,7', '4', '0', 'The,monsoon,', '[\"dog\",\"4\"]') This is in line no 1099 of Quiz_model.php This was causing the paragraph question results to...

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash modified ticket #4

    Quiz wrongly marked open

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash posted a comment on ticket #4

    There are two errors appearing in the insertion of query: Query error: Unknown column 'indTim0' in 'field list' - Invalid query: INSERT INTO savsoft_answers (rid, qid, u id, q_option, score_u, indTim, indTim0, indTim1, evaluated, selectedWords, selectedOptions) VALUES ('43', '122', '1', 'saadadddas', 0 , '3', '14,1,7', '4', '0', 'The,monsoon,', '[\"dog\",\"4\"]') This is in line no 1099 of Quiz_model.php This was causing the paragraph question results to not get recorded.

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash posted a comment on ticket #4

    To allow this to not show the error message, we have temporarily enabled openquiz, by changing the flag in config.php // Allow open quiz( true or false ) $config['open_quiz']=true;

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash created ticket #4

    Quiz wrongly marked open

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash posted a comment on ticket #3

    Stapin, please work on other aspects that we have discussed. This could be a bug made by the original developers. I have contacted them for a rectification.

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash posted a comment on ticket #3

    use classMateDB; SELECT * FROM savsoft_answers; Will allow you to see the details.

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash posted a comment on ticket #3

    There seems to be a problem while storing a result of paragraph type quiz. The results of each questionin a quiz are stored in the table savsoft_answers. If you notice, the result for rid=31 is NULL.

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash posted a comment on ticket #3

    To reproduce the bug, please see this:

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash created ticket #3

    Paragraph type question is not recording answers

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [36ed02]

    Changes to process multiple images.

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [8f597a]

    Instruction of how to use gdal with extent is in readme.txt

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [4dc68a]

    Working opencv code. All integration finsihed except display of gaze

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [e116e8]

    Start ignoring db.classmate.sqlite3

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [537441]

    Working version of front end. URL is absolute though, and needs to be

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [b782e3]

    Bug fix in:

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [44522c]

    Fixed a bug in quiz assignment. Instead of updating the object, a new

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [6fc605]

    Fixed a UI bug. When a user first selects assign quiz, and completes

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [a50807]

    Removed an unnecessary dependency on mongoengine.

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [b120af]

    Added option to create paragraph question also.

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [ae0507]

    Added code to remove user from assigned quiz after an attempt has been

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash posted a comment on ticket #1

    Feature implemented in commit #9db8c96b0b4263e4a54e549c8825e97db09049a2 9db8c9

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [9db8c9]

    Quiz assignment code is completed.

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [463e99]

    Completed quiz assignment.

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash modified ticket #1

    Question display.

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash posted a comment on ticket #1

    Features 1 to 4 are done. To implement assign quiz, we should do the following: In see_quiz, add a button for "assign quiz" On clicking assign quiz, a list of users should how up with a check mark against each user name. A button "Save" shoudl appear at the bottom. On hitting this button, an entry is made in the quiz object with the name "assignedToUserID" that has a list of userIDs to whom the quiz is allotted. When the see_quiz screen is displayed again, the quiz that has been assigned to a user...

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [2b652e]

    Added code to display result.

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [1452ff]

    Implemented a rudimentary results page.

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash modified ticket #2

    Sending answer information to client

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash created ticket #2

    Sending answer information to client

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [04630f]

    Following information is stored when a quiz result is saved.

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [ab3f03]

    Code to conduct a quiz and store it in DB is done.

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [6ebbf0]

    Code added to display a quiz, the questions, and navigate the questions.

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [eefa96]

    Code added to create a quiz.

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [1d7038]

    Added code to store a quiz having multiple choice.

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [d3b7b3]

    Created local store of jquery-1.7.1.min.js

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [8b9112]

    Added code to query for list of questions.

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [a451e9]

    Profile data is now associated with logins

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [3c9e5d]

    Added code to insert new questions.

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash modified ticket #1

    Question display.

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash modified ticket #1

    Question display.

