V0.20.2 The Ocular plugin seems more geared to those with telescopes, that for those with only cameras. I'm trying to set up for my Nikon D850 with a 28-300mm f3.5-6.3 lens. I understand that the lens goes under Telescope. Obviously I can't put in 28-300mm, but can add single focal lengths. I'm starting off with 28mm f3.5. But, I have no clue as to what the diameter value should be. What is nice is that this version of the plugin already has my camera listed. I'm not sure what good the Lenses section...
The author of GPXSee has sent me to this program in order to create an offline atlas for use with GPXSee. Frankly, I do not see how to do that. I do not know if this is possible, but I'd like to get all of the tiles of the various resolutions downloaded for use with GPXSee. Is that possible? The idea is to do everything offline. HD space is not an issue. I'll be doing this on my Fedora Linux server. Thanks for any pointers.
Thanks for the refresher. I now remember looking at the ExportCsv.qml script and basically gave up, as it would take me way too long to figure out what you've done. Abd yes, I did modify the default CSV unquoted. As I am the only user on the Linux box, it isn't an issue. IIRC, I wrote my own simple script because I had issues wth kid3-qt creating a complete list of all selected file. What I did was go to the main directory that contains all of the directories of ripped CDs. From the context menu...
I have the following line in a script: kid3-cli -c "tag 2" -c "export export_temp.csv 'CSV unquoted'" I also had "tag 123" but that didn't work either. When I have any of the files viewed under kid3-qt, I have the following tags listed: Title, Artist, Album, Comment, Date, Track Number, Genre, Disc Number, Picture: Cover (front), Release Date, BILLBOARD, MONOSTEREO, Total Discs, Total Tracks But, the only tags that get exported are: Artist, Title, BILLBOARD, Album, bitrate, complete path/filename...
Thanks. Downloaded and installed.
Linux. Installed the freac-1.1-alpha-20190423-linux-x64 tarball on my FC27 server. If I select OPEN or SELECT in order to choose the output location, no matter what directory either GUI is sitting in, the OK selection is greyed out. To get around this issue, for the moment, I set the configuration option to use the input directory. That worked. BTW, when that is selected, the output location shown at the bottom still shows $HOME/Music as the location; even though it isn't. What does it take to get...
When I went to renme a directory, the ":" in the album title was replaced with a "-". I wanted it replaced with nothing. So, I went into the settings for Files and selected the "String replacement:" box and removed the replacement character for the ":". Then when I tried renaming the directory again, it still wants to replace with the "-", totally ignoring what I wanted. What do I need to do to get the replacement character to be nothing?
Thanks. Script works great. It supplies a new frame with the "-" placeholder.
Thanks for the update. And yes, for any imported image that is larger than 500x500, I've used that action to reduce the size.
Did the Browse Cover Art (great feature!!!) and then dragged the artwork to the selected tracks. I ran the resize tool on a cover that was too large and that worked. But, when I ran the embed tool, the URL is still in the "Picture: Cover (front)" frame. Did it really embed?
Did the Browse Cover Art (great feature!!!) and then dragged the artwork to the selected tracks. I ran the resize tool on a cover that was too large and that worked. But, when I ran the embed tool, the URL is still in the "Picture: Cover (front)" frame. Did it really embed? BTW, when I run the Embed tool, why does it resize the image if it is already 500x500, or any size under that size? But wait, I just did an embed of a cover image that was 1000x1000 and it didn't resize to 500x500, even though...
Did the Browse Cover Art (great feature!!!) and then dragged the artwork to the selected tracks. I ran the resize tool on a cover that was too large and that worked. But, when I ran the embed tool, the URL is still in the "Picture: Cover (front)" frame. Did it really embed? BTW, when I run the Embed tool, why does it resize the image if it is already 500x500, or any size under that size?
Did the Browse Cover Art (great feature!!!) and then dragged the artwork to the selected tracks. I ran the resize tool on a cover that was too large and that worked. But, when I ran the embed tool, the URL is still in the "Picture: Cover (front)" frame. Did it really embed?
As you know I am adding a new Frame called "Billboard" and having to always type it in is a royal PITA. What would be great is that when the frame is added for the first time, kid3 remembers it and makes it available in the pulldown list. Thanks for considering this enhamcement.
Update: The status flag is set, kinda. I had placed the double-quotes in the wrong place of the -c option and kid3 complained about CSV unquoted not existing. But it set the status to 0 when it exited. Now, when it complains about a directory not existing, it set the status to 1.
Leave it to me to find a bug. :-)
I'm writing a Zshell script to parse the directories in order to write a CSV file. But, kid3-cli does not set the status upon exit. Kinda hard to exit a script upon an error when the error isn't reported. Am I missing something?
Thanks. Installed. Now works. The packaging of the original tarball in error?
