User Activity

  • Posted a comment on ticket #9 on Clock Alert

    Hi, Thanks for the information 👍🏽. I'll look into the issue. As for the work around, run the app on administrator mode or downgrade to the previous version if you'd prefer that.

  • Modified ticket #9 on Clock Alert

    Program crashes when trying to tell the time

  • Posted a comment on ticket #9 on Clock Alert

    Hi mpam, Thanks for raising the issue 👍🏽. I'm afraid I'm unable to reproduce the issue on my Windows 10 x64 machine 😕. Can you specify the following details 📋 Which system language are you using? Which is your default voice for speech on the windows settings? and Can you Check if the issue persists when running the app with administrator previlage? And Can you post the log file? It's usually in C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Moon01Man\Clock Alert with the file name of the format ClockALert Log ...

  • Modified a wiki page on Clock Alert

    Release Check List

  • Modified a wiki page on Clock Alert

    Release Check List

  • Modified a wiki page on Clock Alert

    Release Check List

  • Modified a wiki page on Clock Alert

    Release Check List

  • Modified a wiki page on Clock Alert

    Release Check List

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Personal Data

2013-11-25 12:12:30
Madurai / India / IST
Web Site:
Availability (UTC):
  1. Sunday: 15:30 to 16:30


This is a list of open source software projects that Vijay Koushik S is associated with:

  • Project Logo Clock Alert A Clock that rings every hour Last Updated:
  • Project Logo The F.L.A.M.E.S Game Find your relationship with your dream partner. Last Updated:
  • Project Logo Turn off display The quick way to turn off your display Last Updated:


This is a list of skills that Vijay Koushik S possesses:

  • C#
  • C
  • User Interface
  • Programming Language

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