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash posted a comment on ticket #1

    Seperate users for Students and Teachers. Page to add questions. Level of questions (Class 1, 2, 3, 4. Question subject: English, Geography etc, difficulty of question: Easy, Medium, Difficult) Display existing questions. Combine multiple questions to create single quiz. Allot a quiz to a student. Future: 1. Adding images as part of questions: 2. Four images will be uploaded, one of the image is right answer) 3. Instead of text in question, the question will have an image. Example: How many birds...

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash created ticket #1

    Question display.

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [9df030]

    File renaming to have underscores instead of capitals for HTML files.

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [efb74f]

    Able to add school ID, class and roll number.

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [1f2677]

    Extend the user profile to have additional fields for student

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [f8310c]

    Added css file.

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [d43f2f]

    Created login screen.

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [4a6943]

    Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [8a96cc]

    Added new server to DJango settings.

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash modified ticket #1

    Paragraph question - punctuation not considered as word separator

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash posted a comment on ticket #1

    Ticket resolved in commit # 133931b9 133931b94db2fbfa5a11303a6875401799aa1b79

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [133931]

    There was a problem with the style of the window due to which whitespace

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash posted a comment on ticket #2

    Hack to fix this is to search the table of savsoft_result where result_status is open. Select * From savsoft_result where result_status=open. Delete these entries. Then the redirect will not happen.

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [e84eff]

    Changed the code in Qbank_model to get correct punctuation, and split

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash created ticket #2

    Hangs if quiz not completed by user is deleted

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash created ticket #1

    Paragraph question - punctuation not considered as word separator

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [a909e6]

    Updated background and logo

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [cb56d4]

    Initial commit

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [8ea06c]

    Added comments for installation.

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [2256fc]

    Updated instructions to run the code.

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash modified a comment on ticket #1

    On my local machine, Versions: pip 9.0.2 Python 3.5.2 Requirements.txt : Django==2.0.3 image==1.5.20 numpy==1.14.2 opencv-python== Pillow==5.0.0 pytz==2018.3 requirements file is attached.

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash posted a comment on ticket #1

    On the server, these are the configs: pip 9.0.1 Python 3.5.2 Requirements.txt: (There are some additional apps running on sthe server) Django==2.0.2 image==1.5.19 numpy==1.14.0 opencv-python== pandas==0.22.0 Pillow==5.0.0 pkg-resources==0.0.0 psutil==5.4.3 pymongo==3.6.0 python-dateutil==2.6.1 pytz==2018.3 scikit-learn==0.19.1 scipy==1.0.0 six==1.11.0

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash posted a comment on ticket #1

    Versions: pip 9.0.2 Python 3.5.2 requirements file is attached.

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [18c540]

    Google annotation added to git.

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash modified ticket #1

    Web integration of neural net code.

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash modified ticket #1

    Web integration of neural net code.

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [a400d5]

    Modified word read

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [3d759a]

    Added video capture code.

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [65e271]

    Modified wordRead to have webcam access

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [c39563]

    Added additional sample in index page

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [4ecac2]

    Added more documentation. Links to correct maps

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [542dee]

    Creating single combined map in addition to A4 maps.

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [86338b]

    Convert all images to a smaller size for efficient download.

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [e0cfb8]

    Display both temporary and final images.

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [4a2eae]

    Minor edits to printable map page.

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [ae0660]

    Set default zoom to 16, disabled client side javascript logging.

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [5535c9]

    Minor changes to display total image count

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [c5f0e2]

    All existing bugs resolved from the javascript and the python code.

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [0c35eb]

    Modified AutoMapFetch.getPointLatLng so that it returns the correct lat

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [4faaaa]

    Minor changes to instructions

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [d7a4fd]

    Minor changes to instructions

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [3d1f3f]

    Minor commits to instructions

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [2ba386]

    Minor changes to instructions

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [a3c61a]

    Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [079ad2]

    Minor changes

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [bcd38e]

    Minor changes to user instructions. Examples added for reference

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [a8c561]

    Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [a426be]

    Minor changes to user instructions

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [3a59d8]

    Minor edit to user instructions

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [bbf62b]

    Minor changes to user instructions

  • Suryaprakash Suryaprakash committed [27c321]

    Minor adjustment to user instructions

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