So... with .Net 5 a couple months away and no movement here, I'm starting to think the author isn't coming around. This thread started in 2016 and, while there may have been some points I agreed with at the time, in 2020 I haven't seen one reason to not move and quite a few reasons to update. It's really too bad. Anyone know of some alternatives?
Can you explain why? It seems there are multiple people telling you the same thing - it's BETTER for users for multiple reasons - latest security fixes, ability for truly portable executables, better for the developer community by allowing modern/more secure code and language features, compability etc. I'm willing to help, and searching around here it seems others are. Mono is going away with .Net 5 (out in less than a year) and I'm afraid if this project isn't upgraded (shouldn't be a lot of work...
I think I did a pretty good job in outlining why it is a good idea to upgrade, and I'm also willing to help. It looks like there is demand for this, too. @dreichl what do you think?
Hi Dominik, I searched for a thread like this just so I could see if there were plans to port. I do think there are some good reasons to upgrade: 1. Framework is basically dead and in support mode - everything is going core. C# 8 and new language features won't be included in Framework 2. Core 3 has some very cool features which would help users - the main one being we can now create an .exe that contains the entire runtime (no installing .net) 3. Core 3 is cross-platform, so the guts would run on...