I followed the instructions on https://doc.primekey.com/signserver520/signserver-installation running bit/ant deploy finishes successfully, but after that accessing http://signserver-ip:8080/signserver/ yields 404 - Not Found For some reason I also cannot access the wildfly management console that should be on http://signserver-ip:9990 as I'm getting a ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED this is the log output: 2021-01-18 11:21:39,741 INFO [org.jboss.as.server] (Thread-2) WFLYSRV0236: Suspending server with no...
Answering my own question in case someone else has the same issue: this seems to be a problem with ClearLinux and I found the solution via this link "https://github.com/quarkusio/quarkus/issues/10797" the solution was to replace libz.so.1 I downloaded https://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/amd64/zlib1g/download and extracted libz.so.1.2.8 then copied the file into both /usr/lib64 as well as /usr/lib64/haswell make sure it has execute permission then updated the symlinks of the two libz.so.1 files in...
I followed all the installation instructions in https://doc.primekey.com/signserver520/signserver-installation/install-signserver but on the final step, when executing bin/ant deploy I get the following output: root@SignServer/home/signserver/signserver-ce-5.0.0.Final # bin/ant deploy [echo] Edition: CE [echo] Copying distribution to /home/signserver/signserver-ce-5.0.0.Final/tmp/dist [echo] Wrote /home/signserver/signserver-ce-5.0.0.Final/lib/SignServer-SampleConfigs.jar [echo] [echo] -------------...