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  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Serial port to network proxy

    Thanks Corey, you pointed me in the right direction.Actaually I had 2 Versions of ser2net: one was 3.4 and another was 2.9.1. ser2net -v pointed to version 3.4 but /etc/init.d pointed to the 2.9 version. I let working only version 3.4 an voila! I got an open udp port visible with netstat and accesible via nc or socat. Now I have a perfectly running UDP version of ser2net service and as Artem above said will make an excelente server for Mavproxy based Ground Control Stations. Thanks for the great...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Serial port to network proxy

    Thanks Cory: After changing the udp line as per your recommendation, in line #336 of ser2net.con file I have: udp,3020:raw:10:/dev/ttyUSB0:57600 banner1 remctl telnet_brk_on_sync -chardelay max-connections=1 (all in one line). But in cat /var/log/syslog I got the following message: "Apr 23 22:18:45 HP-420 ser2net[23320]: ser2net startup Apr 23 22:20:25 HP-420 ser2net: Error on line 336, port number was invalid" Tryied other port numbers (ex.14550) but got the same message. Your comments will be grately...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Serial port to network proxy

    I have been using successfully Ser2net for some time and I'm grateful that you added UDP feature in the new version. Following the lines of the application that Artem above was testing, and the interchange with Cory that followed I tryied UDP but I have been unable to make it work, so I kindly request your help to debug and make it work. I can successfully connect via TCP. My testing have been using the ser2net.conf provided with almost all definitions commented but the line: udp,3020:raw:0:/dev/ttyUSB0:57600...

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2017-04-22 15:28:11


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