Oops!. Moved it into the wrong directory. Try again.
I think trying to use your app.whatever functions in a personal Export.Csv.qml is going to take me forever to figure out. I might be better writing my own zsh/perl/awk script using kid3.cli to parse thru a directory, and sub-dirs, to extract the frames that I want in a CSV file.
The installed fc27 package runs the console, but it still does not run with the latest version.
The installed fc27 package runs the console, but it still does not run with the latest version. BTW, there is no kid3-qt or kid3-cli installed with the fc27 package. At least not anywhere in /usr.
The installed fc27 package runs the console, but it still does not run with the latest version.
BRN <46> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ldd ./libQt5Quick.so.5 linux-vdso.so.1 (0x00007ffc67383000) libQt5Qml.so.5 => ./libQt5Qml.so.5 (0x00007f3054508000) libQt5Gui.so.5 => ./libQt5Gui.so.5 (0x00007f3053d50000) libQt5Network.so.5 => ./libQt5Network.so.5 (0x00007f30539b8000) libQt5Core.so.5 => ./libQt5Core.so.5 (0x00007f3053278000) libpthread.so.0 => /lib64/libpthread.so.0 (0x00007f3053058000) libGL.so.1 => /usr/lib64/nvidia-340xx/libGL.so.1 (0x00007f3052d08000) libstdc++.so.6 => /lib64/libstdc++.so.6 (0x00007f3052980000)...
Where's the best link to get the source?
Fedora Core 27 kid3-3.7.1-Linux.tgz Installed in /usr/local/src/kid3-3.7.1-Linux Is there a file, or files, that I can make sure is/are there?
I just looked at the script and there is no way I'm going to be able to figure out how to only output certain tag frames. I'm gathering that the only place the QML script's explanations are available is in the handbook. There is no expansive definition of what each script does?
I just looked at the script and there is no way I'm going to be able to figure out how to only output certain tag frames. Where are all the "app" functions defined?
I tried running QML Console and got subject error message. What needs to be done to resolve this issue?
Ya, I know a litle about JavaScript and have the 3rd Edition JavaScript Reference Manual. That takes care of part of my question. It is beginning to sound like the GUI can't parse all of the files if they are selected using the File->Export... action. Only files that are in the top level directory will get acted upon when File->Export... is selected. I used the context menu to expand everything. Then I did a Select All. Once that was done, I tried doing File->Export... and the only files selected...
Sorry. I misunderstood. The "file list context menu" is not the main File menu pulldown, but a right-click inside the file list. I discovered that while re-reading the handbook. There are a few more commands in that context menu than what is listed in the handbook. It seems that doing the "Export CSV" command also does file expansion. How do I get that export command to export in the format I want? I went and did an Edit->Select-All and then tried File->Export, but it only showed the files in the...
Sorry. I misunderstood. The "file list context menu" is not the main File menu pulldown, but a right-click inside the file list. I discovered that while re-reading the handbook. There are a few more commands in that context menu than what is listed in the handbook. It seems that doing the "Export CSV" command also does file expansion. How do I get that export command to export in the format I want?
The post wasn't lost. I rewrote it to something else, as there is no delete post function. I found out that %{billboard} works great for the export. I've since opened a new thread reguarding recursively getting export csv to work. Whatever directory I am sitting in, doing a export csv shows nothing from any sub-directories. Response to this post can be in the new thread. The purpose of this thread has been solved.
There is no "expand all folders" in the File pulldown menu.
I suspect that most users have their music spread out into sub directories. For example, I have: top_level/artist/artist - title.ext top_level/CD[123]/artist/srtist - title.ext I would like kid3 to be able to parse through all of the sub-directories to find audio files and use them when doing a csv export. In the first example, there are 1277 artists and 4031 song files. Trying to deal with that manually would be virtually impossible. The handbook for the CLI commands has the following text: If one...
Sorry to open this 6 month old posting, but I an curious as to why the import csv file must have a track number. Can't you create your own format via the GUI and set it as the default? I understand the OP couldn't do that because he couldn't run the GUI version.
I'm trying to export a CSV unquoted text file, but I running into an issue. The dialog box only showed a song that I selected. If I unselect everything, the dialog box is empty. This articular directory has three CDs, so I selected the 3 CDs. Nothing. I even tried expanding everything and still nothing. How do I select the data for inclusion in the exported CSV file? The handbook says this: The data will be generated from the tags in the current directory according to the configured format. So, I...
I'm trying to export a CSV unquoted text file, but I running into an issue. The dialog box only showed a song that I selected. If I unselect everything, the dialog box is empty. This articular directory has three CDs, so I selected the 3 CDs. Nothing. I even tried expanding everything and still nothing. How do I select the data for inclusion in the exported CSV file?
