There was no release tagged in svn and no source-tarball/-zip posted. Was this intentional?
Was the omission of a source-tarball intentional?
The goals of reusable xflr libraries and happy downstream packagers are not at odds. Any software worth its money will default to the /usr/local PREFIX. Admins expect this when they install software with the typical "make && make install" combo. Distribution packagers must follow the guidelines of their distro, which in most cases forbids installation to /usr/local. You, as the upstream maintainer, don't have to worry about /usr/local/lib being in the search path of the dynamic linker or /usr/local/bin...
The goals of reusable xflr libraries and happy downstream packagers are not at odds. Any software worth its money will default to the /usr/local PREFIX. Admins expect this when they install software with the typical "make && make install" combo. Distribution packagers must follow the guidelines of their distro, which in most cases forbids installation to /usr/local. You, as the upstream maintainer, don't have to worry about /usr/local/lib being in the search path of the dynamic linker or /usr/local/bin...
I think this is as idiomatic as it gets in qmake. I tested it for a couple of scenarios and it seems to work as expected. It still defaults to /usr/local but will let you override the prefix with a simple "qmake PREFIX=/usr".
Commit access is probably a bit too much responsibility but i can try to whip up a patch this weekend.
Debian follows the FHS: as well as Fedora: Gentoo's layout is only based on the FHS but retains the same rule for /usr/local: same as Arch:
Most linux distributions, whether they follow the FHS or just out of convention, reserve /usr/local for locally installed software that bypasses the package-manager. Official distro packages will not be installed there So instead of letting every downstream packager hack around this individually it would be better to fix it upstream before they start packaging 6.42.
PREFIX not respected in subdirs projects
Reported at: I see that
Thanks for the workaround, I'll bother the GCC upstream and report back.
Build fails on Archlinux with GCC 5.1.0