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  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Meteorologist

    Is it just me or has some of us on this list forgotten that this app is a labor of love……? The tone of some of the entries seems to be a little more harsh than they should be. I absolutely KNOW that the authors, especially Ed, do not need protection. I also know that this app is absolutely a labor of love. So, remember that please, in case you have forgotten. And if you have not, then disregard this entry as it is not meant for you. I am not looking for any flames. I am not looking for any replies....

  • Posted a comment on discussion Future Features and Versions on Meteorologist

    I knew that DS was going away, and it is on 31 Mar 2023. What I do not know if there is a way to get an API like key from them via the developer tools app, plug that into Meteo, and contininue to enjoy.? If that is not a nviable path (and Edward, I am NOT looking to give you any extra work!!! OK??) than what weather source should I transfer too . Please note that I am currently located well East of Vienna Austria so NOAA and other US gov't based weather sources are usually quite terrible for forecasting...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Meteorologist

    Ed, not a problem. I use CCC to backup to one of three backup hards drives which are then disconnected. Never got use to Time Machine'philosophy "always a connected backup." OK, ablout apple-tab and dock residence, please forgetabout it. Not interested in adding to your workload for a feature that no one is clammering for. I used the Killall termnal command and then dragged the application's icon from the application folder to the terminal window. I did try the kill the prefs' loading but that lead...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Meteorologist

    Ed, thanks. I had "icons" suppressed so to me it was an invisible empty line. Reactivated icons and now can see it. But still like you said: strange. BTW, is there an option to have Meteo show up in the list of running apps when one "Command -Tab" and / or in the dock?

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Meteorologist

    Ed, I do a backup, every night, like religion. BUT the plist that works a few days ago does NOT work with your the update I had just loaded. I tried. I did have a Textedit verion of the data that goes into the Locations Panel and used that to restore. I was just whining…… Pls forgive.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Meteorologist

    OK, when I start up a virgin METEO, the menu applet appears and then disappears. Have to use "killall" terminal command to get it to quit. Why? Does not show up in the dock, the application switcher bar (Apple-Tab) NOR in Actinity Monitor!! Ed, why does it not show up in Activity Monitor? Or maybe I am just OTL?

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Meteorologist

    Just frigging great! I got rid of the pref file and all along, it was not the problem……… But the new version ( loads fine at least in original form.. Huff huff huff. ! :-)

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Meteorologist

    Ed, I am seeing the same behavior. I tried to load 3.5.0 and it would not load. Went back to 3.5.1 and now it loads a little, then quits unexpectantly. Deleted the program's pref's file and no change. Currently not running either version. Ran 3.5.0 for a long time before upgrading to 3.5.1. Late 2011 MBP, 10.13..6 , waiting on a new M1 MBP (but not holding my breath).

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2009-08-07 09:45:58


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