User Activity

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on AVR Plugin for Eclipse

    We used it in an educational environment. As ARM based designs have become more and more popular in the industry, the teacher team decided to switch to using an ARM processor in our courses as well. (We use STMCubeIDE now. Still Eclipse based, but we no longer have to keep it working ourselves.)

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on AVR Plugin for Eclipse

    You might want to use as a starting point. I don't use the plugin any more since 2019, but as far as I remember, I initially forked the SF version, made some improvements, and (from the comments) kept it in sync with the SF version up to 2.4.2 (latest version on SF)

  • Posted a comment on ticket #132 on duply (simple duplicity)

    Am 31.03.22 um 17:26 schrieb ede: hi Michael, can you please test if this v2.4dev snapshot works for you? Works for Fedora 35 / duplicity-0.8.22 Regards, Michael thanks.. ede [bugs:#132] duplicity_python_binary_parse not working with duplicity-0.8.22 Status: pending Group: duply Created: Thu Mar 31, 2022 11:10 AM UTC by Michael Lipp Last Updated: Thu Mar 31, 2022 11:46 AM UTC Owner: nobody In function duplicity_python_binary_parse, duply attempts to determine the python...

  • Created ticket #132 on duply (simple duplicity)

    duplicity_python_binary_parse not working with duplicity-0.8.22

  • Committed [3f3b76]


  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on CoCyEnigma2

    The project has moved to Please file any topics as issues there.

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on CoCyEnigma2

    Sorry for not answering earlier. I have only now upgraded to OpenPLI 6.2 and encountered (almost) the same issue. The cause is a dependency that can no longer be resolved in OpenPLI 6.2. An updated version is available at

  • Created ticket #62 on Logwatch

    mdadm script problem

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Personal Data

2000-09-15 11:45:34


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