Activity for Seojin Nam

  • Seojin Nam Seojin Nam posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thank you very much for your reply and I'm sorry to bother you again but I had some follow up questions. First, regarding CO-DESC, what I understand from your explanation is that the first year column in the burst history view does not indicate the year of appearance but the timeline view year does (as seen in attached image 1). Is there a way to adjust the burst history view to reference the first occurrence year of each keyword like the timeline view? Second, regarding DCA, I've observed in my...

  • Seojin Nam Seojin Nam posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Dear Prof. Chen, It's my first time using Citespace and I had a question regarding the years assigned to each node in a timeline visualization. I'm trying to analyze three different node types: 1) keyword co-occurrence analysis (CO-DESC), 2) journal co-citation analysis (JCA), 3) document co-citation analysis (DCA) using publications from 2012 to 2022 and I'm a bit confused about the years assigned to each node in the timeline view. At first I thought it was the year a certain keyword or journal/document...

  • Seojin Nam Seojin Nam posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Dear Prof. Chen, It's my first time using Citespace and I had a question regarding the years assigned to each node in a timeline visualization. I'm trying to analyze three different node types: 1) keyword co-occurrence analysis (CO-DESC), 2) journal co-citation analysis (JCA), 3) document co-citation analysis (DCA) using publications from 2012 to 2022 and I'm a bit confused about the years assigned to each node in the timeline view. At first I thought it was the year a certain keyword or journal/document...