When I export a CSV list, will the new "Billboard" tag be accessed by using %{billboard}?
Thanks. That did the trick.
D'Oh! I thought I had to use what was in the pulldown list. Silly me.
FEATURE ENHANCEMENT REQUEST Tools->RenameDirectory->CreateDirectory Add: Checkbox option: "Also Rename File(s)' For the Format filed, tie it to the Format:(up) field. A change in one dialog box shows up on the other. See example for layout: http://vidiot.com/images/kid3-CreateDirectory-example.jpg Thanks
OK, how do I create a new frame with a unified name of "Billboard" with a field name of "TXXX:Billboard" for ID3 tags and a name of "Billboard" for Vorbis (flac files) tags? I don't see a place in which to do that in the Tags setting area. Frankly I do not care if other software sees it. It is for internal use. The idea is to export a CSV file and import that into a spreadsheet program and sort on the field. That said, in theory, should programs like guayadeque allow me to display that new tag? Thanks...
Things are not looking up for using the ID3v2.3.0 DATE frame. Having kid3 mangle the value for 2.3.0 usage doesn't help. How does one set up kid3 to use 2.4.0 with its own Tag work area, like Tag 1 & 2? Is there a way to make Tag 3: ID3v2.4.0?
The format I will be using is as shown in the above posting. As an example: 2000/01/01-001. Which means the song reached the #1 Billboard Hot 100 position on Jan 1, 2000.
Unfortunately, Original Date cannot be used, as it will not accept: YYYY/MM/DD-POS
Thanks for the info. It will help me figure out what I want to end up doing. How popular is ID3v2.4.0 with various apps, specifivally those used on android phones. I use RocketPlayer on my android. I also have VLC, which I mainly use for videos. I suppose I could just put a MP3 file with an ID3v2.4.0 tag and see if RocketPlayer sees it.
Thanks for the info. It will help me figure out what I want to end up doing.
I've discovered something while playing around. Don't create the directories before renaming the files. The problem is that you can't just select the new directory names and select the format(up) tag2 button. None of the files will get renamed. The file needs to be visible. So, the user would have to select each directory and show the contents before selecting what is wanted to be renamed. Rename the files first and then create the directories,
Ouch! That is convoluted. By this I mean that it reads like there is no way to create the artist directory AND rename the file to whatever I want at the same time and place the renamed file into that directory. You'd thinkthat doing both at the same time would make common sense. There was an old M$ music database program (which has been discontinued) that allowed the user to rename the files in the database to a format based upon the tags. It was mostly used to rename/move newly added files. In my...
Maybe I totally have misunderstood that users can add their own tags to id3v2.3.0. That said, what I wanted to do was add a "Release Date" tag to MP3 files. Yes, it is a tag that is used in FLAC files. I want to use it for adding Billboard Top/Hot 100 peak chart dates/position to the audio file. I tried adding such a field, which seemed to be there for editing. But, when I add a date and do a save, the field data is removed. Yet the tag remains. Am I doing something wrong, or is adding user defined...
Looking at the Files tab of config, I see that there is nowhere to enter any way to change the file name. The Help for the settings has: Filename Format contains options for the format of the filenames. The same options as in Tag Format are available. There are zero options to be had. Clicking on Filename Format does nothing.
I wish that the help that comes with this program had examples. The help for "Tools/Apply Filename Format" is no help at all. This basically would not be an issue for directories containing songs of a single artist. But, in the case of various artists collections, I want to create, within the directory, a directory named for the artist and the particular title's file moved into that difrectory and renamed to only the title. In the From(up) field I entered: %{artist}/%{title} and clicked on the Tag2...
I want to take whatever the current filename of a song is to: artist/title.[ext] I do not understand the usage of the format (up) and the format (down) fields. Whatever I put in them is ignored when I do the Tools->Apply Filename Format on the selected file(s). The auto filename update in config is unchecked.
Thanks for the update. As mentioned, I had already downloaded the latest version (as old as it is :-). Since RFScan is also flaky, I'll just wait for the TBS card to arrive. I've been without CrazyScan for years, so I can survive another 1-2 weeks. It will be replacing the TT, not addig to the devices.
Looks like I never installed the BDA software. The old version zip file is still zipped. I've downloaded the latest version that is on the TT site. I do not know if installing the BDA software will affect how TSReader accesses the card. As for blindscan, I understand that was not supported. I was mainly looking to use RFScan.
XP-86 TT S2-3200 PCI TeVii DVB-S/S2 USB CrazyScan w/ StreamReader-Ex-BDA When I start CrazyScan, under devices, only the TeVii shows up, but its features are very limited, compared to the TT card I have installed. Any idea on how to get CrazyScan to see the card? In about a week, or two, I will be replacing the card with a TBS 8922 PCI card. In the meantime I want to lay with the features of the program.