Activity for Mr Yang

  • Mr Yang Mr Yang modified a comment on ticket #767

    link of diff image:

  • Mr Yang Mr Yang posted a comment on ticket #767

    link of diff image:

  • Mr Yang Mr Yang created ticket #767

    A misjudgment exception occurs while preverifying

  • Mr Yang Mr Yang created ticket #748

    Stack size becomes negative after instruction [18] invokestatic #29 in xxx

  • Mr Yang Mr Yang posted a comment on ticket #723

    I meet the same problem too.I don't know why proguard will throw this exception and feel that the bytecode is good. Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Stack size becomes negative after instruction [18] invokestatic #76 in [com/facebook/stetho/common/Util.close(Ljava/io/Closeable;Z)V] at proguard.classfile.attribute.visitor.StackSizeComputer.evaluateInstructionBlock( at proguard.classfile.attribute.visitor.StackSizeComputer.visitExceptionInfo(